Спектакль на английском языке "Золушка"
материал по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
( Звучит музыка из мультфильма “Cinderella”.Золушка, напевая песенку,
прибирает комнату. Входит её отец.)
Scene I
C: Good morning, Daddy, dear!
F: Good morning, my little daughter. How are you?
C: Fine, Daddy. I have already been in the garden and picked some flowers.
Look! They are wonderful!
F: Oh, my child, you are so nice and kind…
C: Thank you, Daddy.
( Входит мачеха. Она уже с утра сердита и ищет повод сорвать своё зло на Золушке.)
S: Cinderella! What are you doing? Why are you not working?! You are
speaking and laughing! The house is dirty. There is a lot of spider’s
web and dust everywhere!
Have you made the breakfast? I’m hungry. Get a move on!
C: Yes, Stepmother.
S: Basil, what did you speak about? Did your crazy daughter complain of
her life?
F: Oh, no ….
S: Keep silent! My poor daughters and I work day and night but she doesn’t
stir a finger!
(Входит Анна. Она держит голову руками и стонет.)
C: Good morning, sister.
A: Good morning, Mummy dear.
S: How are you today, my child?
A: Oh, I could not get to sleep all night. It was terrible. This girl began to sing
her song and I woke up.
S: Oh, dear.
( Входит Шарлота ленивой походкой подходит к матери)
C: Good morning, sister.
S: Oh, good morning, my dear. What’s the matter? What happened?
Ch: I could not get to sleep.
S: Oh, dear, you too?
A: Oh, my poor head … oooh…
Ch: I’m hungry and thirsty! Cinderella! Bring my breakfast! Be quick!
A: And me too!
C: Would you like tea or coffee?
Ch: I’d like juice.
A: And me too!
C: These sandwiches are so tasty.
Ch: We don’t like sandwiches.
A: We’ d like sweets and chocolates.
( Мачеха и её дочери усаживаются поудобнее за стол. Золушка подаёт им
Завтрак. Все едят с аппетитом. Раздаётся стук в дверь, входит глашатай)
Herald: The King of our Kingdom invite all young girls and their parents
to the ball. Our young prince wants to choose his bride. We are
waiting for you in our palace.
S: (Хватает послание и перечитывает.)
We have to wear our best clothers!
( Звучит музыка. Мачеха и её дочери хватают с вешалок платья.
Вырывают то одно, то другое платье. Им всё не нравится. Они бросают
всё на пол.)
S,Ch,A : Cinderella!
C: Yes, I’m here.
S: We are going to the ball. But we have not party dresses. We need
beautiful hats, bands and ribbons, gloves and shoes.
C: You have a lot of different beautiful dresses in the trunk.
Let’s look and choose something.
S: A stupid girl! I have told you we want new dresses, new hats,
new shoes.
A, Ch: And me too!
S: Go and sew! You must do it today!
C: Yes, Mummy. And then I’d like to go to the ball, too/
A, Ch: You?
S: Hush! Of course, my dear, you can go to the ball. But you must
do some work: clean the house, wash the clothes, water the roses,
feed domestic birds and animals, go to the market and buy food,
cook dinner and sort lentil and peas.
C: I cannot do it all.
S: Hurry up, girl! Maybe you’ll finish the work and go to the ball.
Daughters come with me!
Scene II
( Звучит музыка. Золушка перебирает горох и чечевицу. Гаснет свет
и появляется фея.)
Fairy: Good evening, my dear girl!
C; Oh, dear Godmother! Good evening!
I’m glad to see you. How are you?
F: I’m OK. I see, you work hard today. I’d like to help you.
I can fulfill your wishes. Cinderella, would you like to go to the
C: Oh, yes.
F: So, bring me the largest yellow pumpkin, the mouse-trap with
six mice and call your old faithful dog.
( Золушка приносит на сцену тыкву и мышеловку с мышами)
C: Here it is.
F: Put them over there.
(Золушка уносит всё за занавес)
F: Now I’ll work wonders: one, two, three. ( Взмахивает палочкой)
(Из-за занавеса раздаётся топот копыт и лошадиное ржание. Звучат трубы)
C: Oh, there is my gold carriage with six horses and the brave
coachman. Thank you, dear godmother. I’ll go to the ball.
F: Stop! Stop! Look at your dress and shoes. You can’t go to the ball
without new clothes. Stand there. One, two, three.
C: Thank you, dear Godmother! These clothes are beautiful.
F; And so are you, Cinderella. Now you can go to the ball and have
a good time.
C: Oh, thank you, thank you, Godmother.
F: But, Cinderella, there is just one thing.
C: Yes?
F: You can have these things only until 12 o’clock. Come home
before that time. Do you understand?
C: Oh, yes, yes. Thank you.
F: Bye, Cinderella. Have a good time. And remember: you must
be back home before 12 o’clock.
Scene III
( Королевский бал. Принц сидит на троне и наблюдает за гостями.)
King: My son, why don’t you dance? This all is organized for you
and young people.
Prince: Look around, Father. There is nobody to dance with. I don’t
like the girls here. Look how ugly they are.
K: Let’s organize a competition.
P: As you like.
K: Ladies and gentlemen. We decided to organize a competition.
I and my son will choose prince’s bride. Now let’s begin.
( Выступление участниц)
- Lady Cibil and her daughters.
- Girls from the group “New York”
- Our neighbour princess Dolly.
- A beautiful stranger.
P: Oh, no, they are too primitive.
They are too noisy.
Oh, I don’t like music.
K: And who is that young girl. Doesn’t she look nice? Isn’t she
P: Yes. ( coming to Cinderella).May I dance with you, young lady?
C: With great pleasure. I like dancing.
P: Dear girl, how lovely you are! Who are you? Where do you live?
C: It doesn’t matter much, dear prince. Let’s dance and have fun.
The music is so lovely.
(Вдруг часы пробили 12.00)
C: Oh, it’s 12 o’clock. I’m sorry, but I must go now.Good-bye.
Scene IV
( В доме. Сёстры и мачеха разговаривают.)
A: You know, Cinderella, there was a beautiful princess, who drove
in a beautiful coach with six white horses.
Ch: She had a beautiful dress and glass slippers on.
A: The Prince danced with her all evening.
Ch: But when the clock struck twelve she ran away.
A: She was in a hurry and she lost her glass slipper.
S: The Prince wants to marry her. He is looking for her everywhere.
( Пришли Глашатаи)
H1: The Prince is looking for a young lady. He wants to marry.
H2: But he doesn’t know her name.
H1: She lost her slipper at the ball.
H2: Every girl must try this slipper on.
A: It’s too small for me. Do you have a bigger size?
Ch: Let me try this slipper on. Oh, it’s small and tight.
C: Let me do it.
A,Ch: Oh, Cinderella! It was you at the ball.
H1,2: Now young lady, let’s go to the palace. The Prince is waiting
for you.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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