Английский язык 10 класс Урок страноведения “Washington is the capital of the USA”
методическая разработка (10 класс) по теме
Урок страноведения в 10 классе по английскому языку
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Английский язык
10 класс
Урок страноведения “Washington is the capital of the USA”
Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенций, умений осуществлять устное общение в типичных сферах жизни, фиксировать и передавать информацию.
Задачи урока:
1. Организовать устную монологическую и диалогическую речь, в связи с ситуациями по теме в интерактивных формах.
2. Воспитать у учащихся культуру общения, принятую в современном мире, положительное отношение к иностранному языку, культуре народа США.
3. Формировать положительные черты характера: доброжелательность, уважение, толерантность, активность, умение выслушать собеседника, уважать мнение других.
4. Развивать воображение, кратковременную память, умение логично и последовательно излагать мысли.
5. Развивать интеллектуальные и познавательные способности, готовность к участию в иноязычном общении.
Оснащение :
Пособие по страноведению, тематические фото с видами Вашингтона, карта США, схема достопримечательностей Вашингтона, аудиозапись для релаксации, карточки для групповых и индивидуальных форм работы.
Ход урока.
I. Начало урока.
1) Подготовка к восприятию иноязычного материала. Приветствие. Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! How are you today? I’m glad that you are well. Maybe somebody is nervous. Don’t worry, dear. You are clever students and everything will be OK.
2) Сообщение темы и целей урока. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
T: For some time we have been learning many interesting things about the USA. You’ve got to know that the USA is the richest and highly developed country in the world. It stretches from one coast to another. Today we are going to concentrate on one of the beautiful cities of the USA. It’s Washington.
But first, let’s check up what you know about the USA and a little “All- the USA Quiz”. Be ready to give answers, use the map in your answers.
(Учитель зачитывает вопросы викторины, учащиеся дают ответы).
T: It’s great. I’m impressed by your knowledge of this country. You really know a lot about different sides of the USA.
3) Warming up. Учебный разговор по высказыванию на доске.
T: Today at the lesson we are going to discuss past and present of the USA capital. But before discussion look at the blackboard, read the saying about Washington. How do you understand it?
“Washington is the country’s most monumental city in the most basic way. It has more major monuments than any place else. As you move through the city, you are passing the people and events memorialized in the monuments. Something of the past is always close at hand”.
II. Основная часть.
1) Организация устной тренировки по оперированию лексикой и материалом прочитанного текста, ключевыми словами и выражениями.
T: Pupils, before speaking about Washington, discussion its past and present, I propose you to join into four groups and work together. We shall review all necessary words, word- combinations and phrases.
Group 1.
Task: Match the column A with column B and make sentences with them.
Tourist House
Federal Memorial
The White attractions
Lincoln of items from America’s past
Collection government
White and Virginia
Maryland marble structures
George Washington
Group 2.
Task: Put the words in correct order.
1) It designed cities is one Washington was the of world built that before the in was.
2) Buildings stand the most main of city in part the Washington’s and museums west- central monuments government.
3) History the tradition their of Washington unity is democratic symbol and country’s.
Group 3.
Task: Complete the sentences:
1) Washington D. C. is….
2) It is the most…
3) It serves as ….
4) It is a symbol of…
5) Millions of people from all parts…
6) Many of buildings and monuments are…
7) L’Enfant and other members of a commission…
Group 4.
Task: Circle the correct answer:
1) Washington lies in …….US, between Maryland and Virginia.
1) west- central;
2) south- western;
3) south- eastern.
2) Washington serves as the headquarters of ……
1) the federal government;
2) The American Congress;
3) The American Senate.
3) George Washington asked …… to draw up the plans of the city.
1) a Soviet designer Korolyev;
2) a French engineer L’Enfant;
3) an American Doctor Bell.
4) The Capitol of the USA was named in honor of …..
1) the first settler of the USA;
2) the first president of the USA;
3) the first American money.
5) Letters D. C. in the city’s name mean….
1) Doctor Conrad;
2) District of Columbia;
3) Down Country.
T: Thank you, pupils, for your cooperation. I see that you read the text at home. It wasn’t very difficult, was it?
Were there any difficulties in translation?
2) Организация работы по прочитанному тексту, выполнение тренировочных упражнений.
T: a) What is the English for….
Правительственные здания
Под юрисдикцией
Интересные туристические места
Образец американского прошлого
Во всех направлениях
T: Find in the text such sentences:
1) Вашингтон не имеет больших промышленных территорий.
2) Парки и сады придают естественную красоту рукотворному величию этой территории.
3) Они приезжают, чтобы увидеть Капитолий, где собирается Конгресс США, Белый Дом, где живет и работает Президент.
4) Эта территория находится в одном ряду с красивейшими местами нации.
3) Организация монологического говорения учащихся о Вашингтоне с опорой на изученный текст и дополнительную информацию.
T: Let’s speak about Washington. I invite 4 pupils to the middle of our class- room. Your task is to prove that Washington is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in the world.
T—to the class: You have to listen to them very attentively, not to interrupt them. Only after their discussion you may add some information
T: What information can you add?
P1: I have read in the encyclopedia….
P2: From the History lessons I know…
P3: Recently I’ve watched a program about the USA…
P4: I’ve known that…
T: Thank you, boys and girls, you may take your seats. I want you to concentrate your attention on the places of interest in Washington.
(Учащиеся рассказывают об интересных местах Вашингтона).
A minute for relaxation.
T: Close your eyes. Relax your body. Relax your muscles. Bend your head. Take a long breathe. Think about something pleasant, beautiful, funny or, maybe, about something tasty. And speak about your dreams. Start your utterance with the words:
If only…
If I were….
I wish…
4) Организация диалогической парной работы по заданным ситуациям.
a) T: Let’s continue our work. If you haven’t forgotten we are discussing Washington’s sights. I propose you to work in pairs and groups. Who wants to work with dialogues? Each pair will have own situation. Take the cards. (ситуации записаны на карточках)
Situation 1.
In a Tourist Agency.
You ask advice and recommendation about visiting Washington’s sights.
Situation 2.
Russian student came to Washington and wants to know more information about the capital of the USA.
Situation 3.
You have lost in Washington. Ask the residents of Washington the way to your hotel.
(Учащиеся вытягивают карточку с ситуацией)
b) T: While they are preparing with their dialogues you will work in one group.
Imagine that Denis has just returned from his trip about Washington. Ask him questions about the capital of the USA.
c) Presentation of the dialogues. Pupils dramatize their dialogues.
III. Окончание урока.
1) Объяснение домашнего задания:
I. Composition «My last tourist excursion about Washington»
II. Ex.2, p. 23
Think of 5 questions to ask you partner about Washington. Answer your partner’s questions.
Ex.3, p. 23
You are entering a competition for a free week in a top Washington hotel. In order to win, you have to complete this sentence in more that 20 words.
I’d like to visit Washington because….
2) Подведение итогов урока.
T: Thank you very much for your work and enthusiasm. Most of you were at the top of the class. Some of you were rather quiet today. You are to be more active at the lesson. You can’t learn to speak English by sitting and listening to the other pupils. Forget about being shy and nervous. It’s far better to make a few mistakes than to say nothing. Your marks today are….
Thank you for cooperation.
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