викторина по английскому языку для 4 класса " English party"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
открытое мероприятие по метапредметным связам.-Стихи для детей на английском языке в переводе Маршака.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Викторина по английскому языку в 4 классе
1) Тренировка лексико-грамматических навыков;
2) Развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, монологической устной речи, фонематического слуха;
3) Воспитание любви к изучаемому языку.
Ход мероприятия:
I.Организационный момент.
- Good morning, children! Today we have a special lesson. It is a game –party.Welcome to our party!
- Today you will ask questions, solve riddles and play games and recite some poems by S.Marshak.
- I want you to divide into two groups. One group is “The Kittens” and the second - “The Mittens”.
Well, teams, you have some time to choose the captain and decide how to present your team.
II. Проведение конкурсов.
Визитка: капитаны команд получают вопросы-анкету и отвечают по ней, рассказывают о себе.
Tell us about yourself, please. (Команды рассказывают о себе и представляют капитанов.) За лучшую визитку команды получают 1 балл.
( приложение 1)
All about me . ( the captains` competition).
- Hi! I`m……
- I`m…..
- I`m from….
My likes:
- I`m….
- I like……and……
- My friend likes…………and………………………………..
Reading,dancing,singing,painting,playing… |
My friends.
………………………and I are friends.
I like my friends.
They are………………………. And…………………….
We like ………………………….and………………………together.
Sports and Games I like.
I like………………….
I like playing………………………
I`m good at…………………
Four things I can\ can`t do.
I can do four things well.
I can ………………………………..well.
I can ……………………………..and……………………….well.
But I can`t …………………
I can`t ………………………..and…………………………
We`re waiting for our captains and do play the first game ( choose the categorie)
Конкурс 2
-Назовите противоположные по значению слова:
day | |
Black | |
Yes | |
Up | |
Hello | |
Small | |
Light | |
Good | |
New | |
Low |
За правильный ответ- 1 балл.
Now let`s listen to our poets. Your home task was to learn by heart a poem by S.Marshak . « 3 little kittens”. ( Ann A, Andrew, Sasha K., Adelina, A/Kameneva).
Конкурс 3
Конкурс скороговорок (‘Who can read patterns best?”)
Участникам раздаются листы бумаги с написанными на них скороговорками ( по одной для каждой команды). Любой представитель команды может произнести скороговорку вслух. Оценка этого конкурса 1 – 3 балла.
- Read these patterns to yourselves and then try to repeat them aloud 3 or 4 times as fast as you can.
Cob is Dob’s dog, Tob is Mob’s dog. |
Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat. |
Choose the next categorie ( 2 pupils)
Конкурс 4
Конкурс « Угадай время года» (“Guess the season” and coose the right picture).
Игрок каждой команды выбирает описание,читает его,угадывает и показывает картинку.
Now we’ll have our next game “Seasons”. I’ll read you the descriptions of four seasons, you have to guess what season I’m speaking about and show us the picture of that season.
Варианты описаний: ( отвечая, дети показывают соответствующую иллюстрацию времени года).
It is the coldest season. The weather is frosty. There is much snow on the ground, on the roofs and on the trees. It often snows. We can ski, skate, play snowballs. We have Christmas Day, New Year party and Christmas ( New Year) Tree in this season.
It’s a very nice season. The nature awakens from her long winter sleep. The sun becomes warm and the sky is blue. The trees become green. Birds come back from other countries. We have Mother’s Day in this season.
( Spring).
It’s the hottest season. The weather is usually fine, but sometimes it rains. The trees are green and there are many flowers everywhere. We can go to the parks and forests, we can swim in the river and in the sea.
( Summer).
It’s a beautiful season. The weather is changable in this season. It often rains. There are many clouds in the sky. The trees become yellow, red, brown. We can gather mushrooms and berries in this season.
( Autumn).
Данный конкурс состоит из двух частей. Вторая часть - рассказ детей о том, что они могут делать в каждое из времен года. За каждое высказывание ( полное законченное предложение) начисляется 1 – 3 балла. Ответы даются каждой командой по очереди.
- And what can you do in winter, spring, summer, autumn?
Now let`s listen to our poets. Your home task was to learn by heart a poem by S.Marshak . « Lttle girl” ( Alla, Nastya,Kate )
Choose the categorie ( 2 pupils)
Конкурс 5
«В стране английской грамматики»
Образуйте правильные грамматические предложения
I team
clean, flat, We, our, Saturdays, on.
watched, Ann, yesterday, TV .
a lot of, in, Alice, saw, the, garden, flowers.
II team
friend, his, bike, My, repairs.
granny, his, John, visited, yesterday .
saw, cars, John, a lot of, the, street, in.
Now let`s listen to our poets. Your home task was to learn by heart a poem by S.Marshak . The old man in a shoe ( Arina,Liz and Ann) + Dima
Конкурс 6
«Самый быстрый и правдивый»
There are a few words for you on the blackboard. But the letters in them are mixed up. You have to guess and write them correctly. The words are about seasons and family.
Задание оформляется так:
Seasons Family
1. niwret - ( winter) 1. suohe – ( house)
2. uautnm – ( autumn) 2. thomre – ( mother)
3. musrem – ( summer) 3. htreaf – (father)
4. gnispr – (spring) 4. miafyl – ( family)
5. wons – ( snow) 5. stisre – (sister)
6. iarn – (rain) 6. rbohtre – ( brother)
7. kstaes – ( skates) 7. lecun– ( uncle)
8. tfsor – ( frost) 8. nioucs –(cousin)
Now let`s listen to our poets. Your home task was to learn by heart a poem by S.Marshak . ( Sasha,Robert and Danil)
III. Подведение итогов, награждение команд.
Подсчитываем количество баллов, определяем победителей, кто занял первое место, а кто второе. Награждение вымпелами.
1. Two little kittens one stormy night,
Began to quarrel, and then to fight.
One had a mouse, the other had none,
This was the way the fight was begun.
“I’ll have that mouse,” said the bigger cat,
“You’ll have that mouse? We’ll see about
I will have that mouse,” said the older one
“You shan’t have that mouse,” said the little
I told you before, it was a stormy night,
When these two little kittens began to fight
The old woman took her sweeping broom,
And swept the kittens right out of the room
The ground was all covered with frost and snow
And the two little kittens had nowhere to know
So they both lay down on the mat at the dread
While the old woman finished seeping the flat.
Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
I’ve been to see grandmother
Over the green.
Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
I’ve been to see grandmother
Over the green
What did she give you?
Milk in a can
What did you say for it?
Thank you, Grandam .
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn’t know what to do;
She gave them some broth without any bread;
She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.
Three little kittens
Three little kittens,
They lost their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, Mother dear,
We greatly fear
Our mittens we have lost.
Lost your mittens,
You naughty kittens!
Then you shall have no pie.
Miew, miew, miew,
No, you shall have no pie.
Three little kittens,
They found their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, Mother dear,
See here, see here,
Our mittens we have found.
Found your mittens, you clever kittens,
Then you shall have some pie.
Purr, purr, purr,
Oh, let us have some pie.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Тема урока: My family! Базовый учебник: И.Н. Верещагина, К.А.Бондаренко Английский язык. 2 класс («English 2»). Москва, «Просвещение», 2012 г
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