План-конспект урока "Выбор професси", 9 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
В ходе урока учащиеся знакомятся с разными профессиями.
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План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: "Выбор профессии". 9-й класс
Учитель: Антоненкова Марина Викторовна
МБОУ СОШ № 33 Ногинский р-н г. Электроугли
Задачи урока:
- Обучающий аспект:
- активизировать употребление лексико-грамматических структур;
- формировать компетенцию речевого высказывания;
- проконтролировать и закрепить лексику по теме “Выбор профессии”.
- Развивающий аспект:
- развивать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи.
- Воспитательный аспект:
- содействовать профориентации учащихся;
- развивать способность принимать самостоятельные решения в выборе профессии;
- учить правильной самооценке своих способностей и интересов.
Предполагаемые формы и методы работы:
- фронтальный опрос;
- тестирование;
- монологическая речь;
- аудирование;
- парная работа;
- диалогическая речь.
– Good morning! You are ready for the lesson, so let’s start.
Today we go on working on one of the most essential and troublesome topic “Choosing a career”.
I. But before we start I’d like you to solve a problem. You are the boss of the company. You’ll have to hire one of the two employees. One of them is a very efficient worker. The other is not. But he is your close relative. What would you do?
P1. If I were a boss I would never hire any of my relatives, instead of a talented worker, because I wouldn’t start risking my business and I would offer this job to the efficient employee.
P2. I am in two minds. On the one hand I would like to help my relative, but on the other hand I wouldn’t like to run a risk.
P3 –––> P4
II. Good. Let’s pass to the next part of our lesson. At the previous lesson you were given new words and word combinations on the topic “Career” and I want to see whether you remembered them and see the difference between them.
Choose and fill in the proper word:
occupation – job – work – career – trade – vocation – position.
- Why is it important to choose the right…
- Looking for a … is hard…
- We finished the test and the teacher collected our…
- She spent most of her … as a teacher in London.
- He tried many … but finally he chose the …of a shoemaker.
- Thousands of workers lost their… when the factory closed.
- It had taken her several years before she realized that she had no … for teaching.
- What’s your current…?
- Indecisive people refuse to face the …problem.
- The … of bank manager is still open.
- The construction of the factory in the town created a lot of …
- There are many … open to the University graduates.
III. Now, paraphrase or give the definitions of the following phrases and expressions.
a) – to follow in the footsteps of the parents.
P1. – to choose your parent’s profession.
b) – to explore the problem (the choice) from every angle.
P2. – to study the problem thoroughly.
c) – to go through the aptitude test.
P3. – to get to know your own abilities, to find out your strength, interests.
d) – to be cut out for.
P4. – to be created for something.
P5. – to be suited for something.
e) – to be “a square peg in a round hole”.
P6. – not to be suitable for one’s profession.
f) – to evaluate oneself.
P7. – to estimate your personal qualities and inclinations.
– Good.
IV. Now I offer you a sentence making work. Try to use new words and word combinations. Use the Conditionals and the structure should + infinitive. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Важно, чтобы человек правильно выбрал свою профессию.
2. Если бы она считала педагогику (обучение) своим призванием, она бы поступила в педагогический университет. Но она стала музыкантом.
3. Жаль, что ты не сделал карьеру в науке. Ты был создан для этого.
4. Невероятно, чтобы ей нравилась профессия учителя.
5. Если бы живопись была его призванием, он стал бы художником, а не актером.
6. Родители настаивали, чтобы он выбрал профессию врача. Если бы он стал врачом, он сожалел бы об этой ошибке в будущем.
7. Жаль, что у него нет никакой склонности к математике, он провалился на экзамене.
V. Well done. You all understand that choosing a career is the problem of vital necessity for many teenagers and most of them are afraid of facing the real world. Now listen to the interview and be ready to discuss it.
“Facing the real world”
– Have you already begun developing your plans for the future?
– It is very difficult to give a definite answer right now. But every time I am asked the question “What do you want to be?” I feel nervous. I usually never tell the truth and say “I haven’t the slightest idea” and try to sound mysteriously.
– But why?
– That makes other people feel more nervous than me.
– Have you ever turned to your parents for advice?
– Oh. My mother is convinced that I should follow in the footsteps of my father and become a lawyer. My granny thinks that I should find a nice wealthy man to marry. And my father says “Just do what makes you happy”. My uncle encourages me by promising a job in his company. Being child I wanted to be like a cashier in the supermarket with long hair, blue eye shadows and long fingernail moving the cash. But my mother would say “You are not suitable for the job like that. You are too smart”. It is very difficult to face the real world after being spoonfed with knowledge at school. And the question “What do you want to be?” never used to be threatening like now.
What if I choose the wrong thing and feel regret a mistake in future? Of course like everyone I have some skills and interests and inclinations. But they seem to be undeveloped and may not seem outstanding.
I realize that I should plan out the rest of my life and explore my choice from every angle, but I have never thought more than six months ahead.
There is one thing I know I wouldn’t like to be “a square peg in a round hole”.
