English for fun. Итоговый контроль знаний.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
English for fun.
Итоговый контроль знаний.
Предлагаемые вопросы для круглого стола:
- In the novel of an American writer the 2 main characters were so much alike that the political leader of the country changed. Name the novel and the author.
- Old English was very different from modern English. But there are some words that you can recognize .Attention! Look at the screen. Translate the words of old English into modern English: drenkan slepan nyne sunne god nigt
- All journalists try their best to find the most exciting and surprising news to attract the readers. But one editor-in-chief once said “When a dog bites a man that is not news but that is news when ………..Continue the idea of the editor-in-chief.
- Samuel Clemens, an American who had never been to Russia, once stood side by side with Nicolay Korneichukov, a Russian, who had never been to America. Where and how could such an unbelievable meeting have happened?
- Give the Russian equivalent to a very wise English proverb “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones”.
- Thousands of tourists come to a famous place in Britain to see somebody that has never been seen and to visit the museum devoted to that never seen somebody. What is the place and who is that mysterious somebody?
- This man was busy growing cows, horses, pigs and other animals on his farm during all his life. And now his name is written with bright big letters in different big cities all over the world including Moscow (for example opposite the monument to Pushkin) What’s his name?
- Attention! The black box! There is one thing in this box which was brought by a famous English traveller Sir Walter Railegh from his trip to America. He borrowed it from American Indians and since that time it has always been very popular in Europe. If you guess what Sir W.Railegh brought to Europe from America you will get it as a present. (He also brought another thing which actually does people a lot of harm, that is why we couldn’t put it here as children of your age mustn’t use it.)
- Attention! Look at the screen! Look at these French words: pot – горшок, nez –нос, velur – мягкий, garder – хранить, cheveux – волосы, cacher – прятать, robe – платье, pencer –защемлять. Having joined in pairs these words came to the Russian language. Find these words in our native language.
- Attention! The black box! In this box there is something that in Russian is called by the name of a very popular British sport game. What is there in the box?
- There is a country which is highly developed now and has a good reputation. But it has a very dark past. It was founded many years ago by criminals. What country is it?
- Which Mayflower is always fresh in every American house?
- Attention! Look at the screen! On the screen there are 5 portraits. Which portrait does not suit the group? (B.Pitt, D.Duhovny, D.Copperfield, D.Backham, the Statue of David by Michelangelo)
Ключи к вопросам:
- Mark Twain “The Prince and the Pauper”
- drink, sleep, nine, sun, good night.
- … when a man bites a dog.
- On a bookshelf as both of them were writers. Samuel Clemens was the real name of M. Twain and Nicolay Korneychukov was the real name of Korney Chukovsky.
- Чья бы корова мычала..
- Loch Ness, Loch Ness Monster.
- Macdonald. (вопрос-шутка, основанный на песне, которую учат обычно в начальной школе “Old MacDonald had a farm”)
- Potatoes (Можно положить картофельлные чипсы, например, “Русская Картошка”)
- Пенсне, шевелюра, гардероб, кашпо.
- Гольфы.
- Australia
- The ship “Mayflower” on which the first pilgrims sailed to America
- Brad Pitt. All the others are Davids.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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