Методическая разработка по теме: "Halloween"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данная методическая разработка подходит для начальной сткпени обучения английскому языку. Содержит в себе задания на пополнение лексического материала по теме. Задания включают разучивание песни и изготовление фонарика как символа праздника.
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Смирнова В.П. ГБОУ гимназия 168 2015-10-18
Lesson Plan: Halloween
Level A2.
A goal: to acquaint students with the holiday Halloween and the vocabulary related to this theme.
This lesson has some fun activities and language learning tasks based around the theme of Halloween. The activities include singing a song and making Halloween decorations.
- To integrate cultural awareness into the course
- To introduce / practise Halloween related vocabulary – cat, hat, bat, witch, ghost, pumpkin, black…
- To work on pronunciation and rhyming sounds
- To get children used to following simple instructions to make easy craft objects
- Pre-made bingo cards
- Picture cards
- Orange paper
- Scissors
- Stapler
Activity 1. (Warm-up)
Show the students a picture of a Halloween symbol (ex. A pumpkin or a witch). Elicit from the children what is special about today or what is going to be celebrated very soon, depending on what day you teach them. Ask them to tell you about how they celebrate Halloween. This can be done in their own language if they are very young.
Activity 2. Vocabulary.
Explain the students you will revise words related to this topic. Children get shits of paper with words, definitions and pictures related to the topic. Then a teacher can train the pronunciation of the words chorally and individually. You can ask the students to find more words related to this holiday using http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/. This may be a part of their hometask.
word | pronunciation | picture |
Spider- a small creature with eight thin legs. | /ˈspaɪdə(r)/ | |
Pumpkin- a large round vegetable with thick orange skin. | /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ | |
Ghost- the spirit of a dead person that a living person believes they can see or hear | /ɡəʊst/ | |
Cat- a small animal with soft fur that people often keep as a pet. Night- the time between one day and the next when it is dark, when people usually sleep | /kæt/, /naɪt/ | |
Candle- a round stick of wax with a piece of string (called a wick ) through the middle which is lit to give light as it burns | ˈkændl/ | |
Sweets- food/drink containing, or tasting as if it contains, a lot of sugar | /swiːt/ | |
Costume- the clothes worn by actors in a play or film/movie, or worn by somebody to make them look like somebody/something else | /ˈkɒstjuːm/
| |
Hat- a covering made to fit the head and worn out of doors | /hæt/ | |
Witch - a woman who is believed to have magic powers, especially to do evil things. In stories, she usually wears a black pointed hat and flies on a broomstick. | /wɪtʃ/ | |
Bat - an animal like a mouse with wings, that flies and feeds at night | /bæt/
| |
Wand- (also magic wand) a straight thin stick that is held by somebody when performing magic or magic tricks | /wɒnd/ | |
Brew- an unpleasant drink that is a mixture of different things | /bruː/ |
Activity 3. Play Bingo
Students play in pairs. Each student gets a different card with pictures. Each person names a word related to the topic of the lesson. If a partner has this picture, he\she crosses it out and takes his\her turn. The winner is a person who crosses out all of the pictures. Explain the students that not all of the pictures are the same and they must not look in the partner’s shit of paper.
Activity 4. Sing a song
You may sing with your pupils a song that is very easy to learn and this may bring a natural atmosphere and motivate students.
Activity 5. Make a lantern
You should practise making this before class and have one to demonstrate each step.
- Give each child a sheet of A4 orange paper or card. Show them how to fold it down the middle lengthwise.
- Then with the paper still folded they should cut about 7 straight lines every 2 cms along the paper, starting from the fold and leaving about 2 cms before the edge.
- Then open out the paper and fold it round into a lantern shape.
- You should attach the top and bottom together with a stapler of they can do this themselves with sellotape.
- Give each child another strip of paper to make a handle ad attach it to the top of the lantern.
- They can then decorate their lanterns.
Students may draw a smile-symbol: happy- if they liked the activity, sad-if not. The last picture expresses their attitude to the lesson.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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