методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему



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Предварительный просмотр:

__________ you (finish) working on your project by Sunday?

Answer:  Will you have finished…

A: He’s got birthday today.

B: Oh, really? I ___________ (definitely call) him then.

Answer:  I’ll definitely call him then

A: Any plans for the weekend?

B: Yes, I __________ (fly) to France. Tickets were really expensive.

Answer:  I am flying

My mum ____________ (fire) me, I ____________ (not finish) by the end of the week.

Answer:  is going to fire OR will fire;  I won’t have finished

A: Can I call you tomorrow?

B: No, I’ll be in the garden this time tomorrow. John and I __________ (clean) it.

Answer:  will be cleaning

Linda! Look at you! You are pregnant! My congratulations! When _________ (have) a baby?

Answer:  are you going to have/ are you having

When __________ your train (leave)?

Answer:  does your train leave

A: When _____________ you (see) your uncle?

B:Tomorrow at 12.

Answer:  are you seeing

In far future, say by 2300, they __________ (make) a robot to substitute a human at war.

Answer:  will have made

What ___________ you (do) tomorrow?

Answer:  are you going to do

A: Come to the cafe with us.

B: I can’t. I’ve taken extra shift at work, so ___________ (stay) tonight.

Answer:  am staying/ will be staying


The bus ___________ (arrive) at 10, we need to make it in time, otherwise I ________ (have to stay) here till Monday.

Answer:  arrives/will have to

If it _________ (happen) in future, I __________ never (go) with you to the market again.

Answer:  happens/ will never go

What _________ (do) at 12 o’clock tomorrow?

Answer:  will you be doing

Watch out! That brick is shaking. It _____________ (fall).

Answer:  it is going to fall

I ________ (help) you tomorrow. I promise.

Answer:  I’ll help

It is cold in here. _______ I (close) the window?

Answer:   Shall I close

My relatives __________ (visit) tonight, they live in Greece. They haven’t been here for 7 years.

Answer:  are visiting

Next two years he _________ (work) for his cousin. We’ll see how it goes.

Answer:  he will be working

I think soon it ________ (get) easier to travel to Space.

Answer:   will get

By the time you _________ (find) that book, I _______ (finish) reading this one.

Answer:  you find/ I will have finished

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