Reported Speech Test
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Опубликовано 03.09.2016 - 19:22 - Дорощенко Светлана Геннадьевна
Предварительный просмотр:
Reported Statements
I variant
- He said: “I have just received a letter from my uncle”.
- “I am going to the theatre tonight,” he said to me.
- Mike said: “I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning.”
- He said to her: “I will do it today if I have time.”
- I said to them: “I can give you my uncle’s address.”
- Oleg said: “My room is on the second floor.”
- He said: “I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg.”
- Marsha said: “I saw them at my parents’ house last year.”
- “I don’t go to this shop very often,” she said.
- He said: “I haven’t seen my cousin today.”
11. Tom said: “I have already had breakfast, so I am not hungry.”
12.The rich man said to the jungle: “This man’s horse has killed my horse.”
Reported questions
I variant
- He said to her: “Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?”
- Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?”
- Fred said to Nick: “Have you packed your suitcase?”
- I said to Kate: “Did anybody meet you at the railway station?”
- Jane said to his sister: “Will Nick call for you on the way to school?”
- I said to the man: “Are you living in a hotel?”
- Adam said to me: “How long are you going to stay there?”
- Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?”
- I said to her: “Can you give me their address?”
- He said to me: “Do you often go to see your friends?”
- “Do you like my pies, Ann?” asked her grandmother.
- “Will you play the piano today, Helen?” asked her aunt.
Reported Statements
II variant
- “This man spoke to me on the road,” said the woman.
- “I can’t explain this rule to you,” said my classmate to me.
- The teacher said to the class: “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.”
- The woman said to her son: “I am glad I am here.”
- Mike said: “We have bought these books today.”
- She said to me: “Now I can read your translation.”
- Our teacher said: “Thackeray’s novels are very interesting.”
- She said: “You will read this book in the 9th form.”
- Nellie said: “I read “Jane Eyre” last year.
- “My friend lives in Moscow,” said Alec.
- “You have not done your work well,” said the teacher to me.
- The poor man said to the rich man: “My horse is wild. It can kill your horse.”
Reported questions
II variant
- John said to Becky: “What kind of book has your friend brought you?”
- She said to Boris: “When will you be back home?”
- Nick said to his friend: “Will you stay at the “Hilton?”
- She said to me: “Did you send them a telegram yesterday?”
- Mary said to Peter: “Have you shown your photo to Dick?”
- She asked me: “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?’
- I asked my uncle: “Can you help me with my new laptop?”
- They said to him: “What time does the train start?”
- Kate said: “Mike, do you like my new dress?”
- The doctor asked Nick: “Do you wash your hands and face every morning?’
- Grandfather said to Mary: “What mark did you get at school?”
- My sister said to me: “Will you take me to the theatre with you tomorrow?”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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