Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему: Сценарий школьного спектакля на английском языке «Happy Prince».
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8 класс) на тему
Данная творческая работа может быть использована как сценарий заключительного мероприятия недели английского языка в средней школе или как сценарий видеофильма. При составлении сценария использован рассказ Оскара Уайльда «Счастливый принц». Количество действующих лиц и объём их реплик зависят от количества и уровня подготовки участников спектакля.
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Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему:
Сценарий школьного спектакля на английском языке «Happy Prince».
Данная творческая работа может быть использована как сценарий заключительного мероприятия недели английского языка в средней школе или как сценарий видеофильма. При составлении сценария использован рассказ Оскара Уайльда «Счастливый принц». Количество действующих лиц и объём их реплик зависят от количества и уровня подготовки участников спектакля.
Автор: учитель английского языка
ГБОУ «Школа №2073» г. Москвы
Солдаткина Н. Н.
«Happy Prince»
Действующие лица:
Happy Prince
Her child
People of the city
Сцена 1. Фея.
(На городской площади под музыку появляется фея.)
Fairy: Only love is spoken here
Only hope and joy and cheer,
There’s no doubt, nor hate nor fear
Only love is spoken, love is spoken here
Treating others as if they are your brothers
Is the only way to live.
Always caring and always sharing,
The secret is to give.
Love – L –O _V –E – only four letters, but it’s a big word.
A lot of people have their own idea about what it means.
Love is not getting, but giving –
It’s goodness, honor and peace.
That is what our story is all about.
Сцена 2. Мэр и сопровождающие лица.
(На площадь к статуе Счастливого Принца выходит мэр города. К нему подходят горожане.)
People: Oh! Major! We are so glad to see you! We were waiting only for you.
We can’t start the concert without you.
He is so wise, so beautiful, so happy!
Major: Nice, very nice! What a beautiful statue this Happy Prince is! As a major,
I must say, that it’s a masterpiece of art and of our town, of course.
Sapphires, gold… It gladdens our eyes and makes people happy.
People: Yes, yes we are happy! We are happy to see you, to here you,
to be with you!
Major: It’s so beautiful! Pity, he’s not useful!
People: It’s a pity! Pity! Not useful!
(Мэр и жители города уходят. Под музыку появляется фея.)
Сцена 3. Принц, фея и ласточка.
Happy Prince: Why should I stay here? Why should I stay here above the people
and see their sufferings and sorrows?
Fairy: Happy Prince! When you were alive and have a human heart, you didn’t
know the tears and sufferings of people of your town. Now, it’s time
to know the other side of our life!
(Фея уходит. К статуе подлетает ласточка.)
Swallow: I’m so tired. I need some rest. Oh! What a beautiful statue!
I have a golden room. What’s this? It’s you! Why are you crying?
Happy Prince: I am crying, because I watch people’s life with its troubles,
sufferings and sorrows. Look! Far away, there is a house of a poor
woman. Take my ruby and give it to the woman.
(Ласточка берёт рубин и улетает.)
Сцена4. Швея с ребёнком.
(В глубине сцены открывается занавеска. За ней бедная комната. За столом сидит женщина с шитьём, рядом с ней, положив голову на стол,сидит её сын.)
Mother: What should I do? What should I do? My child is ill, he’s got a fever.
I have to make a dress for a court lady. A little money. But I can’t, I can’t!
My hands are all pricked by the needle. I am so exhausted!
Child: Mummy, mummy! I want oranges, oranges!
Mother: I am a bad mother! I have no money to buy oranges for my child.
Go to sleep, my baby.
(Мать и сын засыпают. Появляется ласточка. Положив на стол рубин,
ласточка улетает. Женщина просыпается и замечает рубин.)
Mother: Thank God! Thank God!
(Занавеска закрывает комнату.)
Сцена 5. Поэтесса.
(На площади ласточка подлетает к статуе.)
Swallow: Good buy, Happy Prince. It’s winter, I must go to Egypt.
Happy Prince: Swallow, little swallow! Won’t you stay with me for some time longer
and be my messenger. Look, there’s a talented but poor poetess.
Take my pearls and give it to her.
(Открывается занавес в глубине сцены. В комнате за столом сидит поэтесса.)
