Урок - мозговая атака с элементами творчества. 11 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Урок в 11 классе по теме «Computers: what does the future hold?»
На уроке развиваются такие универсальные умения, как говорение (монологическое высказывание), аудирование, чтение, перевод, письмо, аргументирование, сотрудничество, проектирование, анализ, синтез, оценивание.
Материалом урока являются учебники, компьютер, слова.
Инструментом урока служат карточки, текст, стихи-хайку, творческие работы, аудиокассета, магнитофон.
На уроке используются коммуникативный метод обучения, личностно-ориентированное обучение, метод проектов
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Урок – мозговая атака с элементами творчества. 11 класс
Васильева Р. М., учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Алтанская СОШ»
Тема урока: «Computers: what does the future hold?»
Сатабыл: говорение (монологическое высказывание), аудирование, чтение, перевод, письмо, аргументирование, сотрудничество, проектирование, анализ, синтез, оценивание
Материал: книги, компьютер, слова,
Инструмент: карточки, текст, стихи-хайку, творческие работы, аудиокассета, магнитофон
Используемые методы и технологии: коммуникативный метод обучения, личностно-ориентированное обучение, метод проектов
План урока:
- Организационный момент. Warming – up
- Работа с лексикой. Введение новой лексики.
- Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в аудировании
- Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в монологической речи
- Практика в чтении с полным пониманием текста.
- Развитие умений отстаивать, аргументировать свою точку зрения.
- Творческое задание: перевод стихотворения.
- Домашнее задание
- Рефлексия
Ход урока:
Teacher: Hello, girls! How are you? At first, I’d like you to look at these pictures and to try to guess the title of our lesson.
And did you guess the title of our lesson? …Yes, today we’re going to speak about books and computers. So, the title is “Computers: what does the future hold?”
Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology will ruin the society because we are too dependent on electric and electronic machines. Some pieces of technology are more important for us than others. For example, some people can’t live without computers. But let’s think of our books. The book is the most important thing that helps us to learn the world. Now I stop talking and give a microphone to you.
(В течение урока учащиеся работают по карточкам, которые они получили в начале урока. На карточках описан каждый шаг урока). - См. приложения
Домашнее задание. Написать короткое сочинение: «Computers: friends or foes»
Рефлексия. Учащимся предлагается описать свою деятельность, деятельность своих одноклассниц и учителя одним словом.
Приложение №1
Computers: what does the future hold?
“Computers aren’t intelligent, they only think they are”
1. Answer the questions below
- What will follow books?
- Can it replace books in the
way books replaced other means of storing information?
2. Read the words and their definitions. Three of them are mixed. ?
Find and match them properly.
1 access (something) a) have the ability or right to enter or use
2 doubt b) a feeling of being unsure
3 current c) take the place of smth. or smb.
4 on-line d) belonging to the present time
5 predict (something) e) see or describe the future
6 provide (smb. with smth.) f) to supply
7 remain g) continue to be unchanged
8 replace h) connected with the computer network
3. Listening
Listen to what different people think about the future of books and computers. Tick the correct column.
Dana | Michael | Fiona | Andrew | Emma | |
Paper books will always exist | |||||
Books and computers will coexist | |||||
Computers will replace books |
4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the left column in ex. 2.
There is no … about the advantages of books …. They are going to … printed books in the future. Printed books will … only in scientific libraries and only specialists will have an … to them. But even they will prefer computers to books to … most … information. It is impossible to … everybody with books on-line but I’m just … the future in the way I see it.
5. What do you think about the future of books and computers?
Prepare one minute talk (6-7 minutes)
6. Reading.
Read the article by Irma Larrea and answer the questions.
Translate the highlited phrases.
Era – [` iэrэ]
McLuhan – [ mэk`lu:en]
Accomplishment – осуществление
Don Quixote – [`don `kwiksэt]
Errant knight – странствующий рыцарь
Site – a place on the Internet that gives you information about a particular subject
I can not help thinking about … – Я не могу не думать о …
Do you prefer to read a book or use a computer? Do you think that a book is too heavy to carry? Are you a person from the Internet era? Every day, these ideas go through my mind.Many years ago, Marshall McLuhan who was a communication theoretician predicted that, in the future, humans will prefer computers to printed books. He defined computers as extensions of the human nervous system , and he thought that they will allow people to reach every part of the world, in only a few minutes or seconds. He was right, but he never saw the accomplishment of his prediction, because he died in 1980.
After thinking and re-thinking, I understood the real importance of the electronic era. However, I started to think about the new role of printed books. I am sure that, in the future, (1)they will disappear. Their new mission might be to rest on the shelves of our personal libraries or offices, waiting until someone looks at them and decides to enjoy reading.
« (2) Currently, many books appear on the Internet, and you can see the very first editions of some of them. I saw the first edition on-line of “ Don Quixote de la Mancha”, written by a Spanish author, Miguel de Servantes. When I was a child my grandfather read me this book. It tells the story of an old man who used to read a lot of books, he became crazy, and he decided to be an errant knight. When I think of this story, I can remember my hands touching the book’s pages, my eyes seeing its original illustrations, my ears listening to my grandfather’s voice, and my nose smelling the ink of its pages.»
However, now I am in front of a computer, reading some parts of the book and informing myself about new and different sites that help me to know more about the author and the structure of this masterpiece.
The electronic era has changed my relationship with books. If Servantes was alive, he might write a different novel using the idea of books on-line. Can you imagine Don Quixote reading his books on-line? I can not help thinking about the enormous difference that the story would have!
New technologies are capable of introducing changes in our daily lives, but books on-line can never compete with humans’ personal relationship with printed books. Have you already forgotten your childhood when mom or dad sat beside your bed and read you a bedtime story? I do not think so!
Questions to the text:
- According to Irma what is more likely to happen? How do you know?
- Can you explain the difference between a printed book and a book on-line?
- What word(s) can replace are capable of ?
7. This summary contains four factual mistakes. Find and correct them.
The author raises the problem of the future of books. She agrees with Marshall Mcluhan’s opinion that computers will conquer the world. She says that printed books have no future. Irma has some sentimental memories about how she read “Don Quixote de la Mancha”. But the electronic era has changed her relationship with books and now she thinks that books on-line are entirely replacing printed books.
Who do you think is right – Marshall Mcluhan or Irma? Give your reasons.
- Creative task (творческое задание)
Haiku is type of Japanese poem with three lines consisting of 5, 7 syllables (слоги). Here are some of them translated into Russian.
Радуга дугой!
Очарован прохожий
Небом в горах.
Осень настигает
Утреннее небо… человека…
На полпути
Не остановится
Цветков паденье!
Read and enjoy some Computer Haiku. Translate one of them.
A file that big?
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
First snow, then silence.
This thousand-dollar screen dies
So beautifully.
A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.
Приложение №2
Приложение №3
Evaluation card. (Оценочная карта)
Please, write on this card your assessments of your , your classmates’ and teacher’s activities at the lesson.
Пожалуйста, напиши на этой карте твои оценки своей деятельности, деятельности однокласников и учителя на уроке.
Me | Neighbour (сосед) | Group | Class | Teacher |
Use the words: bad , not bad, good, well done! (молодец!), good job! (умница!), excellent! (блестяще!) , keep it up! (так держать!), superb! (превосходно!).
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