Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 7 класса "Should we protect the environment?"
учебно-методический материал (7 класс) по теме
внеклассное мероприятие Should we protect the environment?
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ход занятия:
Этапы | Деятельность учителя |
1.Подготовительный этап | (the pupils are divided into two ieams) T.: Good morning, boys and girls. We are going to have a competition and speak about environment and some problems connected with it. Our aim is to to discuss them, analyze them and see if we have the way out. First of all, answer my questions, please. 1. Why our Earth is in danger? 2. What problems does it have? 3. What problems do we have in our town? 4. How can we help our nature? 5. What organisations can protect our environment? |
2. Основной этап | ОЗУ: So today we are going to have a small competition between two teams. The first team is The protecters, the leader is …. The second team is The defenders, the leader is… The jury is consisted of …. Task 1 Blue and red ОЗУ: The first team (Protectors) is red, the second team (Defenders) is blue. Your task is to match English words with their Russian equivalents on the blackboard. На доске находится таблица с ячейками. Командам предлагается задание – ответить на вопров ячейку помещается карточка с изображением той команды, которая ответила на вопрос. В конце по заполненному полю жюри определяет победителя.
Жюри подводит итоги конкурса. Task 2 Mistirious signs ОЗУ: Look at these signs, try to guess their meaning. (Учитель раздает учащимся карточки, на карточках изображены знаки, которые ученикам нужно расшифровать) 1 Жюри подводит итоги Task 3 Eco Words Definitions ОЗУ: Match the “Eco vocabulary” with definitions. Acid rain a. short for chloro - fluoro- carbons: gases used in fridges, air conditioners, and plastic foam that damage the ozone layer Ecology b. an area providing an animal/ plant with food, water, and living space. Endangered species c. when harmful gases from cars and plants are released into the air and fall back to the earth either with rain or snow. Environment d. to use over and over again Carbon dioxide e. an increase in the Earth’s temperature caused by “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. CFCs f. tropical evergreen woodlands that provide habitat for more than half the world’s plants and animals. Global warming g. a gas produced when animals breathe out or materials containing carbon are burned. Greenhouse effect h. the study of organisms and their environment. Habitat i. a place where garbage is buried underground. Landfill j. when plants and animals die out and are gone from the earth forever. Oxygen k. all the surroundings of an organism, including other living things, climate, air, water, and soil. Ozone layer l. animals and plants in danger of becoming extinct. Rainforests m. when gases from factories and cars trap the sun’s heat and warm up the earth. Recycle n. a layer of gas high in the sky which protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays. Extinct species o. a gas that makes up about 21% of the earth’s atmosphere; all living beings need it to survive. Жюри подводит итоги Task 4 Crosswords ОЗУ: Listen to me very attentively. Do the crossword. First write down the words and then we’ll check.
Task 5 Interpreters ОЗУ: Look at the screen and describe the picture. What do you see? What is it? Task 6 Puzzles ОЗУ: I have cards with sentences for two groups. You must create three stories. Each team puts the sentences in a logical order. Group 1
Group 2
ОЗУ: Let’s see what stories you have. Groups will read their stories one by one. Students of the other group listen to the stories carefully and match the story and the picture. Task 8 The code of rules How can we keep the Earth clean? How can we protect the environment? That is the question. And the answer is our code of rules. Look at the board. There is a tree. Let’s make up The Code of Rules. What must we do and what must not if we want to save our planet. Учитель раздает ученикам бумажные листочки Write on your leaf: I must…. I must not …. Now, go and glew these leaves on the tree.You will get one point for one right sentence after you glew it. Жюри подводит итоги Task 5 Our help T.: Stand up, please. What do you do keep the Earth clean? As for me, I save our water. What do you do to keep the Earth clean? (Обращаясь к ученику №1 любой команды, он отвечает, задает вопрос другому из противоположной команды, садится, следующий отвечает и задает вопрос т.д.). Жюри оценивает правильность ответов. Жюри подводит итоги |
3. Заключительный этап | Our competition is over. Well, pupils. You were great. It’s our duty to help the planet do survive. Thank you for your work. After our discussion of the ecological problems I want you to sing the song which sounds as a call to the people of the whole world to save the Earth. Now, let’s sing The Earth song written by Michl Jackson.(учащиеся поют в караоке заранее выученную песню) Let’s listen to our jury and learn the results. (жюри подводит итоги, происходит награждение) |
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