Итоговый контроль знаний, Английский язык, 6 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Составленные задания ориентированы на проверку усвоенных учениками знаний.
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Итоговый контроль знаний.
Английский язык, 6 класс
Section 1
Task 1 Read the text about Peter Marks. Are the sentences 1-7 “Right”(A) or “Wrong”(B)?
If there is not enough information to answer “Right”(A) or “Wrong”(B), choose “Doesn`t say”(C). for questions 1-7 mark A,B,or C on the answer sheet.
Peter Marks: Press Officer Peter Marks is the press officer for a top football club. If a television or newspaper journalist wants to know anything about the club, Peter gives them the information. “ At the age of 10 I wanted to play football for England! But I studied science at university, and then got a job on a daily newspaper, writing about business and sport. I`ve worked for this club for eight years. When I started, only one other football club had a press officer – now almost every club has one. The job has changed a lot. At the beginning I just gave information to a few local and national newspapers. Today my phone never stops ringing! Magazines, TV companies and radio stations from all over the world want interviews with our players and manager. Often, journalists or photographers ask to meet a player here. That`s why my office is next to club changing room – it`s easy for me to find players when they`ve finished practicing. Newspapers sometimes say things about football clubs that are wrong, so I teach all our players how to answer difficult questions. Then I`m happy to let them speak to journalists without me.” |
When he was a boy, Peter hoped to become a footballer.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn`t say
Peter did a degree in business studies when he left school.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn`t say
Peter was a journalist for eight years.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn`t say
When he started this job, Peter had less to do than he has now.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn`t say
Peter can speak several foreign languages.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn`t say
Peter knows where the players are at the club if anybody wants to speak to them there.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn`t say
When the footballers talk to journalists, Peter answers any difficult questions for them.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn`t say
Task 2
Read the article about robots. Then answer the questions. For questions 1-5 mark A,B,C, or D on the answer sheet.
Loveable Robots Most of the robots in the Robodex exhibition in Yokohama, Japan can talk, climb stair or pick up objects but Posy, the little girl robot, doesn`t do any of these things. She is designed to look loveable. Posy is one of a new generation of robots. Their designers don`t want them to seem frightening to human beings. There are still many technological problems to solve before people start buying robots to have in their homes, but scientists realize there is a psychological problem as well. Machines that look like humans make many of us feel nervous. “The theme of Robodex is robots that co-exist with humans”, said Toshi Doi. Toshi is the designer of Aibo, the robot pet and SDR-4X, a singing, dancing machine and one of the most impressive robots at the show. Another is Honda`s new robot called Asimo. The company hopes it will one day be able to do household tasks. Japan is already home to half the world`s industrial robots and 90% of robot pets. “ I don`t think we feel uncomfortable with robots and we also love technology”, said Kazuo Hirai of Honda. The robots that appeal most to humans at the moment, however, are those that don`t have a human form. Paro, a furry creature a bit like a seal, is used in children`s hospitals all over the world because the pleasant sensation of holding him helps the children recover more quickly. Not all robots are designed to be appealing however. For example, there`s the robot guard dog T7S Type 2. He has a camera and a mobile phone and can be guided by voice commands so that if you are away on holiday, you can phone him and tell him what to do. |
1.Why is Posy different from other robots?
A She can climb stairs.
B She doesn`t do anything.
C She can talk.
D She is feminine.
2.Why would someone read the text?
A To find out more about robots.
B To find out how to get to Robotex.
C To learn about how robots are built.
D To find out whether people like robots.
3. Why haven`t robots become popular yet?
A They don`t look enough like real people.
B They don`t work properly.
C People find them strange and frightening.
D They are too ugly.
4. What is Paro?
A A robot pet.
B A robot nurse.
C A robot child.
D A robot doctor.
5. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A Persuade people to buy robots.
B Explain how robots work.
C Criticise robots.
D Describe some robots.
Task 1
Read the text.. Choose the best word (A,B or C) for each space (1-9). For questions 1-9 mark A,B or C in your answer sheet.
If you 1____ to Birmingham, you 2____ also visit Stratford-upon-Avon. This is the town where William Shakespeare 3____and it`s only thirty-five 4_____ from Birmingham. Shakespeare, 5____was one of the greatest writers of all time, grew 6___ in this little town. You can still visit his birthplace, a small house that 7____ hundreds of years ago. The town 8____ by thousands of tourists every year and there are lots of things to see and do there. You 9____ to worry about where to stay- there are lots of hotels and guesthouses in Stratford-upon-Avon. |
1 A go B will go C went
2 A need B should C mustn`t
3 A born B is born C was born
4 A litres B kilograms C kilometres
5 A who B which C that
6 A on B up C out
7 A built B was built C is built
8 A visits B is visiting C is visited
9 A mustn`t B don`t have C needn`t
Questions | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Letters |
Task 2
For questions 10 – 19 choose the best answer A,B or C
10.Please turn ________ . I want to listen to the news.
A on B off C in
- Liz _______ she was busy.
A told B told me C said me
- Our cat was sick, so we had to take it to the _______.
A nurse B doctor C vet
- Visitors _______ allowed to feed the animals.
A aren`t B don`t C haven`t
- You can carry ______ with your work now.
A out B in C on
- You need to ______ the vegetables for fifteen minutes.
A boil B slice C burn
- The tickets ______ were very difficult to find, cost $100.
A who B which C that
- I`m looking _____ my keys. Have you seen them?
A at B out C for
- Ian said that he was tired and that he ______ to go to bed.
A wants B wanted C had wanted
- If he _______ me to his party, I`ll go.
A invite B invites C will invite
Task 3
Complete the text. Write ONE word for each space 20-28.For questions20 – 28,write your words on the answer sheet.
I`m really 0 looking forward to our trip to London next week. I 20______going to see all my old friends after two years! I 21______missed them so much! I`ve 22____ packed my bag – it`s been ready 23_____ Tuesday. I haven`t bought everything I need for the trip 24_____ . I have 25_____ buy presents for all my friends and also a new pair of sunglasses. My brother is as excited 26_____ I am. He 27_____ already packed his bag too. He`s 28_____ been to London, but he`s heard so much about it. He can`t wait!
For questions 1 -5 choose the best answer about English-speaking countries
1 What is the name of the Queen`s oldest son?
A Philip B Andrew C Charles D Edward
2 What is the symbol of England?
A leek B rose C shamrock D thistle
3 What city is the capital of Northern Ireland?
A Dublin B Cardiff C Belfast D Edinburgh
4 Who lived in Sherwood Forest according to a legend?
A Robin Hood B King Arthur C Harry Potter D Sherlock Holmes
5 A brunch is…
A breakfast B lunch C dinner D late breakfast
Questions | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Letters |
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