Традиции Вликобритании
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Данная работа составлена для учащихся 10 класса .Цель материала- проверить умения читатьтекст и выполнять задания на основе прочитанного. За основу взят текст об одной из рождественских традиций.
Работа состоит зи четырех разноуровневых заданий.Первое упражнение-на проверку лексической сочетаемости. Второе и третье задания направлены на умение находить лгические связи в тексте. Четвертый блок проверяет знания структуры предложений.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное автономное образовательное учреждение средняя школа №1 города Михайловска Свердловской области
Дополнительное чтение «День подарков»
Цель: контроль умений понимания основной темы текста
Познавательный аспект:
Знакомство с особенностями культуры Великобритании
Стимулирование стремления углубить знания о традициях страны изучаемого языка
Учебный аспект:
Совершенствование навыков поискового чтения
Развитие умений делать выписки из прочитанного текста
Совершенствование лексико-грамматических умений на базе материала
Совершенствование умений решать коммуникативные задачи посредством диалога - расспроса
Развивающий аспект:
Развитие личностной активности, наблюдательности, воображения.
Развитие способности к анализу и сравнению
Материал выполнен учителем английского языка Сычевой М.В.,МАОУ СШ №1 г.Михайловск Свердловской обл.
Boxing Day
I think Boxing Day is confusing for people who don’t know much about Christmas. It is a strange name for a holiday. I bet many people think it is a time when people have a fight and punch each other. Well, it’s quite a bit different than that. Boxing Day started hundreds of years ago as a way of helping poorer people at Christmas. Shopkeepers and craftsmen used to put a special Christmas box in their store or workshop. Customers and visitors would put money into the box. On the day after Christmas Day, which is December 26th, the shopkeeper emptied the box and shared the money with his workers. So that’s how Boxing Day started. This tradition kind of continues today. Many companies give their workers a Christmas bonus.
I’ve always liked Boxing Day. It’s kind of the same as Christmas Day. It has a nice feel about it and we get to eat Christmas dinner all over again. There are also lots of good programmes and movies on TV. For children, it’s another day to play with all their new toys; and for adults, it’s another day off work – at least in countries where Boxing Day is a national holiday. The biggest difference for me between the two days is that there are no more presents to open on Boxing Day. There is a lot of sport on Boxing Day so many people go to watch a football match or game of rugby. And if you don’t like sport, there are always the Boxing Day sales. You can go shopping and buy all of the things you wanted for Christmas but didn’t get!
Задания к тексту
1. Match the following phrases from the article.
1. confusing for people who don’t | a. name for a holiday |
2. It is a strange | b. today |
3. a way of helping poorer | c. know much about Christmas |
4. visitors would put | d. a Christmas bonus |
5. This tradition kind of continues | e. money into the box |
6. companies give their workers | f. people at Christmas |
2.Put the words into the gaps in the text.
Boxing way confusing kind other used bet emptied |
I think Boxing Day is __________ for people who don’t know much about Christmas. It is a strange name for a holiday. I __________ many people think it is a time when people have a fight and punch each __________. Well, it’s quite a bit different than that. Boxing Day started hundreds of years ago as a __________ of helping poorer people at Christmas. Shopkeepers and craftsmen __________ to put a special Christmas box in their store or workshop. Customers and visitors would put money into the __________. On the day after Christmas Day, which is December 26th, the shopkeeper __________ the box and shared the money with his workers. So that’s how Boxing Day started. This tradition __________ of continues today. Many companies give their workers a Christmas bonus.
3.Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs of italics.
I’ve always liking / liked Boxing Day. It’s kind of the same as Christmas Day. It has a nice feel / felt about it and we get to eat Christmas dinner all over again. There are also load / lots of good programmes and movies on TV. For children, it’s another day to play with all their new toys; and for adults, it’s another / other day off work – at least in countries where Boxing Day is a national holiday. The biggest difference for me between the two days is that there are no more presents to open on Boxing Day. There is / are a lot of sport on Boxing Day so many people go to watch a football match or game of rugby. And if you don’t like sport, there are always the Boxing Day sales. You can go shopping and buy all of the things you wanted for Christmas but didn’t give / get!
4.Put the words back into the correct order.
1/people about who Christmas don’t confusing know for much |
2/fight and punch each other a time when people have a |
3.. hundreds years Boxing started of ago Day |
4. visitors put into box would money the |
5. kind tradition This today continues of |
6. the of kind It’s Day Christmas as same |
7. again Christmas we dinner get all to over eat |
8. more to there no presents open are |
9. sport is on a Boxing lot Day of There |
10. the Christmas things but you didn’t wanted get for |
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