План-конспект урока "Выбор профессии"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе с элементами профориентации. Урок бинарный (повторение-обобщение)
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Предварительный просмотр:
- План-конспект урока английского языка
Класс: 10
Тема: «Choosing a career» («Выбор профессии»)
Тип урока: бинарный (повторение-обобщение)
Учитель английского языка - Врублевская Светлана Анатольевна
- Образовательные:
развитие у учащихся умения общаться на английском языке;
продолжение знакомства с деловым английским;
формирование базы для развития письменной речи.
- Развивающие:
развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся;
развитие навыков и умений чтения;
формирование умения выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.
- Воспитательные:
развитие у учащихся самостоятельности мышления;
содействие в профориентации учащихся.
Оборудование: таблицы с фразами, И.С. Богацкий, Н.М.Дюканова «Бизнес-курс английского языка», таблица с буквами, карточки с фразами, запись текста на МР3, МР3-проигрыватель.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент
- приветствие
T: Good morning!
P: Good morning!
T: Sit down.
How are you?
P: Fine. Thank you. And you?
T: Excellent! Thanks.
- фонетическая зарядка
T: Let's start our lesson from the tongue twister –
Pick a partner and practice passing,
For if you pass proficiently,
Perhaps you'll play professionally.
- Речевая зарядка
T: Now, answer the questions about «My Future Profession».
Please, try to answer the questions:
What kind of job would you like to do?
What skills do you need for the job you have chosen?
Do you think you have the qualities required for the job you would like to do? What are they?
Are you ready to work hard to make a career?
What are your parents’ attitudes towards your choice?
Would you like to be rich or famous?
Would you like to work abroad?
II. Основной этап урока
- активизация лексики по теме «Profession»
T: At the lesson we'll repeat the names of professions.
Look at the table.
Find the names of professions. 6 letters are unnecessary.
You must cross out only across (to the right or to the left) and down.
L | I | B | R | A | R | I | A | N |
D | O | M | A | G | E | R | R | U |
T | C | T | N | A | V | E | S | F |
A | X | O | R | R | E | T | E | C |
D | I | E | R | I | R | I | E | B |
R | I | V | A | N | A | A | N | D |
- чтение и выделение основной идеи текста
T: Now listen to the speaker .
He will read you the text “Facing the real world”
“Facing the real world”
– Have you already begun developing your plans for the future?
– It is very difficult to give a definite answer right now. But every time I am asked the question “What do you want to be?” I feel nervous. I usually never tell the truth and say “I haven’t the slightest idea” and try to sound mysteriously.
– But why?
– That makes other people feel more nervous than me.
– Have you ever turned to your parents for advice?
– Oh. My mother is convinced that I should follow in the footsteps of my father and become a lawyer. My granny thinks that I should find a nice wealthy man to marry. And my father says “Just do what makes you happy”. My uncle encourages me by promising a job in his company. Being child I wanted to be like a cashier in the supermarket with long hair, blue eye shadows and long fingernail moving the cash. But my mother would say “You are not suitable for the job like that. You are too smart”. It is very difficult to face the real world after being spoon-fed with knowledge at school. And the question “What do you want to be?” never used to be threatening like now.
What if I choose the wrong thing and feel regret a mistake in future? Of course like everyone I have some skills and interests and inclinations. But they seem to be undeveloped and may not seem outstanding.
I realize that I should plan out the rest of my life and explore my choice from every angle, but I have never thought more than six months ahead.
There is one thing I know I wouldn’t like to be “a square peg in a round hole”.
T: Did you understand the text?
What is the main idea of it?
P¹: Profession.
P²: Choosing a suitable career.
T: Right.
3) отработка нового лексического материала
T: Repeat after me: plans for the future, give a definite answer, what do you want to be, turn to your parents for advice, follow in the footsteps of, being spoon-fed with, inclinations, a square peg in a round hole.
All pupils: plans for the future, give a definite answer, what do you want to be, turn to your parents for advice, follow in the footsteps of, being spoon-fed with, inclinations, a square peg in a round hole.
P¹: plans for the future, give a definite answer, what do you want to be, turn to your parents for advice, follow in the footsteps of, being spoon-fed with, inclinations, a square peg in a round hole.
P²: plans for the future, give a definite answer, what do you want to be, turn to your parents for advice, follow in the footsteps of, being spoon-fed with, inclinations, a square peg in a round hole.
T: Let’s translate the word-combinations.
plans for the future - планы на будущее; give a definite answer – дать определенный ответ на; what do you want to be – кем вы хотите стать; turn to your parents for advice – обратиться к родителям за советом; follow in the footsteps of – пойти по чьим-либо стопам; to be spoon-fed - получать что-либо без особых усилий; inclination -склонность to be a square peg in a round hole – быть не в своей тарелке.
T: Now make the sentences with these word-combinations.
4) работа над текстом (чтение)
T: Read the text.
Then you’ll learn the dialogue by heart and act it out.
5) заучивание диалога наизусть
T: Learn the dialogue by heart and act it out.
Learn the main sentences only.
I'll give you 5 minutes.
6) составление диалогов на основе данных фраз
T: Now I’ll give you some cards with phrases. Use them in your dialogues.
I. excuse me; to wait for somebody; to be going to do something;
II. agreement; to be at smb´s disposal; first of all;
III. let me introduce myself; staff; by the way.
7) контроль выполнения задания (диалоги)
- Заключительный этап урока
- домашнее задание
T: Put down your homework, please.
Write a short composition «My future profession».
You can use our textbook, internet and other sources.
T: Is everything clear?
P: Yes, it is.
T: Good.
- комментирование оценок и работы учащихся на уроке
T: I'm very pleased with your work today. It is very good.
(выставление оценок учащимся и комментариями).
- прощание
T: The lesson is over.
See you soon.
P: Goodbye!
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