конспект урока "Gifts for everyone" и презентация, 7 класс, учебник "Spotlight-7"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
представленный материал включает в себя конспект урока, презентацию и карточки для составления диалога к уроку "Gidts for everyone", 7 класс, учебник "Spotlight-7"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
SHAPE Round Square Rectangular Oval
PATTERN Checked Polka-dot Striped Plain
MATERIAL Paper Wooden Plastic Metal Silver Leather Woollen Cotton Velvet
REMEMBER ! When describing objects, take care with the order of adjectives. Do not use more then 3 adjectives before a noun.
Ex 2 p 90 I bought some square, striped, velvet cushions
1 Shape 2 Pattern 3 Material
Make-up case
Ex3a p90 Who is the e-mail to? Who is the e-mail from? What is it about?
Ex3b p90 What has Angela been doing? What did she buy for her little brother? Why did she buy for her dad a wallet? Who doesn’t mind what presents they get?
How many members of the family did Angela mention in her e-mail? How many presents did she buy?
Act out a telephone conversation between Angela and her mum about the presents she has bought for each member of her family
(WH) aux. ____ __ __ __ __? verb A -Hi, Mum. It’s Angela. M-How are you, sweetie? We’ve missed you.
E-MAIL Para 1 where you are how you like it what you have been doing Para 2 what presents and souvenirs you have bought Para 3 when you are coming back
HOMEWORK Student’s book Ex 4 p 90 Workbook 9c ex 1-3
Предварительный просмотр:
A -Hi, Mum. It’s Angela.
M-How are you, sweetie? We’ve missed you.
A – Say you are OK
M –Ask what Angela has been doing
A –Answer using the text
M – Ask about the present for Tom
A –Describe it
M – Ask about the present for dad
A – Say why you bought it
M – Ask about the present for grandma
A – Describe it
M – Ask about the present for Wendy
A – Describe it, say that you have a present for mum too
M – Close the conversation, say goodbye
A – Say goodbye
Mum Don’t forget to use words GREAT, OK, GOOD IDEA after Angela’s descriptions.
Angela Don’t forget to explain why you bought each souvenir.
A -Hi, Mum. It’s Angela.
M-How are you, sweetie? We’ve missed you.
A – Say you are OK
M –Ask what Angela has been doing
A –Answer using the text
M – Ask about the present for Tom
A –Describe it
M – Ask about the present for dad
A – Say why you bought it
M – Ask about the present for grandma
A – Describe it
M – Ask about the present for Wendy
A – Describe it, say that you have a present for mum too
M – Close the conversation, say goodbye
A – Say goodbye
Mum Don’t forget to use words GREAT, OK, GOOD IDEA after Angela’s descriptions.
Angela Don’t forget to explain why you bought each souvenir.
Предварительный просмотр:
Учебник «Английский в фокусе 7», модуль 9, урок 9с, «Gifts for everyone!»
Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
Задачи урока:
1) систематизировать изучаемую лексику (прилагательные для описания сувениров),
2) совершенствовать навыки аудирования и поискового чтения,
3) развивать навыки диалогической устной речи,
4) развивать навыки письменной речи (написание электронного письма другу)
1) развивать творческие способности учащихся,
2) развивать умение строить диалог по заданной теме
- воспитывать умение работать в паре
- воспитывать внимательное и уважительное отношение к членам семьи
Компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон, карточки для составления диалога, учебник.
Ход урока
- Оргмомент
Т: Good morning everybody! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? Do you like today’s weather? Who is away today? What’s the matter with her/him?
PP отвечают на вопросы учителя.
2. Понимание темы урока, целеполагание.
Т You see that the topic of our lesson is “Gifts for everyone”. First let’s discuss the word “gifts”. What synonyms to this word do you know?
PP – “presents”, “souvenirs”
T –When do you usually buy gifts? For whom?
PP-We usually buy presents for our friends and relatives on some special occasions, for example, birthdays or when we are abroad or in another city.
T – What do you like best: to get presents or to give them? Why?
PP- высказывают свое мнение.
T: -So, what do you think we should learn today?
