Памятка для учащихся «Как готовиться к разделу ЕГЭ «Грамматика и лексика»
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Памятка для учащихся «Как готовиться к разделу ЕГЭ «Грамматика и лексика», тренировочные материалы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Абдурахманова Г. Р., учитель английского языка МБОУ Уметская СОШ Тамбовская область
Task 1
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
The Perfect Friend
Because (1)…is one of the few kinds of relationship we have FRIEND
control over, it is an (2)…area of research for sociologists. INTEREST
Although we can’t usually choose our (3)…, bosses or RELATE
(4)…,we can choose our friends. But how do we choose TEACH
them, and why is it that we find some people’s (5)…more PERSON
(6)…than others? We are all looking for similar qualities in ATTRACT
our friends, such as (7)…, a good sense of humour and HONEST
(8)… . However, what each of us means by a ‘good sense of KIND
humour’, for example, is (9)… . We are all unique, and so the DIFFER
perfect friend for one person may seem a little (10)…to BORE
someone else!
Task 2
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Jerry is a bully and has one of the most (1)…. personalities ATTRACT
of anyone I know. He’s totally (2)…-he never does what OBEY
his parents or teachers tell him to do, he’s (3)….(he’s always HONEST
telling lies), and I try to keep my (4)…from him as much as DISTANT
possible. (5)… , he’s my brother, so that’s not always easy! FORTUNE
It’s strange having a (6)…who everyone dislikes. It makes RELATE
me feel (7)…at school, because sometimes people think I COMFORT
must be just like him, but in fact I’m completely (8)… . I DIFFER
hope as Jerry grows older he’ll realise how important (9)… FRIEND
is and he’ll stop being so (10)…to everyone. One thing is KIND
sure – he’ll never get a girlfriend until he changes his ways!
Task 3.
The Modern Kitchen
Thomas Edison knew his new (1)…, the light bulb, would be INVENT
(2)…, but it’s unlikely that he realised quite how much the REVOLUTION
(3)…of electricity would affect the kitchen. The modern INTRODUCE
kitchen is overflowing with electrical (4)…, from the kettle APPLY
to the cooker to the (5)…. It’s hard to imagine how we would DISH
survive without all this (6)… For a busy parent whose kids EQUIP
are hungry, the simplest (7)…these days is to take some SOLVE
(8)…food out of the freezer and pop it in the microwave. FREEZE
That’s rather an (9)… on having to cook a meal from scratch. IMPROVE
It’s been particularly (10)…for women – no longer do they BENEFIT
have to stay all day chained to the cooker and the kitchen sink.
Task 4
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Career file:Working in Science
Many people are attracted to a career as a (1)…and it can SCIENCE
certainly be very rewarding. Finding (2)…to problems that SOLVE
affect people’s lives can be very (3)…and give you a real CREATE
sense of (4)…. If you are one of the lucky ones, you might ACHIEVE
even come up with something that is (5)…to large numbers BENEFIT
of people around the world. At the same time, though, it’s
important to realise that success in science demands (6)… DEDICATE
and a lot of hard work. Behind every great (7)…lie long hour DISCOVER
of work in the laboratory, not to mention years of (8)… EXPENSE
education. It’s a big (9)…of time and money, but the chance INVEST
to be involved in the latest (10)…makes it worthwhile. DEVELOP
Task 5
It’s Getting Hotter!
There seems to be little doubt that (1)…warming is a real GLOBE
phenomenon. Temperatures are rising in many places (2)… WORLD
and (3)…farmland is being lost as sea levels rise due to VALUE
melting of the polar ice. (4)…disagree, though about whether SCIENCE
this (5)…change is being caused by human actions or whether ENVIRONMENT
it has other (6)….causes. One explanation is the greenhouse NATURE
effect. This is where (7)…in the atmosphere traps the sun’s POLLUTE
rays, like a giant greenhouse. While nobody claims that releasing
chemicals into the atmosphere can be (8)…, not everyone is HARM
convinced that all the temperature change is due to (9)…activity. INDUSTRY
It’s an important question, because a (10)…can only be found SOLVE
once we understand exactly what is causing the problem.
Task 6
1. Although …..at school concert wasn’t compulsory, every ATTEND
single student turned up.
