Конспект урока. Тема: What is Beauty?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Что такое красота? Вокруг этой темы всегда возникают дискуссии, споры. На уроке мы пытаемся сформировать собственное отношение к данному понятию, явлению, применяя элементы дискуссионного общения об идеалах красоты и реальной жизни.
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Тема урока: What is beauty?
Класс: 10
Образовательные технологии: технология интерактивного обучения, элементы дискуссионного общения, технология развития критического мышления.
Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в ходе критического восприятия, анализа и обсуждения понятия «красота»; формирование собственного отношения к данному явлению.
- Формирование представлений о красоте в ходе восприятия аспекта с разных точек зрения: эмоциональное восприятие, освоение фактического материала, выделение позитивных сторон и недостатков, творческое осмысление проблемы.
- Формирование способности критически воспринимать и перерабатывать информацию, прибегая к последовательному анализу.
- Развитие навыков дискуссионного общения в ходе организации и проведения групповой дискуссии об идеалах красоты и реальной жизни
- Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции:
- речевой компетенции за счёт умения понимать аутентичные тексты (чтение), аргументированно отстаивать свою точку зрения, работать в группе;
- языковой компетенции за счёт введения и закрепления новой лексики по теме;
- социокультурной компетенции за счёт умения адекватно понимать и интерпретировать проблемы отношения к идеалам красоты; реагировать на реплики и аргументы партнёров по общению;
- компенсаторной компетенции за счёт совершенствования умения выходить из положения при дефиците языковых средств, используя дефиниции, а также средства невербального общения;
- учебно-познавательной компетенции за счёт формирования умений анализировать, сравнивать, делать выводы.
5. Воспитание культуры общения в группе.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen!
Today we’re going to discuss a quite controversial problem. Let’s start with some questions.
- Do you think beautiful and attractive people are more successful in life?
- Do you think you’re beautiful/attractive?
- Are you satisfied with your appearance?
A series of surveys were done by a popular magazine called Psychology Today. The surveys were on how people feel about the appearance of their bodies. The result is that Both Men and Women Are Dissatisfied with Their Appearances.
How can you characterize the situation? (The number of people who are not satisfied with their appearance is rising. More and more men and women want to change some parts of their bodies). There are two possible explanations. Which one do you agree with?
- There were more good-looking men and women twenty or thirty years ago than there are now.
- The attitude of a man or a woman towards him or herself has changed.
The question is “Are we constantly failing to understand the true meaning of human beauty?”
Today we’re going to discuss the meaning of human beauty and try to understand what a person should do to be satisfied with his own look.
First of all, I’d like you to think about your associations with human beauty. You have 1 minute to write your ideas about human beauty.
Thank you, let’s try to summarize your ideas. As I see, for most of you human beauty is based on appearance. Some of you have also mentioned some psychological aspects like ….
So, if we are to categorize beauty, we will eventually come to the conclusion that there are basically two kinds of beauty: Outer Beauty and Inner Beauty. Do you agree with me?
Let’s try to define what inner or outer beauty means and how these types of beauty influence our self-image. To do it we should split into two groups. Each group should make a poster on the type of beauty they are defining and discussing. We’ll start these posters with the clusters. You’ve got some cards with features which can characterize inner or outer beauty. The task for each team is to select the necessary features, make a cluster and describe it.
Inner beauty | personality, intelligence, grace, politeness, charisma, integrity, behaviour, manners charisma – a natural ability to attract and interest other people and make them admire you. Integrity – strength and fitness of character or principle grace –behaving in a fair and honourable way. |
Outer beauty | youthfulness, absence of genetic and acquired defects, facial symmetry, well-proportioned bodies, average, complexion, race. Youthfulness – being young or relatively young Average – standard for most people. Complexion – natural colour or appearance of the skin on your face. |
Standards of outer beauty are always evolving. What do beauty ideals depend on? (fashion, period of time, culture, country)
Art shows a wide range of different standards for beauty. Watch the video and try to guess what reason for the man to make this video was. What did he want to say?
Let’s organize the gallery of beauty ideals to prove they are evolving. You have some beauty ideals of different epochs and cultures. Match the photos with the appropriate epoch.
You see how absolutely different these beauty ideals are. Do you consider all the men and women beautiful or attractive? – it means that sometimes ideals don’t work, they can be just illusion.
Read the text “Beauty is only skin deep” and complete it with the active or passive voice.
A lot of glossy magazines focus on teenagers or young people. Through impressive advertisements and pictures of perfect-looking stars, young people 1)…… (encourage) to do whatever they can look like a Hollywood star. But real beauty 2)….. (not/find) in trendy clothes and fashionable make-up. Anyone who 3)….. (feel) comfortable with the way they look, any teenager whose thoughts 4)….. (express) with confidence will tell you that they feel beautiful. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the way we look should 5)….. (ignore). It simply means that we 6)….. (need) to take enough care of our appearance so that we are confident with our image, but not to the point that we 7)….. (drive) crazy when a spot 8)….. (appear) on our face. So, the next time you are a little low on self-esteem, why don’t you take a look at the photo of a beautiful fashion model before it 9)…. (retouch)? Better yet, take a look at the picture of a Hollywood beauty and fashion icon who 10)…. (photograph) early in the morning and without make-up on!
