Shakespeare lesson
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
25 апреля, в честь дня рождения Вильяма Шекспира, был проведен урок, посвященный творчеству великого драматурга. Урок был проведен в 5 классе. Представляю методическую разработку урока по данной теме.
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Shakespeare. Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Taleeva
Subject: English
Class __5__________ Date__25/04/2016___
Time: I'm assuming the class period is a minimum of 45 minutes. Times listed for the activities are approximate. Times for each of the activities will vary depending on number of students in the class, literacy level of the class, and other factors.
Lesson Goals:
- students will get multicultural competence on literature and history
Lesson Objectives:
- students will get multicultural competence by:
a) learning some information about Shakespeare
b) getting acquinted with his works
c)learning some historical facts
d) developing reading, listening and speaking skills
Language Skills:
Reading, Listening and Speaking
New Vocabulary and verb patterns:
Macbeth, Lady Macbecth, Duncan, Malcolm, ghost, a battle, to be promoted, predictions, cold-blooded, terrified
Teaching methods:
Different interaction patterns (as a whole class, in groups, in pairs)
Peer support
Integration an special needs required
- Matching cards
- PPT Shakespeare's lesson presentation
- Handout 1, Handout 2
- Song Worksheet
- Computer
- tablets (according to the number of the students)
- Overhead projector (OHP)
- ball
Stages of the lesson:
1. Warm up (2 minute)
Interaction pattern: as a whole class
Greet the students. As a whole group, brainstorm some ideas about world's famous writers.
2. Introduction (3 minutes)
Interaction pattern: in groups
1) Teacher gives cut out Matching cards to each group. Look at the Matching cards, they are mixed, match the half-names and guess who we are going to speak about. They should guess that the topic is “Shakespeare”
2) Enumerate some other Shakespeare's famous works.
3. Reading practice (5 minutes)
Interaction pattern: in groups (mix the students)
1) Give the students the cut out cards from Handout 1, have them reorder the cards to get Shakespeare's biography.
2) Then check your understanding.
(There are 7 multiple choice questions regarding Shakespeare's biography)
4. Listening and speaking practice/20 minutes
Interaction patterns: in pairs, in groups, as a whole class
Before watching remember some of Shakespeare's plays and say that now you are going to learn about one of them, “Macbeth”, ask if the students read the story.
Ask them to watch at the slide №1 (PPT Shakespeare lesson presentation)at the presentation and practice pronouncing the names of the characters. Teacher pronounces, students repeat all together.
1) Before watching do Preparation exercise on the Handout 2 in pairs , then check as a whole class
2) Divide the students into 3 groups, give out the tablets with prepared and paused video, then play it. Students watch the video, each group its own extract from the video (group 1 – beginning of the video till 1:50, group 2 – from 1:50 till 2:55, group 3 – from 2:55 – till the end)
3) After watching let the students from different groups retell what they watched to the whole class. Choose a volunteer from each group. Peer support is welcome. After they retell, ask if there is a volunteer to retell the whole story, as he/ she catches.
4) In the same groups, check your understanding by doing exercise 1 on the Handout 2
5) Check the answers as a whole class
5. Listening practice/ 10 minutes
Interaction pattern: as a whole class, individually
1) As students discuss the questions, tell that Shakespeare influences modern literature and cinema today. Have them listen to the song from “Harry Potter” film.Ask the students, what Shakespeare's work gave the idea of the song. What images spring to their minds. Say that it was the extract from “Macbeth” and let them guess whose words are these. Show Slide №2(PPT Shakespeare lesson presentation), say whose words are these. Inform the students that the original words are a little different and the composers of the song took only a part from the witches' words
2) On their own, students listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the missing words (Song Worksheet). Listen 2 times
3) Check as a whole class
4) Develop listening skills. Ask students to close their eyes and listen attentively. As a whole class, listen once again and perform some actions – clap your hands each time you hear the “animal – words”.
6. Evaluation / 5 minutes
1) Have the students stand up in a circle
2) Take a ball and have the students play a game, they should pass the ball in a circle and say any new word or phrase or sentence (depending on student's language competence) related to today's lesson. They have only 1 minute, set the timer on the board.
In the end of the class, thank the students. Ask them to thank each other by shaking hands and saying “Thank you!”
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