Викторина для 5 класса "I'm the best in English"
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Эта викторина создана для обучающися 5 класса на материале УМК Spotlight.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
PLACES LEXIS AND GRAMAR SECRET 20 2 5 2 0 40 45 3 0 60 55 50 80 75 70 90 80 90
Make up sentences: What are the capitals of English-speaking countries? back
Match the parts of the words : Foot- Autu - Fan- His- Uni - Kit- - tory - tastic - chen - mn -ball -form Sub- Week- Eve- Ani - Mu- Swim- -sic - ning -end - ming - ject -mal Bed- Business- Capi - Sci - Bis - Ex- - cuit -change - ence -room -man - tal back
Put the missing letters: p_t_to sn_wb_ll w_nt _r fr_dge sch _ _l h_bb _ bl_ck m_uth br_th_r m_rn_ng c_mp_ter s_ndw_ch j_ck_t f_st_val pr_se_ts t_l_v_sion c_mp_ng w_nd_w back
Make up word combinations: Information dress exchange pencil have light decorate the house case Technology breakfast gifts up fires family a) computer watch b) fireworks lunch c) subjects set off d) jogging work on e) break school f) dinner go g) a DVD back
Divide the words into 3 groups: CLOTHES SCHOOL SUBJECTS FOOD back
Find the opposites: back Small Heavy Outside Fat Dark Short New Downstairs Old Upstairs Big Inside Light Long Thin Fair
Choose the parts of the UK: Australia England The USA China Scotland Wales New Zealand Northern Ireland back
Odd one out: stay, play, study, party teacher, together, brother, mother day, week, lesson, year, month, minute English, Britain, French, German, Italian doing, going, playing, sing, making twelfth, fifth, sixth, tenth, month, eighth back
Guess the place: The Eifel Tower next
Guess the place: The Kremlin next
Guess the place: Big Ben next
Guess the place: Taj Mahal next
Guess the place: Statue of Liberty back
Food for festival Thanksgiving Day Birthday Party New Year’s Day Strawberry Festival strawberry oranges and champagne pumpkin pie cake back
Correct the mistakes: 1. He often go to the cinema. 2. John is outside. He is wash his car. 3. The boys are walking their dogs every morning. 1. Look! My father is sometimes reading a newspaper. 2. Clare don’t like pizza. 3. I am wanting to drink. Let’s go to the café. 1. She need some money to buy a souvenir. 2. They not watching TV at the moment. 3. Nina usually driving to work. back
Put the nouns in the plural: lady fish family dress bench leaf child pen doll baby class mouse knife toy deer witch watch foot sheep fox wolf apple diary spy back
Who lives where? North pole Australia Britain The USA Africa Camels The Simpsons Koalas Polar Bears Harry Potter back
The toy buses are from: Scotland England Wales next
The mug is from: Wales Northern Ireland England next
The tartan scarf belongs to: Northern Ireland Wales Scotland next
The shamrock hat is from: England Scotland Northern Ireland back
Предварительный просмотр:
Рекомендации по проведению викторины
Желательно разделить обучающихся на 3 команды. Каждая команда по очереди выбирает рубрику и стоимость задания, которое они будут выполнять. Команда, которая выбирала задание, имеет преимущество, т.е. отвечает первой, однако и другие команды тоже могут заработать тоже количество очков, если выполнят свое задание (некоторые задания составлены для трех команд). Но есть вопросы, на которые отвечает только та команда, которая его выбрала. Если команда дает неверный ответ, право переходит к другой команде. В конце игры подсчитываются очки у всех команд.
Данные карточки можно распечатать и выдавать всем командам. На экране же отображаются задания для трех команд.
Foot- Autu- Fan- His- Uni- Kit- | -tory -tastic -chen -mn -ball -form | Sub- Week- Eve- Ani- Mu- Swim- | -sic -ning -end -ming -ject -mal | Bed- Business- Capi- Sci- Bis- Ex- | -cuit -change -ence -room -man -tal |
Choose the words for the “CLOTHES” group: Maths, pumpkin, IT, pineapple, shoes, PE, coffee, French, tomatoes, trousers, Art, Drama, sausages, crisps, English, boots, Geography, rice, trainers, turkey, dress, Science, blouse, jumper, Russian, scarf, Biology, butter, Music, high heels, chicken, History, tie, jeans, German, gloves, strawberry, Literature, cabbage |
Choose the words for the “FOOD” group: Maths, pumpkin, IT, pineapple, shoes, PE, coffee, French, tomatoes, trousers, Art, Drama, sausages, crisps, English, boots, Geography, rice, trainers, turkey, dress, Science, blouse, jumper, Russian, scarf, Biology, butter, Music, high heels, chicken, History, tie, jeans, German, gloves, strawberry, Literature, cabbage |
Choose the words for the “SCHOOL SUBJECTS” group: Maths, pumpkin, IT, pineapple, shoes, PE, coffee, French, tomatoes, trousers, Art, Drama, sausages, crisps, English, boots, Geography, rice, trainers, turkey, dress, Science, blouse, jumper, Russian, scarf, Biology, butter, Music, high heels, chicken, History, tie, jeans, German, gloves, strawberry, Literature, cabbage |
Match the words with their description: 1) … is a place where people can watch sports. 2) … is a school subject where you study history facts. 3) You wear it in winter. 4) These birds can’t fly. |
Match the words with their description: 1) … is a school subject where you learn poems by heart and read interesting books. 2) Americans eat this food on Thanksgiving Day. 3) The main city in the country is … 4) … is a place where you can see paintings and sculptures. |
Match the words with their description: 1) A person who likes visiting other places is … 2) … is a school subject where you can run, jump and play. 3) You usually take a shower in this room. 4) … is a school subject where you do experiments. |
Correct the mistakes: 1. He often go to the cinema. 2. John is outside. He is wash his car. 3. The boys are walking their dogs every morning. |
Correct the mistakes: 1. Look! My father is sometimes reading a newspaper. 2. Clare don’t like pizza. 3. I am wanting to drink. Let’s go to the café. |
Correct the mistakes: 1. She need some money to buy a souvenir. 2. They not watching TV at the moment. 3. Nina usually driving to work. |
Put the nouns in the plural: lady fish family dress bench leaf child pen |
Put the nouns in the plural: doll baby class mouse knife toy deer witch |
Put the nouns in the plural: watch foot sheep fox wolf apple diary spy |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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