Урок в 6 классе "Scotland the beautiful"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Урок английского языка в 6 классе
«Scotland the beautiful»
УМК «English 6» О.В. Афанасьева. И.В. Михеева.
6 А класс
Учитель: Ростокина И.С.
Учитель: Ростокина Ирина Сергеевна.
Класс: 6 А
Дата проведения: 6.03.15.
Цель урока: комплексное обучение аспектам речевой деятельности с использованием современных методик и тенденций в обучении английскому языку, направленных на активизацию основных видов языковой деятельности.
Задачи урока:
1) образовательные: активизация навыков чтения, говорения (монологической и диалогической речи), письма с использованием тематической лексики, аудирования, ознакомление с новой лингвострановедческой информацией о Шотландии;
2) развивающие: развитие интерактивных, коммуникативных и творческих способностей, логического мышления учащихся;
3) воспитательные: расширение кругозора и воспитание толерантности при знакомстве с реалиями англоязычных стран, формирование навыков самоконтроля и умения объективно оценивать свои возможности.
ТСО и дополнительный наглядный материал: компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентация к уроку в программе Smart notebook, видеозапись стихотворения, видеофильм.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Традиционное приветствие, речевая зарядка, объявление темы урока и плана работы.
- Good afternoon, children! How are you? I‘m glad to see you. Sit down please.
- Today the theme of our lesson is “Scotland the beautiful“…We have already discussed this beautiful country. But today we are going to lean a lot of interesting and unusual facts about Scotland.
II.Основной этап
1 Речевая зарядка.
- Let’s start. Look at the board. You can see the map of the British Isles. Study the map.
-Can you find Scotland here? Answer my questions please.
- Where is Scotland situated? - It is situated to the north of England.
- What is Scotland washed by? - It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.
- What is its capital? - It is Edinburgh.
- What other big cities in Scotland can you name? - Glasgow, for example.
-What is the highest peak of the country?
2. Проверка домашнего задания
- You know that every country has got its symbols. Let’s discuss the symbols of Scotland.
(учащиеся показывают презентации и рассказывают о символах Шотландии)
3. Игра “guess the symbol”
-Read the text and guess the symbol.
(Учащиеся отгадывают символы Шотландии по описанию)
4. Чтение текста «Несси»
- Scotland is a very unique country. There are a lot of legends about mysterious creatures that live in the forests and lakes.
- We have already mentioned the unicorn- the symbol of Scottish independent character.
- Let’s watch the video about well know monster. Can you guess its name?
Видео Нэсси
Ok. Let’s read the text about Nessie and do the task after the text.
Чтение текста вслух по цепочке.
5. Работа над стихотворением Роберта Бернса «My heart’s in the highlands»
-Scotland is such a beautiful country that a lot of poets and writers all over the world write poems about it.
-A famous Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote a world famous poem about it. Let’s listen to it.
Видео Роберт Бернс.
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe.
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of valour, the country of worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
6. Аудирование “Edinburgh”
-It’s time to discuss the main city of the country. What is it?
-Now let’s watch a video about Edinburgh and fill in the gaps.
- The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.
- It is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world.
- Edinburgh Castle is the main place of interest in the city.
- It is older than the city.
- Holyrood House is the place where the Queen lives when she comes to Scotland.
- A line of streets, which runs from the Castle to Holyrood house is
called the Royal Mile
- The most notable galleries are the National Gallery of Scotland and the
Gallery of Moder Art.
- Princes Street and George Street are the main shopping streets of
7. Работа в парах над диалогом.
-Such a wonderful city, isn’t it. You have learnt a lot of interesting things about Edinburgh. Imagine that your friend who has never been there wants to know about interesting places to visit in Edinburgh. You should read the sentences and put them in the right order.
- I’ve never been to Edinburgh.
What do know about the capital of Scotland?
- Edinburgh is rather cold but attractive. Edinburgh is known as Athens of the North.
If you walk around the city you can touch on history at every step.
Practically every building has a tale to tell.
- That’s really great! It must be a great place to live!
When I’m in Edinburgh what should I see first?
- The most famous place to visit is the Edinburgh Castle.
The Castle hands over the city like some Disney cartoon but it is real!
In fact, it is older than the city.
- It sounds fantastic! And what is the best place to buy souvenirs?
Princes Street is the main shopping street in Edinburgh.
- Princes Street. I must remember that.
When is the best time to come to Edinburgh?
8 Работа в группах. Составление рассказа о достопримечательностях Эдинбурга.
Tell me please what is your favourite place to visit in Edinburgh?
Work in groups. Choose the best place to visit from your point of view and explain why.
III. Заключительный этап урока.
1) Запись домашнего задания.
- Please, open your diaries. Look at the blackboard and write down your home task:
ex.26, p. 44 (182); words
Необходимо подвести итоги урока, акцентировав внимание учащихся на новом лингвострановедческом материале, отметить успешную работу учащихся, указать на возможные проблемы, оценить каждого.
-Thank you for this lesson. You were very active today. I think, you have learned a lot of new facts about Scotland. May be, one day you travel to this nice country and there you can enjoy its beauty.
So for this lesson you have got the following marks: you have got a …, …, you have got a …
The lesson is over. Good bye!
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