7 класс Spotlight 9с «Gifts for everyone!»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку «Подарки для всех» в 7 классе общеобразовательного учреждения.
Учебник «Английский в фокусе 7».
модуль 9
урок 9с - «Gifts for everyone!» «Подарки для всех!»
Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
Задачи урока:
1) систематизировать изучаемую лексику (прилагательные для описания сувениров);
2) совершенствовать навыки аудирования и поискового чтения.
3) развивать навыки диалогической и монологической устной речи.
1) развивать творческие способности учащихся;
2) развивать умение строить диалог по заданной теме;
3) развивать слуховую и зрительную память.
1) воспитывать умение работать в паре, команде;
2) воспитывать внимательное и уважительное отношение к членам семьи.
Компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон, карточки для составления текста, наглядности, учебник, рабочая тетрадь к учебнику.
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
3. Проверка домашнего задания. Понимание темы урока, целеполагание.
4. Работа с лексикой, категоризация прилагательных (упр. 1, стр. 90).
5. «Поиграем». Закрепление введенной лексики.
6. Количество и порядок прилагательных для описания предмета. Активизация лексики в речи.
7. Аудирование упр. 2 стр. 55 в рабочей тетради.
8. Работа с текстом. «Разрезанное чтение». (упр.3 стр.90), совершенствование навыков просмотрового и поискового чтения, развитие навыков диалогической устной речи.
9. Работа в командах. (Отвечаем на вопросы по тексту и «Правда\Неправда»)
10. Homework. Объяснение домашнего задания.
11. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия.
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент
Good morning everybody! And I what you to greet with our guests. Turn around. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today?
Today we have an unusual lesson for you. But I’d like you to be more attentive, more talkative.
2. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд № 2)
Today we’ll speak a lot, so we need to train our tongues. Let’s try to speak a rime.
William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter.
3 . Проверка домашнего задания. Понимание темы урока, целеполагание.
So, firstly I’d like to check up your homework. It was to read and translate 2 dialogues/
But pay attention to the intonation!
Now, translate some sentences from this dialogue.
PP: 2 пары учеников читают по ролям диалоги по очереди. Затем переводят предложение с английского языка из диалогов, затем наоборот.
I have something for you. What’s this? (показываю подарочную коробку с бантом) It’s just a box. And with this ribbon it becomes a gift or a present. And let’s guess what we’ll speak about today? What is our theme of our lesson, what do you think?
You also can understand it from the dialogues!
You see that the topic of our lesson is “Gifts for everyone”. Слайд № 6
First let’s discuss the word “gift”. What synonyms to this word do you know?
PP: “presents”, “souvenirs”
When do you usually buy gifts? For whom?
(We usually buy presents for our friends and relatives on some special occasions, for example, birthdays.)
4. Работа с лексикой, категоризация прилагательных (упр. 1, стр. 90)
When we buy presents for somebody we usually think of it.
We try to describe the things and for this purpose we need adjectives. So now we’ll work with ex. 1. Look at it, please.
Tell me, what’s the Russian for «Shape»? «Material»? «Pattern»?
PP: дают предполагаемые ответы.
Ок, let’s repeat after me – material, pattern, shape.
So, let’s read and translate the words on the slide. Look at it. (Слайд № 7)
On the next slide you see only shapes – who remember the names of them? Let’s repeat them all together. (Слайд № 8)
PP: Сначала дети повторяют за мной слова на английском, затем на следующем слайде они повторяют по памяти название фигур.
5. «Поиграем». Закрепление введенной лексики.
Now look at your desks – there are some white cards for you. I’ll tell you the shape, you’ll rise your card if you have the same shape. Do you understand the task?
PP: поднимают карточки с изображением фигуры, которую я называю по-русски. Дети поднимают свои белые карточки, если у них такие изображены.
Well, pupils. Our presents have not only shapes also a pattern. Tell me, please, what’s the Russian for “pattern”? And also it has different materials.
(Слайды 9 – 13 - pattern) So, the main theme of our lesson is to learn the new words. Let’s look at the TV and know how to pronounce these words.
PP: Повторяют за мной как произносятся слова на английском. Потом индивидуально спрашиваю «русский-английский» варианты.
What kind of pattern is this?
Our gifts can be also from different materials. Look at the TV. (Слайды 14 – 23)
I’ve got a box, in which I’ve got some different kinds of things. Different patterns and materials. Your task is to take one of this thing and tell us what pattern and material is this one. Ok? Use just conjunction and.
PP: достают из коробочки один предмет и описывают его, использую прилагательные с которыми они только что познакомились. (расцветка и материал)
6. Кол-во и порядок прилагательных для описания предмета. Слайд № 24 - 25 Активизация лексики в речи (упр. 2. стр. 90) (Слайды 26 – 31)
For the next task, we should know an order of adjectives. Please, remember it when you describe the gifts. And don’t use more then 3 adjectives before a noun. Now imagine that you’ve bought some presents for somebody and discuss it with your friend. Your task is to describe the presents using pictures on the slides. In ex.2 you have the pictures and the example, let’s look at it.
Use some if you describe several nouns, and article a\an if it is in the singular form.
You have 2 minutes to work in pairs and then we shall listen to your sentences.
7. Аудирование: упр. 2 стр. 55 в рабочей тетради.
