Совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций НОД по английскому языку на примере темы "Our rights and obligations"
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Конспект урока по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса
"Our rights and obligations"
Антипенкова Анна Юрьевна
Main aim:
developing an informed understanding of the importance of rights and obligations
1) to form an idea about the importance of rights and obligations;
2) Forming value attitude to water as a necessary factor of rights and obligations; the diversity of sources of rights and obligations;
3) Forming knowledge of the rules of rights and obligations;
1) to Develop the ability to establish the relationship between people;
2) Develop the mindset of younger students, it students the ability to analyze, summarize;
3) to develop the ability to work together, the ability to help each other;
to educate careful attitude to rights and obligations, the desire to follow rights and obligations.
• Cards – a situation the distinction between "rights" and "responsibilities" of students in the school;
• Exhibition of the literature on legal education;
• The questionnaire to consolidate the material.
1. Greeting
2. Goal setting:
A lot of countries in the world, everyone knows it.
Someone tell me, in the countries of these the most important? (Pause)
Do not rush, do not try to give an answer in a moment
Main lot – choose, where the king, here is the President.
About the leaders and about the kings we know from the cradle,
But more important, more necessary, more important for the country baby!
What he will become tomorrow, small and gentle?
All the Land right – the right to hope!!!
- How to understand the last word?
Let us remember the qualities that help people not to break the law and not to forget the responsibilities:
1. The quality of a man who comes from the other by the rule: treat others as you would like them to treat you.
2. The quality of the person who always does the fair to others
3. Quality, testifying intelligently, judiciously.
4. As a courteous person, who observes all the rules of decency.
5. And then that person will be easy to live by the principle: "Your rights end where it begins ......
3. The main part.
A) Our talk about the rights of the child, you know how you understand them.
- What is the right
A generalization of the concepts of "rights" and "duties" of the student.
- Tell, please, who knows what is right?
Right - these are the conditions for study, work, life which the state gives to man.
- Where the rights and obligations. What do you mean responsibilities?
- Responsibility - requirements for behavior and attitude (to school, to work, to people) that a person needs to perform.
- What school the document describes the rights and responsibilities of students?
- Charter school
- Let us recall the main rights and responsibilities of students at the school.
- What do you think of law separately, the duties separately?
(The rights and obligations are closely related. To violate the right - to violate the order. To violate the order - violate duties)
- Tell me, who primarily cared about you, trying to save you from the trouble to create everything you need for your development conditions to protect your interests and rights? Of course, your parents, family, teachers
The smallest form of government is the family, as well as in the state, a person has their rights and responsibilities.
Work on the cards
From the list select what rights and responsibilities you put on 1, 2, 3 place.
The rights of the child
• the right to life
• the right to freely Express their views and opinions
• the right to education
• the right to live with their parents
• the right to protection from violence
Responsibilities of the child
• to study well
• help around the house
• take care of the elders
• you try to serve yourself
• to take care of Junior
• do not discuss the behavior of parents with outsiders
Game "Come to light"
- Now, assume a comfortable position relax and imagine that he was in a dark, cold dungeon. You are breathing hard, not enough air. In the dungeon lonely, uncomfortable. You want to get out of here. Are you going through a long tunnel that seems to never end. And suddenly, in the distance flashed some light. It is the ray of the sun penetrated into the dungeon. You quickly ran towards the light, scattered stones, and suddenly a bright, the radiant sun poured on you with its light. A warm wind began to wag your hair. You breathed in the fresh air, joy filled your chest. And you feel free and happy.
Guys, what did you feel when you imagined yourself in a dark dungeon? (The children answer: it Was scary.)
Such feelings one experiences when committing bad deeds. He also is dark, uncomfortable, restless.
- What are the feelings experienced when introduced what came to light? (The answer children: relief, joy.)
Such feelings a person experiences when living according to the wise laws of life. His heart light, relaxed, happy.
Work situations
(Learn to distinguish permissible from prohibited (what is and what is not)
- Remember, what happens in the classroom.
(- During the lesson, you're free to go to class, because I think that I have the right to freedom of movement)
- Now, let's deal. What happens? You have the right to freedom of movement, and the teacher is dissatisfied, he puts in place. Does this mean that the teacher is violating your right? The right which protects all the laws and all the documents!
- The fact that man cannot be completely free. Your right ends where the rights of others begin. The law, the duty to behave about the lesson does not allow you to walk around the classroom. And yet, according to the law, you have no right to disturb others learn, you violate the rights of other guys.
- Let's see how it can be represented.
(You are talking to a friend on the lesson, because I think that I have the right to freedom of speech)
Based on the lesson you're listening to a song on the phone, because I think that you have the right to use cultural achievements)
(- parse accepted the earlier decision on the use of cell phone in class)
(Who has the right to restrict your rights)
(- rule of law-abiding people)
3. Reflexion 1
- Responsibility responsible person is a person? (Answers of children).
Is one who performs his duties, who does not violate the laws.
This is a law-abiding person. Become law-abiding, binding very important for your future independent life. In any institution, school, factory, company, where you will study or work you will be asked to sign a contract - an employment contract or agreement on the implementation of the Charter school.
After the violation of labor obligations should the dismissal from work, expulsion from school. Optional, ill-mannered, sloppy worker is not needed in production. Keep this in mind.
- Why do you need to know the right people?
-What is this document? (Birth certificate).
What kind of law you like? (Right to a name).
- What right can mean the heart? (The right to love and care).
What it means to care? Who takes care of you?
- It may represent a house? (Right to property).
Is it possible to take someone else's thing without permission?
- How you think, what I'm showing you a sealed envelope? What kind of right can go.
(No one has the right to read other people's letters looking for each other).
- And what kind of right you can remind your textbooks? (Right to education).
Slide the "Rights and obligations"
- Look, you are all so different, but each of you belong the same rights. This is evidenced by the first article of the "Declaration of human rights".
- Guys, article 29 of the Convention of human rights States that a person has not only rights but also responsibilities.
- What are responsibilities? (The range of actions assigned to someone and binding).
- What's most important responsibility you have in the family?
- And your dad?
- Who has the most responsibilities?
- What responsibilities exist for students?
- How do you know that? (The Charter school).
- Let us denote some of the duties of the student!
Slide the "Rights and obligations"
4.Reflexion 2.
Analysis of situations:
We outlined the main rights and obligations. Well if we are able to distinguish between them? (Each group gets a situation you want to perform and play to the audience).
situation 1:
Commander: - Vasya, are you on duty today, stay, please, and wash Board, fields, flowers.
Bob: - Sasha, do not have the right! The Convention prohibited child labor child!
situation 2:
Ivan: - Vika, I washed-washed the Board, and you painted her!
Vick: - Well and what here bad! I am entitled to liking what you do!
situation 3:
Maria: - Vanya, you have that Monday is not ready to science!
Ivan: - Yesterday was Sunday. I have the right to rest!
situation 4:
The first grader (addressing to the teacher): - I hurt your student, this is it.
Teacher: - now, don't cry. Tell me what it is.
First grader: "He tripped me.
Serezha: - And he has no right to humiliate my dignity, showing me faces.
5. The final part.
- To find out how you learned the lesson, I suggest you:
• Go to the fabulous heroes to visit and determine what kind of rights we are talking here.
Slide with fairy tales
• Music minute
Antoshka – (the right to work)
"Blue car"- (the right to rest)
"What is taught in school"- (the right to education)
• Fill out the questionnaire (each child is heard questionnaire).
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