2. We showed our…..by sending her some flowers. APPRECIATE
3. I don’t know how anyone can get any… from fishing! ENJOY
4. Scientists used to think this chemical was dangerous,
but now they know it’s completely ….. HARM
5. My parents give me a monthly…, which I use to buy clothes and CDs. ALLOW
6. Some drugs are highly … ADDICT
7. This ….will really damage our chances of winning the championship. LOSE
8. I am really quite …and can’t stand losing. COMPETE
9. We need a great….from everyone if we are going to win this match. PERFORM
10. Regular training helps us to build …and muscles. STRONG
11. Both our key players are out of action at the moment with serious… INJURE
12. The important thing in any sport is to get your ….right. PREPARE
Task 7
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Drugs in sport.
In 1967, the use of drugs by (1)…in the Olympics was banned. COMPETE
Before modern drugs became a problem, athletes has tried all sorts
of ways to get an unfair advantage, including drinking a (2)… MIX
of alcohol and raw egg before a race, hoping for an (3)…in IMPROVE
their times, and Thomas Hicks, the gold (4)…in the marathon MEDAL
in 1904, actually drank brandy during the race! (5)…, in 1960, FORTUNE
a Danish athlete died after taking drugs and the (6)…was taken DECIDE
to outlaw certain substances. Today, there are (7)…chemicals COUNT
that athletes are not allowed to take during (8)…and officials TRAIN
randomly test athletes for (9)…of these drugs. Athletes today EVIDENT
who are found to have these (10)…performance-enhancing HARM
drugs in their system may be banned from competing.
Task 8
Complete each sentence using a form of the word at the end of the line.
1. We practised hard in …for the big match. PREPARE
2. The only thing Mark is ….about is chatting online. ENTHUSE
3. If you can’t behave more…, you’ll never be captain of the team. RESPONSIBLE
4. Catherine’s very popular and everybody says she is very … LIKE
5. I don’t know what….you need to be a referee. QUALIFY
6. I think they made the wrong … when they took my favourite DECIDE
show off the air.
7. Always respect your…, whether you’re winning or losing. OPPOSE
8. I love …TV because you get to see ordinary people in REAL
interesting situations.
Task 9
Complete each sentence using a form of the word at the end of the line.
1. I never do any…the night before the exams. REVISE
2. Are you going to apply for the … SCHOLAR
3. This school prides itself on its… record. ACADEMY
4. We’ll need a copy of all your… CERTIFY
5. I think that watching TV can be very … EDUCATE
6. Do you remember being…how to tie your shoelaces? TEACH
7. If you fail the exam in June, you can …it in December. TAKE
8. If someone can’t read and write, they are … LITERATE
Task 1
Keys 1: The Perfect Friend. 1-friendship, 2-interesting, 3-relations, 4-teachers, 5-personalities, 6-attractive, 7-honestly, 8-kindness, 9-different, 10-boring.
Task 2
Keys: 1.-unattractive, 2.-disobedient, 3.-dishonest,4.-distance, 5.-unfortunately, 6.-relative/relation, 7.-uncomfortable, 8.-different, 9.-friendship, 10.-unkind
Task 3
Keys: 1-invention, 2-revolutionary, 3-introduction, 4- appliances, 5-dishwasher, 6-equipment, 7-solution, 8-frozen, 9-improvement, 10-beneficial
Task 4
Keys: 1- scientist, 2-solutions, 3-creative, 4-achievement, 5-beneficial, 6-dedication, 7-discovery, 8-expensive, 9- investment, 10-developments.
Task 5
Keys : 1-global, 2-worldwide, 3-valuable, 4-scientists, 5-environmental, 6-natural, 7-pollution, 8-harmful, 9-industiral, 10-solution.
Task 6
Keys: 1-attendance, 2-appreciation, 3-enjoyment, 4-harmless, 5-allowance, 6-addictive, 7-loss, 8-competitive, 9-performance, 10-strengthen, 11-injuries, 12-preparation.
Task 7
Keys: 1-competitors, 2-mixture, 3-improvement, 4-medalist, 5-unfortunately, 6-decision, 7-countless, 8-training, 9-evidence, 10-harmful.
Task 8
Keys: 1-preparation, 2-enthusiastic, 3-responsibly, 4-likable, 5-qualifications, 6-decision, 7-opponent, 8-reality.
Task 9
Keys: 1-revision, 2-scholarship, 3-academic, 4-certificates, 5-educative, 6-taught, 7-retake, 8-illiterate
Донецкая Н.Б. Учебное пособие «Тестовые задания по разделу «Use of English» для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ»: - Тамбов: ТОИПКРО, 2008.
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