Poetess: Oh! What should I do? I won’t finish my poem by tomorrow and
won’t get any money. It’s too cold to write any more.
Hunger makes me faint. Why everything must depend on money?
(Подходит к окну.) Twilight…
It is the hour when from the boughs
The nightingale’s high note is heard;
It is the hour when lovers’ vows
Seem sweet in every whispered word;
And gentle winds and waters near,
Make music to the lovely ear.
Each flower the dews have lightly wet,
And in the sky the stars are met,
And on the wave is deeper blue,
And on the leaf a browner hue,
And in the heaven that clear obscure,
So softly dark, and darkly pure,
Which follows the decline of day,
As twilight melts beneath the moon away.
May be I am a bad poet. (Замечает жемчужины на подоконнике.)
I am beginning to be appreciated. This is from some great admire.
(Занавеска закрывается.)
Сцена 6 .Девочка.
Swallow: Happy Prince! I must leave you, but I never forget you.
Happy Prince: Swallow, little swallow! Won’t you stay with me for some time longer
and be my messenger. Look, there’s a poor girl standing there.
Take my diamond and give it to her.
(Выходит девочка. Поёт песенку.)
Girl: Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
He followed, her to school one day;
That was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.
It’s St. Valentine’s Day. I wish I gave a beautiful present to my mummy,
but I have no money. (Ласточка роняет брилиант рядом с девочкой.)
Oh! A piece of glass! I’ll give it as a present to my mum!
Сцена 7. Влюблённый юноша.
Swallow: Happy Prince! I am cold, hungry and thirsty. It’s time to fly away.
Happy Prince: Swallow, little swallow! Please, stay with me for some time longer
and be my messenger. Look, there’s a poor boy standing there.
Take my gold and give it to him.
(На сцену выходят две девушки и поют песню.)
Girls: My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me…
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me
Boy: Will you dance with me?
Girls: No! No!
Boy: What’s this? (Замечает золото под ногами)
What good luck! Now, I’m sure, she will dance with me!
0, my luve is like a red, red rose,
that's newly sprung in June.
0, my love is like a melodie,
that's sweetly play'd in tune.
As fair thou art, my bonnie lass,
so deep in luve am I,
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
till a' the seas gang dry.
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
and the rocks melt wi' the sun!
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
while the sands of life shall run.
And fare the weel, my only luve!
And fare the well awhile!
And I will come again, my love.
Tho it were ten thousand mile!
Сцена 8. Смерть ласточки.
Swallow: Happy Prince! I love you! I will never leave you!
Happy Prince: Swallow, little swallow! You have flown over my town.
What have you seen there?
Swallow: I’ve seen the rich making marry in their beautiful houses.
A lot of poor people pray to survive and earn their living.
Happy Prince: Swallow, little swallow! I’m all covered with fine gold.
Take it and give it to the poor.
(Ласточка берёт золото , разносит бедным и возвращается к принцу.)
Happy Prince: I’m glad that you are going to Egypt at last Little Swallow.
Swallow: It’s not to Egypt that I’m going. I’m going to the house of death.
(Ласточка умирает у ног принца.)
Сцена 9. Мэр и сопровождающие лица.
People: How do you like the concert and the girls?
Major: Not bad, not bad… Dear me! Is this the statue of Happy Prince? He is not
golden any more!
People: He’s like a beggar. So ugly! He is not beautiful!
Major: Oh! What’s this? Dead bird? Take it away.
(Все уходят. Появляется фея.)
Fairy: Dear Prince! Little Swallow! People don’t know what Love is. I’ll take you to the
Sky. Far in my garden, you’ll be happy. You really deserve your happiness!
(Фея уводит ласточку и принца.)
Сцена 10. Фея.
Fairy: Robert Frost said “Earth is a right place for love”.
And I say- Go out and love and have a good day!
Have a good day, make it worthwhile!
Go out and sing, go out and love,
Go out and do all you should,
Go out and do something good!
Have a good day!
Go out and live, go out and love, go out and give!
And when you do that,
You can say
You’ve had a fine, you’ve had a great,
You’ve had a good day!
And one more thing. When you are feeling pessimistic, angry or bitter, say to yourself
“Only love is spoken here!”
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