План-конспект урока английского языка по теме «The USA: Political Outlook» («Политическое устройство США») в 6 классе.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Жесткова Марина Владимировна

Урок составлен на лексико-грамматической базе УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой "Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углубленным изучением англ.яз. 6 класс".


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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект открытого урока по теме «The USA: Political Outlook» («Политическое устройство США»)

в 7 «Б» классе  23 января 2015 г.

учителя английского языка Жестковой Марины Владимировны

Учебник: Афанасьева О.В. VI класс. Учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. с прил. на электрон. носителе. В 2 ч. Ч.2/ О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. – М.: Просвещение, 2013. -176 с.

Тема урока: « The USA: Political Outlook »

Класс: 7

Продолжительность: 40 минут

Тип урока: урок закрепления активной лексики по теме «Политическое  устройство США» (комбинированный)

Цели урока: 

учебные: первичное закрепление активной лексики по теме, тренировка грамматического материала (особенности перевода прямой речи в косвенную) и тренировка его в речи;

воспитательная: привить уважение к обычаям других народов;

развивающая: развить внимание и память;

общеобразовательная: ознакомление учащихся с государственным устройством и общественно-политической жизнью США.

Оснащение урока:

  • школьная доска,
  • видеопроектор,
  • электронные презентации,
  • раздаточный материал (индивидуальные карточки)

Языковой и речевой материал:

  • Активные ЛЕ – стр. 86-87 учебника
  • Лексические упражнения – стр. 88 учебника
  • Грамматические упражнения – стр. 85 учебника

Ход урока

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

Время (в мин.)

1. Организаци-онный момент.


а) приветствие

Учитель приветствует учеников (беседа в режиме T-Cl.):

- Good afternoon!

- I’m glad to see you! Take your seats

-How are you today? How are you, Dima?

 - How do you like the weather today?  What is it like today? What’s the temperature?

- Have you heard the forecast for tomorrow?  What will the weather be on Saturday?

Ученики отвечают на поставленные вопросы:

- Good afternoon, teacher!

- We are glad to see you, too!

- I’m fine, thank you.

-It’s rather cold/frosty/ sunny/foggy/windy.

- They forecast frosty weather for tomorrow. It will be 15 degrees below zero.

б) Сообщение целей урока.

Let’s remember what we did at the lesson yesterday.

- What topic did we start?

-What did we study?

Our today’s lesson will be dedicated to these words. Let’s train them.

- The political system of the USA.

-The new words.

2.  Фонетичес-кая зарядка

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the words that we studied yesterday. Please, find and read:

-only nouns,

-only verbs,

-the words with the sound [v],

- the words with the sound [dʒ],

-the words with a long sound.

Ученики находят в списке нужные слова и читают вслух:

-a bill, a trunk, a representative, a support, a term, an amendment, a decision, a court, a judge, a citizen, a religion, a vice president, slavery;

-to represent, to support, to obey, to declare, to vote, to judge, to guarantee;

- a representative, to vote a vice president, slavery;

- a judge, a religion;

- the Constitution, a court,

a support, a term, to guarantee.


3. Работа с активной лексикой.

Now I’ve got some pictures for you. Bit I want you not just to watch and enjoy them but also answer my questions. You may use the words on the blackboard if you need (Следующие номера соответствуют номерам слайдов презентации):

  1. -What are these?

-What kind of a trunk can you see in the first/the second picture?

  1. -What’s this?

-What kind of a bill is it?

-Can you name any other kinds of bills?

  1. -What’s this?

-What is the Press?

-Do you prefer reading newspapers or magazines?

  1. -Who are these men? What’s their occupation?

-What does the first/the second judge do? Where does he work?

  1. -Where are all these people?

-Is there a judge in it?

  1. -What are all these people doing?

-How are they voting?

-Are they voting at the election?

-How do people vote at the election?

  1.  -What is this?

-What is the Constitution?

  1. Who are they?

Thank you for the work. It’s well done. You are so smart today!

Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя:

  1. -These are trunks.

-It’s the trunk of a tree/an elephant’s trunk.

  1. -It’s a bill.

-It’s a restaurant bill.

-There are electricity bills, hotel bills, etc.

  1. -It’s the Press.

- It’s newspapers and magazines.

-I prefer reading magazines.

  1. -They are judges.

-He judges cases in the court./He judges football matches, he’s a sport judge.

  1. -They are in the court.

-Yes, there is.

  1. -They are voting.

-They are voting by raising their hands.

-No, they are not.

-At the election people write on a piece of paper.

  1. -It’s the Constitution.

-The Constitution is the highest law in the country.

  1. They are military forces/armed forces.


4. Проверка домашнего задания.

1) Now let’s check the exercise with these words that you did at home. Open your books at page and find ex. 11.

What was the task?

Dasha, read what you have.

2) Now I’m ready to listen to your fluent reading of ex. 9 and 10.

3) While we’ll be doing it Ilya and Ulyana will be working with individual cards. The task is given there, if you have any questions about the task, ask me. Then I’ll listen to you.

(См. Приложение 1, работа в режиме T-P1, P2,...):

1)ученик представляет выполненное домашнее упражнение;

2) ученики выполняют беглое чтение подготовленного упражнения;

3) проверка индивидуальных заданий.


5. Отработка грамматического явления.

I’ve got one more picture to show you.

-There are 5 statements here. Who do they belong to?

-Look at them again. How do we call such statements? What kind of facts are they?

-Please, convert John’s sayings into the indirect speech.

-The statements belong to John.

-They are facts, denoting general truth.

Ученик переводит предложения в косвенную речь.


6. Объяснение домашнего задания.

At home you will also work with the indirect speech. Open your books at page and find ex. 8. Find the sentences with general truth and circle their number.

What are they?

Write down your home task for tomorrow: Ex.9, 10, p.86-87 –learn.

                  Ex. 8, p.85 –write.

They are №1,2,4,5,6,8,9.


7.Заключитель-ный этап

We have worked hard today. Thank you greatly. Your marks for today:…

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Good-bye, teacher.


План-конспект открытого урока составила:

учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №120          

Жесткова М.В.

Приложение 1

Card 1

Fill in the gaps with the following words, one word is odd:

 vote, bill, judge, support, amendment, citizen.

  1. Have you paid the …?
  2. He often acts as a … at our school sports competitions.
  3. Have you heard about the new… to the Constitution?
  4. When you come to live to a foreign country, it is not easy to become a …
  5. I’ll … for John Hopkins at the election. He is the best, I think.

Card 2

Fill in the gaps with the following words, one word is odd:

 representative, vote, obey, bill, support, trunks,.

  1. Persons under 18 can’t … for the President.
  2. The forest looked not attractive: no leaves, only the grey … of the trees.
  3. They need one … from each team to discuss the rules of the game.
  4. Children should… their parents.
  5. I’m having difficult times, I need your help and …

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Active Vocabulary Unit 17

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Religion is believing in God or gods. The Senate is one of the houses in the US Congress. Changes in the Constitution are called amendments. Germany didn’t declare war on Russia in 1941. Is the Constitution the main law of the country? John

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