Стихотворения "Английские слова"
методическая разработка на тему
Разработка стихов для запоминания английских слов
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Предварительный просмотр:
I am a boy,
My name is Ben,
I have a book,
A toy and a pen.
I am a girl,
My name is Kate,
I have a book,
A toy and a plate.
I have a Mother,
I have a Father,
I have a Sister,
I have a Brother;
Mother, Father,
Sister, Brother –
Hand in hand
With one another.
One, two,
Put on your shoe;
Three, four,
Knock at the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight;
Nine, ten,
Give me a pen.
One, two, three, four –
Mary at the cottage door,
Five, six, seven, eight –
Eating cherries off the plate.
See-saw, see-saw,
Up and down, up and down,
This is the way
To London town.
The Runaway Snowman
One winter’s day
When clouds hung low,
I made a snowman
In the snow.
He stayed with me
All next day.
The sun came out:
He ran away.
Spring is green,
Summer is bright;
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
Spring is here,
Summer is near,
Grass is green,
So nice and clean.
I like this cat,
Nina likes that;
I like Pussy,
And she likes Bat.
I like this dog,
Mike likes that;
I like Spot,
He likes Fat.
How is your mother?
She is fine, thanks.
How is your father?
He is fine, thanks.
How is your sister?
She is fine, thanks.
How is your brother?
He is fine, thanks.
And how are you?
I am fine, too. Thank you.
My dear, dear Mummy,
I love you very much,
I wish you to be happy
On the 8th of March
Be happy, be happy
On the 8th of March.
Little Mouse, little Mouse,
Will you come out of your house?
-Thank you, Pussy, says the Mouse,
I won’t leave my little house.
Pussy-Cat, Pussy- Cat,
Where have you been?
I’ve been to London
To look at the queen.
Pussy-cat, Pussy-Cat,
What did you do there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under the chair.
Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat,
Can you catch me that fat rat?
It is sitting by the ham
Just behind the apple-jam.
Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat,
That fat rat is very bad,
If you catch it, I’ll be glad,
I’ll give you some milk for that.
A little talk
The big brown hen and Mrs. Duck
Went walking out together;
They talked about all sorts of things,
The farmyard, and the weather.
But all I heard was:
“Quack, Quack, Quack”
And “Cluck, Cluck, Cluck”,
From Mrs. Duck.
No, really!
A cock and seven little goats
Sat in a swallow’s nest,
They cleaned their teeth,
And brushed their coats,
And then they had a rest.
The donkey put slippers on,
Across the roof he flew,
And if this story’s false, my dear,
Well, then, it isn’t true.
Get up, little Freddy.
Breakfast is ready,
Butter and cheese,
All that you please.
Milk and bread
For little Fred,
Tea and jam
For brother Sam.
Our day
Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the day,
Tea comes after dinner,
Then is time to play.
Supper in the evening,
When the sky is red,
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.
Some of us like brown bread,
Some of us like white,
Some of us eat a lot of meat,
Some of us think it’s not right.
Some of us like apples,
Some drink juice at night,
Some of us eat many sweets,
Some don’t think it’s right.
Shoes and Boots
Shoes and boots,
Boots and shoes,
Come and buy
The size you use.
Try them on,
Before you choose,
Shoes and boots,
Boots and shoes.
Rubber Boots
Big boots and little boots
Travel on together,
Merrily go splashing
Through April’s rainy weather.
Where is My School-cap?
Where is my school-cap?
And where is my shoe?
Oh dear! Oh dear!
What am I to do?
Your cap is on your head!
Your foot is on your shoe!
Oh, you funny little boy,
Wake up, do!
I’ll tell you a story
About Jack-a-Nory,
And now my story’s begun;
I’ll tell you another
Of Jack and his brother,
And now my story is done.
Of all the sayings in the world
The one to see through
Is, Never trouble trouble
Till trouble troubles you.
Предварительный просмотр:
Стихотворения на английские слова
На печи сидит a cat,
Все пытаясь поймать rat.
А на потолке, вися,
Bat все спит, cопя, кряхтя.
Caps and hats на вешалке
Не достать их девочке.
А a pen лежит в тетрадке,
С мальчиком играя в прятки.
Во дворе a hen, a pig
Топчут землю на двоих.
А собака, dog, следит,
На ружье, a gun, глядит.
Семья в доме за столом,
Tea with jam все пьют втроем.
А в коробке на кровати
Спит a kitten так некстати.
Cups and knives and spoons and lamps
In the box at home stand.
Stars над городом блестят,
Волки, wolves, спать не хотят.
Zebras, squirrels, frogs and snakes
Видим в зоопарке здесь.
Девочка a girl стоит,
На витрину все глядит.
Dishes, cakes and sweets лежат,
Ждут, когда же их съедят.
Рядом dolls and pistols too,
Sticks and balls покупки ждут.
In the animal’s department
Rabbits, chickens, ducklings, cows.
А у бабушки моей
Goats, horses, ducks and hens.
In the forest from the log
Прыгает лягушка frog.
Рядом уж a snake ползет,
Fish in lake поклева ждет.
Соберусь я утром в лес,
Trees кругом и mushrooms есть.
Bycicle я свой возьму,
Улицу объеду всю.
Gardens, houses and streets,
Black and white, red, yellow, green.
Крыши grey and orange, blue.
Ленту в волосы вплету.
И поеду наутек с ветром wind
Кататься впрок.
Thank you, family – семья,
Что такой родился я!
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