What’s the main idea of the text you’ve read?
What do the famous people think about beauty? Match the beginnings of the quotes with their endings.
Which saying is close to your thoughts?
We’ve mentioned that under human beauty we mean physical or outer beauty and spiritual or inner beauty.
- Who thinks outer beauty is more important than inner beauty?
- Who considers spiritual beauty the most significant one?
Let’s try to analyze arguments for each type of beauty and then think of the balanced consideration of the problem.
- Each group should complete the sentences with the words “inner” or “outer”.
- Then you select arguments in favour of your type of beauty, make a list of them on the poster.
- Choose the people who are going to present the arguments.
You have five minutes to do it.
Outer Beauty | Inner Beauty |
the inner change changes the outer | |
People often have the tendency to judge others by …….. beauty because that's all anyone can see at first. | the ……. beauty comes from your own growth of consciousness, self-development and improvement. |
In the real world, ……. beauty clearly dominates. People’s communication is usually based on aesthetic aspects, chemistry, a desire to mingle with the so called “beautiful people.” | …… beauty can make an "average looking" person radiate with a magnetic glow and a heart-stopping presence. It makes this individual interesting, desirable, trustworthy, and welcome. |
What is the first thing that catches your eye, from the opposite sex? The first thing we see or notice about someone is their physical beauty. | Persons who possess …… beauty have positive and forward looking personalities. They are well-read and have a wide variety of interests. In other words, these people have a sincere interest in life. |
The physical well being of a person can have such advantages as confidence and openness to others. |
Don’t forget the rules of discussion:
- Express the argument – ask your opponents’ opinion – listen attentively – try to react
- Listen to your opponents’ argument attentively – express logical disagreement - ask your opponents’ opinion – listen attentively – try to react
Thank you for discussion. Let’s try to describe the types of beauty using some adjectives.
You have the list of adjectives (Spiritual, temporary, eternal, physical, powerful, weak). Which of them can be used to characterize:
Inner beauty | Spiritual, eternal, powerful |
Outer beauty | Physical, temporary, weak |
Tick the statement which you agree with:
The outer beauty never changes the inner beauty. | |
The inner change changes the outer beauty. |
What’s the conclusion? What should we care about?
How can we change our attitude to ourselves? Read and complete the text “Own Your Own Look!” (The Looks Book, R. Odes, E. Drill, H. McDonald). As you see it’s a gapped text? Some sentences have been removed from the story. At first you read the text to get the general idea, then you analyze each gap and removed sentences to find topic, grammar, logical links. We’ll check the results of your work in 3 minutes.
Of course you’re concerned about your looks. 1. ……. So, what do you do if you don’t happen to look exactly like a supermodel or a pop star or the beauty icon of the moment?
You have a choice. You can spend a lot of money and a lot of energy trying to achieve the elusive ideal or you can find your own ideal 2. ……. Choose an ideal that works for you (or make one up.) If someone doesn’t like it you can bet there’s someone else out there who will.
Amidst all the forces to contend with and ideals to compare yourself to, remember the most important force and ideal of all: YOU.
Beauty is about how you express yourself—your looks, your image, your personality. 3. …… Real beauty is something that has to be natured and comes from within. The kind of beauty that really knocks people’s socks off, or makes them smile when they see you, is the kind that comes from inside…
Your beauty is your own. You’re sure to have the power to create your own look. Have fun with it. 4. …….. Experiment. Experience. Enjoy. 5. ……
- Take matters into your own hands.
- A common ingredient in every beauty ideal is self-confidence.
- The kind of beauty that really knocks people’s socks off, or makes them smile when they see you, is the kind that comes from inside…
- People throughout history and around the world have found so many different kinds of bodies and styles beautiful.
- It’s natural…and it’s part of being human.
Read out the ideas which you think are right and close to yours.
Hope, we’ve managed to clarify the meaning of human beauty during this lesson. Now each of you has his own view of beauty. You have a minute to write a cinquain on the topic Human Beauty.
Stick it to the poster.
We’ve started the lesson with questions, let’s finish it with them: raise your hands those:
- Whose ideas of human beauty have changed in some way during the lesson.
- Have got some useful information or advice during the lesson.
- Who feel ready to change their attitude to themselves.
During the lesson you’ve done various tasks and developed your critical thinking skills. How can you access your development. Agree, partly agree or disagree with the following statements:
Statements | Agree | Partly agree | Disagree |
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