Reported Speech
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Turn into reported speech.
- Mum said: “I’m angry with you”
Mum said that she …………….. angry with me.
- Geoffrey said: “I’m cooking lunch today”
Geoffrey said that he …………… lunch.
- Their father said:” I can speak three languages”
Their father said that he ………… speak three languages.
- Paul said:” I have been on holidays”
Paul said that he ……….. on holidays.
- John said:” I love this town”
John said that he …………. This town.
- He said:”I always get up early”
He said that he always …….. early.
- Peter said:” My sister went to Italy”
Peter said that his sister ……….. to Italy.
- The reporter said:”The thief came through the window”
The reporter said that the thief ………. Through the window.
- Brenda said:”We live in New York”
Brenda said that they ……….. in New York.
- Paula said:” I like Justin’s new song”
Paula said that she …………. Justin’s new song.
- Mike said:” My sister doesn’t eat meat”
Mike said that his sister …………… meat.
- Jenny said:” I have never eaten meat”
Jenny said that he ……… meat.
- Carrie said:” I have never been to Greece”
Carrie said that she ………. To Greece.
- Sheila said:”I went to the concert with John”
Sheila said that she ……….. to the concert with John.
- Tom said:” New York is the coolest city on theplanet”
Tom said that New York …… the coolest city on the planet.
- Bob said:” I have done my homework”
Bob said that he ………. His homework.
- Bill said:” It is hot”
Bill said that it …. Got.
- Ann said:” Jane has not arrived yet”
Ann said that Jane ….. yet.
- Peter said:” I want to go away”
Peter said that he …… to go away.
- Tim said:” I don’t smoke”
Tim said that he ….. smoke.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Reported speech in statements
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