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Опубликовано 14.01.2016 - 23:09 - Джамелошвили Ольга Владимировна
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Работу выполнила: Джамелошвили Ольга Владимировна,учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории, МОУ СОШ № 15 посёлка Санамер Предгорного района Ставропольского края
Образовательная: развитие у учащихся навыков чтения, аудирования, говорения на иностранном языке;Развивающая: развитие творческого потенциала учащихся, креативного мышления, поисковых навыков;Воспитательная: посредством проникновения в культуру страны изучаемого языка воспитание толерантной личности, развитие национального самосознания.
is the home of the President and his family. is a group of museums. is the federal agency that investigates criminal matters. is a river. is the place where laws are passed. is a monument to the first President of the USA. is the President's wife.
the Potomac Congress the Smithsonian Institution the Washington Monument the White House the First Lady the FBI
What do the letters D.C. in the name of Washington, the city, stand for? What state is Washington in? The city stands on the Potomac river, doesn't it? Is Washington or New York the capital of the country? What about Washington surprised the friends? Why is the level of pollution quite low in Washington? In what building are the laws passed? What is the address of the White House? Did George Washington live in the White House? Is there a monument to Lincoln in Washington? What does the Jefferson Memorial look like? What is the Smithsonian Institution famous for?
Washington stands on the River Thames. Washington isn't in any state. DC stands for the District of Columbia. Washington is named after the second President of the USA. The District of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus. The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington. In the evening Washington can look like an outdoor fitness club. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 is the address of every American president. It's not possible for an ordinary person to go inside the White House. The Jefferson Memorial can be seen from the White House. The Washington Monument was brought from Egypt, The FBI building is in New York. Some foreign embassies are in Washington and some are in Los Angeles.
1.__ Washington, D.C. stands on __ Potomac River. a) the/the, b) ---/the, c) the/---2. The White House __ the official residence of the American President. a) am, b)are, c) is3. The Capitol is __ building in Washington, D.C. a) higher, b) the most highest, c) the highest4. Thomas Jefferson __ the Declaration of Independence in 1776. a) wrote, b) had written, c) writes5. George Washington was ___ President of the United States. a) first, b) firstly, c) the first6. Americans honor and respect __ Presidents. a) our, b) your, c) their7. The Smithsonian museums are free and fun, ___ ? a) isn’t it, b) aren’t they, c) don’t they8. Washington, D.C. is ___ than New York City. a) little, b) less, c) the least9. The Lincoln Memorial ___ in 1943. a) opened, b) is opened, c) was opened10. The Congress consists __ the Senate and the House of Representatives. a) in, b) to, c) of
Образовательная: развитие у учащихся навыков чтения, аудирования, говорения на иностранном языке;Развивающая: развитие творческого потенциала учащихся, креативного мышления, поисковых навыков;Воспитательная: посредством проникновения в культуру страны изучаемого языка воспитание толерантной личности, развитие национального самосознания.
is the home of the President and his family. is a group of museums. is the federal agency that investigates criminal matters. is a river. is the place where laws are passed. is a monument to the first President of the USA. is the President's wife.
the Potomac Congress the Smithsonian Institution the Washington Monument the White House the First Lady the FBI
What do the letters D.C. in the name of Washington, the city, stand for? What state is Washington in? The city stands on the Potomac river, doesn't it? Is Washington or New York the capital of the country? What about Washington surprised the friends? Why is the level of pollution quite low in Washington? In what building are the laws passed? What is the address of the White House? Did George Washington live in the White House? Is there a monument to Lincoln in Washington? What does the Jefferson Memorial look like? What is the Smithsonian Institution famous for?
Washington stands on the River Thames. Washington isn't in any state. DC stands for the District of Columbia. Washington is named after the second President of the USA. The District of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus. The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington. In the evening Washington can look like an outdoor fitness club. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 is the address of every American president. It's not possible for an ordinary person to go inside the White House. The Jefferson Memorial can be seen from the White House. The Washington Monument was brought from Egypt, The FBI building is in New York. Some foreign embassies are in Washington and some are in Los Angeles.
1.__ Washington, D.C. stands on __ Potomac River. a) the/the, b) ---/the, c) the/---2. The White House __ the official residence of the American President. a) am, b)are, c) is3. The Capitol is __ building in Washington, D.C. a) higher, b) the most highest, c) the highest4. Thomas Jefferson __ the Declaration of Independence in 1776. a) wrote, b) had written, c) writes5. George Washington was ___ President of the United States. a) first, b) firstly, c) the first6. Americans honor and respect __ Presidents. a) our, b) your, c) their7. The Smithsonian museums are free and fun, ___ ? a) isn’t it, b) aren’t they, c) don’t they8. Washington, D.C. is ___ than New York City. a) little, b) less, c) the least9. The Lincoln Memorial ___ in 1943. a) opened, b) is opened, c) was opened10. The Congress consists __ the Senate and the House of Representatives. a) in, b) to, c) of
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA.
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