Фонетическая зарядка 5 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Стихи, рифмовки, пословицы, скороговорки. 5 класс. В презентациях.
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Hello! The sailor went to s ea to s ee what he could s ee and all he could s ee was s ea , s ea , s ea .
Bill ’s dog is big . Tom ’s dog is small. Ann ’s cat is black. Jack has no dog at all. Jane ’s cat is grey and wash every day.
Kate and Jim walked to the ……… garden/park, And in the street they met Clark. Clark then walked with Kate and Jim, And soon they stopped to take ………. a swim/a ride. At the pool they all asked Mark To go with them to the ………. river/park, Mark said, «Sure, I’d like to ………. come/go And I will bring my best friend Joe.» Then they all went to buy some ………. drink/candy, And Kate saw Mary, sue and Andy, They said they’d like to play some……….ball/music If they could also bring Gail and Paul.
While we were walking , we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water. While – в то время как
Where there is a will, there is a way. We can’t expect others to guide us all the time. One must have that inner strength and positive attitude to win. a will – желание; a way – возможность; Было бы желание, а возможность найдётся.
What season is it? Winter This is the season When mornings are dark, And birds do not sing In the forest and park. This is the season When children ski, And Father Frost brings The New Year’s Tree!
Are you ready to listen to me, Freddy? I know at last irregular verbs in the Past! To write-wrote-written to eat-ate-eaten to speak-spoke-spoken to break-broke-broken to come-came-come to become-became-become to run-ran-run to swim-swam-swum to teach-taught-taught to catch-caught-caught to sell-sold-sold to tell-told-told to ring-rang-rung to sing-sang-sung to hide-hid-hidden to bite-bit-bitten to fly-flew-flown to know-knew-known to send-sent-sent to spend-spent-spent to sleep-slept-slept to sweep-swept-swept to keep-kept-kept to leave-left-left to lay-laid-laid to pay-paid-paid to do-did-done to go-went-gone
Hello! The sailor went to s ea to s ee what he could s ee and all he could s ee was s ea , s ea , s ea .
Hearts like doors, will open wi th ease To very, very little keys. And don’t forget th at two of th ese Are «I th ank you» and «If you please»
Halloween This is the night of Halloween When all witches might be seen. Some of them black, some of them green, Some of them like a turkey bean. Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give us something good to eat. Give us candy, give us cake, Give us something sweet to take. Give us cookies, fruits and gum, Hurry up and give us some. You had better do it quick Or we’ll surely play a trick. Trick or treat, trick or treat Give us something good to eat.
It's the weekend again, S o I haven't g o t sch oo l, It's a real pity- My sch oo l is s o c oo l . We've g o t Music and Art, Hist o ry and PE. All these subjects are as easy as o ne, tw o , three. W e've g o t English and Maths , Russian, French and IT. All these subjects are fine, But n o t easy f or me.
- Where were you going , my little cat Pam Yesterday about 2 p.m. ? - I was going to town to buy a hat Yesterday about 2 p.m . - What? A hat for a cat? A cat in a hat? Who ever saw a cat in a hat?
A pin (булавка) has a head, but no hair (волосы) . Head – голова, головка булавки A clock (часы) has a face, but no m outh (рот) there. Face – лицо, циферблат у часов Needles (иглы) have eyes, but they cannot see. Eye – глаз, ушко у иглы A fly ( муха ) has a trunk, without lock (замок) or key (ключ) . Trunk – хоботок, багажник
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