PP: -Where we can buy gifts
-Why we buy them
-May be some words to describe the gifts
3. Фонетическая зарядка
T – Today you will speak a lot, so we need to train our tongues. Boys, tell me, please, what was your favourite present when you were little?
T – Did you like to get toy lorries? Can you say this short tongue twister very quickly? (слайд 2, скороговорка Red lorry, yellow lorry) Скороговорку повторяют сначала мальчики, затем девочки
T—Girls, did you like balloons? Then I have a tongue twister for you. (слайд 3, скороговорка Beautiful blue balloons) Скороговорку повторяют сначала девочки, затем мальчики
T – We sometimes make presents, but usually we buy them. So let’s repeat the next tongue twister together. (слайд 4, скороговорка If you want to buy, buy, if you don’t want to buy, bye-bye)
4. Работа с лексикой, категоризация прилагательных (упр. 1, стр. 90)
T – When we get gifts we then talk about them with our friends, we describe the things we like best and for this purpose we need adjectives. So now you will work with ex. 1. Your task is to read the words, to understand them (you may look them up in our wordlist) and then decide which category (material, pattern or shape) they belong to. Don’t forget to add some more words to each category. You have 2 minutes to do the task.
Проверка осуществляется фронтально, с помощью слайдов 5-7.
При проверке ученикам задаются вопросы типа:
Do we have anything round etc. in our classroom?
Do you have anything made of plastic etc. in your schoolbag?
Do you have any polka-dot etc. clothes?
5. Количество и порядок прилагательных для описания предмета
Слайд 8
T: Please, remember the order of adjectives when describing objects. And don’t use more then 3 adjectives before a noun.
6. Активизация лексики в речи (упр. 2. стр. 90)
T: Now imagine that you bought some presents. Your task is to describe them to your partner. In ex.2 you have the pictures and the example, let’s look at them. Слайды 9-10
Обсуждение примера. Обратить внимание учеников на употребление слова some для описания нескольких предметов и артикля а, если речь идет об одном.
You have 2 minutes to work in pairs and then we shall listen to your sentences.
Проверка составленных предложений. Слайды 11-16
7. Игра (guessing game)
T:- We all like to have presents. In my bag I have some very nice souvenirs from different places. I want you to guess their shapes and materials. Ask questions, please.
PP задают вопросы –Is it (shape)?
Is it made of…..?
и угадывают форму и материал сувениров.
8. Работа с текстом (упр.3 стр.90), совершенствование навыков просмотрового и поискового чтения, развитие навыков диалогической устной речи
T: - Look at the text in ex.3a. Can you tell me what type of text is it?
PP: – It’s an e-mail.
T: - Right you are. Who is the e-mail to/from? What is it about? Scan the text and answer.Слайд 17
PP: - отвечают на вопросы, высказывают предположения о содержании текста.
T: - Let’s listen to the text and check your guesses.
T: - We have some more questions after the text. Answer them, please. Слайд 18
T: - And I have 2 more questions about Angela and the presents she bought. Слайд 19
T: - Tell me, please, how did Angela choose the gifts? What did she think about?
PP: - She thought about her relatives’age, likes and interests, she wanted to choose the presents they like.
T: - Now you will work in pairs. Imagine that you are Angela and her mum, you are talking on the phone and discussing Angela’s day in New York and her shopping. Слайд 20
Don’t forget to discuss all the presents. Don’t forget about the word order in the
questions. Слайд 21
You can use the cards with prompts. You have 5 minutes for this task.
PP готовят диалоги представляют их.
9. Объяснение домашнего задания.
T: Thank you for your dialogues. Now let’s discuss your home task. It’s ex.4 p 90. Read the task. What will you do at home?
PP –We will write an e-mail to a friend.
T: Yes, and you can use ex 3 as a model. Let’s analyse it. Слайд 22
What is the 1st paragraph about?
What does Angela write in the 2nd paragraph?
What is the 3rd paragraph?
When you will write your e-mail at home bear this plan in mind.
10. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия.
T: - So, boys and girls. Thanks for your work. Now let’s see what you have learnt today and what you can do now.
PP – we revised the adjectives to describe objects, we learnt about the order of the adjectives,
we described souvenirs, we acted out dialogues.
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