Questions for discussion:
1. What problems are involved in this interview?
2. Why is the girl afraid to enter the real world after being spoonfed with knowledge at school.
3. What does the real world mean for her? And for you?
4. Why does her mother say that she is too smart to be a cashier?
5. Does it mean that a man doing a less prestigious work is a loser?
6. The girl doesn’t want to be a square peg in a round hole. Do you know someone who is a square peg in a round hole?
7. What would you do if you were in the same situation? Give your piece of advice.
P1. If I were in her situation I wouldn’t get lost trying to make a quick decision. I would explore my choice from every angle before jumping into the work world.
P2. If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t turn to her parents for advice, because they do not understand her, but I would speak to people I am familiar with, inquiring about the occupations seem to me attractive, ask them about advantages and disadvantages of the job. At least it would help me decide what professions I am not suited for.
P3. If I were in her place I would start with myself. I would make a list of my interests, talents, and abilities. And then I would try to find out where my interest lie, and take them into account.
P4. As for me I …
VI. Nowadays many young people aim at getting prestigious, well-paid jobs. More often they choose professions such as economist, manager, lawyer and accountant. I want you to describe these jobs to the class.
P1. I think that the job of a manager is to motivate, coordinate and control other workers. The profession needs the following qualities as: enterprise, the ability to foresee, and to make decisions, analyze and risk. It needs the ability to keep promises. The person should also be communicative and know how to handle people and direct them effectively. He should know at least one foreign language.
P2. The job of an accountant is to apply the principles of accounting, analyze financial information and prepare financial reports, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports to summarize current and projected company financial position, using calculator or computer.
P3 –––> P4 –––> P5
VII. Practice the dialogue in pairs, choosing the proper word and make the dialogue of your own.
Susan is applying for a job at the personnel office of National Electronics.
A: Please have a seat, … (name).
B: Thank you.
A: Now, what kind of job are you interested in?
B: Well, I enjoy … (1) and I’m good at … (2).
A: Can you …(3)?
B: Yes, I can.
A: How about a job as a … (4)?
B: Well, that doesn’t sound very … (5). Is there anything else?
A: Would you like to work in the … (6)?
B: As a … (7)? Yes, I think I’d like that.
A: OK. Let’s think about that.
slightest idea” and try to sound mysteriously.
– But why?
– That makes other people feel more nervous than me.
– Have you ever turned to your parents for advice?
– Oh. My mother is convinced that I should follow in the footsteps of my father and become a lawyer. My granny thinks that I should find a nice wealthy man to marry. And my father says “Just do what makes you happy”. My uncle encourages me by promising a job in his company. Being child I wanted to be like a cashier in the supermarket with long hair, blue eye shadows and long fingernail moving the cash. But my mother would say “You are not suitable for the job like that. You are too smart”. It is very difficult to face the real world after being spoonfed with knowledge at school. And the question “What do you want to be?” never used to be threatening like now.
What if I choose the wrong thing and feel regret a mistake in future? Of course like everyone I have some skills and interests and inclinations. But they seem to be undeveloped and may not seem outstanding.
I realize that I should plan out the rest of my life and explore my choice from every angle, but I have never thought more than six months ahead.
There is one thing I know I wouldn’t like to be “a square peg in a round hole”.
Questions for discussion:
1. What problems are involved in this interview?
2. Why is the girl afraid to enter the real world after being spoonfed with knowledge at school.
3. What does the real world mean for her? And for you?
4. Why does her mother say that she is too smart to be a cashier?
5. Does it mean that a man doing a less prestigious work is a loser?
6. The girl doesn’t want to be a square peg in a round hole. Do you know someone who is a square peg in a round hole?
7. What would you do if you were in the same situation? Give your piece of advice.
P1. If I were in her situation I wouldn’t get lost trying to make a quick decision. I would explore my choice from every angle before jumping into the work world.
P2. If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t turn to her parents for advice, because they do not understand her, but I would speak to people I am familiar with, inquiring about the occupations seem to me attractive, ask them about advantages and disadvantages of the job. At least it would help me decide what professions I am not suited for.
P3. If I were in her place I would start with myself. I would make a list of my interests, talents, and abilities. And then I would try to find out where my interest lie, and take them into account.
P4. As for me I …
VI. Nowadays many young people aim at getting prestigious, well-paid jobs. More often they choose professions such as economist, manager, lawyer and accountant. I want you to describe these jobs to the class.
P1. I think that the job of a manager is to motivate, coordinate and control other workers. The profession needs the following qualities as: enterprise, the ability to foresee, and to make decisions, analyze and risk. It needs the ability to keep promises. The person should also be communicative and know how to handle people and direct them effectively. He should know at least one foreign language.
P2. The job of an accountant is to apply the principles of accounting, analyze financial information and prepare financial reports, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports to summarize current and projected company financial position, using calculator or computer.
P3 –––> P4 –––> P5
VII. Practice the dialogue in pairs, choosing the proper word and make the dialogue of your own.
Susan is applying for a job at the personnel office of National Electronics.
A: Please have a seat, … (name).
B: Thank you.
A: Now, what kind of job are you interested in?
B: Well, I enjoy … (1) and I’m good at … (2).
A: Can you …(3)?
B: Yes, I can.
A: How about a job as a … (4)?
B: Well, that doesn’t sound very … (5). Is there anything else?
A: Would you like to work in the … (6)?
B: As a … (7)? Yes, I think I’d like that.
A: OK. Let’s think about that.
VIII .Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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