Why Should Pupils Follow The Rules 6 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Hello! I’m Sasha Orlov. I’m in the fifth ___. I live in Novgorod. I go to ___ number 7. I like my school, my classmates and my teachers. I think I am a good ___, but my teachers don’t think so. I don’t know why. Can you help me? I’ll tell you about my yesterday school day. My classes usually ___ at 8.30. But yesterday I got up at 8 o’clock and went to school at 9. My first lesson was Russian. It is not my favourite ___ and I missed it. subject, form, begin, pupil, school.
My second ___ was History. I like History a lot. I read books about ___ in the past and know many interesting things. Some pupils couldn’t answer the teacher’s ___ and I prompted them. The teacher didn’t like it. Then we had a long break. I ___ around the class and shouted. It ___ funny. ran, lesson, questions, was, events.
My third lesson was Maths. We solved ___. It was boring. I looked out of the window. There ___ a lot of birds in the tree and I decided to count them. It was more interesting than to solve problems. But the teacher gave me a bad ___. My fourth lesson was Information ___. I like I.T. because I like to play computer games. But it is dull when the teacher explain how to use ___. So I spoke with my friend and didn’t listen to the teacher. And when he ___ me a question I didn’t answer and got a bad mark. My school day was over. It wasn’t happy. But why? Technology, asked, were, problems, mark, computer.
Hi! I’m Beatriz from Spain. In my school we can’t chew gum because it’s a rule. What about your school? Hello, I’m Jennifer from the USA. In my school we cannot chew gum, but some teachers let us do it when they don’t see. I don’t understand why students can’t chew gum because our teachers chew gum! I’m working to change this rule.
Hello! I’m Nicolas from France. We can’t chew gum at school. But it is not right, I think. I read that kids learn better when they chew gum. Hello, I’m Susan from Italy. We don’t have this rule at our school. But we can chew gum only during the breaks. I think it is good because we learn at the lessons and relax during the breaks.
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