Our next exercise is listening. Please open your exercise books. Page 55 ex. 2. Dasha read the task please. Now listen and match the right answer, be attentive because there is a random order of the questions.
PP: один из учеников зачитывает задание, затем все слушают диалог и отмечают правильные ответы.
Let’s check up the answers.
8. Работа с текстом. «Разрезанное чтение». (упр.3 стр.90).
Now there is an ex. 3 on p. 90 – look through the text. Try to remember the information. Close your books. So your task is to make a story with these parts of the text, remember the strict order of the text in the book! You have numbers on each part of the text. You work in your groups. When you finish rise the hand. Tell us the numbers in order. And read the whole text. Who is the first? Please read it.
PP: читают текст из учебника про себя. Затем в своих командах выполняют задание учителя.
9.Задания для команд.
T: Now there are some questions for all of you. Слайд № 38
1) Can you tell me what type of text is it?
2) Who is the e-mail to/from?
3) What is it about?
We have the tasks for your teams.
So, for the first team there are 6 questions. Your should give us full answers. Слайд 39
1) What has Angela been doing?
2) Was it difficult to find present for everyone?
3) What did she buy for her little brother?
4) Why did she buy for her dad a wallet?
5) Who doesn’t mind what presents they get?
6) What did Wendy buy for her grandmother?
For the second team there is a task “True\False”.
1) It was a greeting from Canada.
2) It was very easy for Wendy to find presents for everyone.
3) The present for her brother was a red car.
4) Her mother likes all Wendy’s presents.
5) She’s found a very beautiful polka-dot make up case for her grandma.
6) She’s bought a present for her friend Angela.
Let’s begin from the questions.
10. Homework. Объяснение домашнего задания.
T: Now let’s discuss your home task. It’s ex.1 p 55 in your workbooks. In the first part you should label the boxes with the words. And in the second part of this task you should answer the questions. And of course, you must learn the new works by heart. Any questions?
PP: задают/не задают вопросы по домашнему заданию.
11. Рефлексия.
So, boys and girls. Thanks for your work. Now let’s see what you have learnt. Did you have any difficulties during our lesson. May be with pronunciation? Or, may be, you did not understand something?
PP – we revised the adjectives to describe objects, we learnt about the order of the adjectives, we described souvenirs and wrote an e-mail to the friend.
Our lesson is over, thank you. Good bye. See you tomorrow.
Список используемой литературы:
1) Учебник «Spotlight» 7 класс, Н.И. Быкова, Д. Дули «Просвещение» Москва2014г.
2) Рабочая тетрадь «Spotlight» 7 класс, Н.И. Быкова, Д. Дули «Просвещение» Москва2014г.
3) Книга для учителя
4) CD
5) Интернет ресурсы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
ex. 4 p. 92
Jim: Here’s my present. I hope you like it. Billy: Fantastic! I’ve always wanted trainers like these and they go with my new tracksuit. Jim: I’m glad you like them. Are they your size? Billy: Oh, no. They’re too big. Jim: That’s all right. You can exchange them. Billy: Thanks. Jim: Don’t mention it.
Jim: This is for you. Shelley: That’s very kind of you. What is it? Jim: Open it and see. Shelley: Wow. It’s a lovely anorak. Jim: Try it on and see if it fits. Shelley: Ok. Hang on a sec. There. It’s just my size. What do you think? Jim: It really suits you. It matches the colour of your eyes. Shelley: Really? Thank you very much.
SHAPE Square Oval Round Rectangular
Polka-dot PATTERN
REMEMBER ! When describing objects, take care with the order of adjectives . 1. Shape 2. Pattern 3. Material
SPEAKING ex. 2 p. 90 I bought some square, striped, velvet cushions yesterday. I bought a square, striped, velvet cushion yesterday.
A make-up case A wallet Shape, pattern, material
A bag A ball Shape, pattern, material
Bowl A frame A bowl Shape, pattern, material
LISTENING ex. 2 p. 55 ( w.b .) Emily is shopping for new clothes. Listen to the dialogue between Emily and the shop assistant. Answer the questions .
1 . Emily needs a new outfit for : A. a wedding B. a party C. a job interview 2 . What size is Emily? A. small B. medium C. large 3. What colour does Emily decide to try on? A. blue B. brown C. orange
4 . What is Emily looking for? A. a skirt and a pair of shoes B. a jacket, a skirt and a pair of shoes C. a jacket and a pair of trousers 5. Where should Emily go to buy shoes? A. the Footwear department B. the Womenswear department C. the Sports department
« Cut reading »
READING AND SPEAKING ex. 3a p. 90 Who is the e-mail to ? Who is the e-mail from? What is it about?
For team № 1 1 ) What has Wendy been doing? 2) What was the most difficult for Wendy? 3) What did she buy for her little brother ? 4) Why did she buy for her dad a wallet ? Who doesn’t mind what presents she get ? What did Wendy buy for her grandmother? Answer the questions!
For team № 2 It was a greeting from Canada. It was very easy for Wendy to find presents for everyone. The present for her brother was a red car. Her mother likes all Wendy’s presents. She’s found a very beautiful polka-dot make up case for her grandma. She’s bought a present for her friend Angela. True or False
HOMEWORK 1) Student’s book Learn the words! p. 90 2) Workbook 9c ex 1 p. 55
Write an e-mail to a friend where you are how you like it what you have been doing what presents and souvenirs you have bought when you are coming back
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