Входная контрольная работа для 9класса
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Садыкова Резеда Фаритовна

Контрольная работа состоит из 30 вопросов лексико-грамматического характера, направленный на выявление уровня остаточных знаний у учащихся 9 классов. Работа была разработана на основе УМК "New Millenium English" О.Гроза


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                                              test                                                   9 form


Choose the right option. Write the correct letter in each gap.

Sharks have always been depicted as cruel and murderous creatures. Lots of feature films 1) … to demonstrate how dangerous to people they are. Though some kinds of sharks can really attack people, the number of people 2) … or killed by sharks is very small. Marine biologists insist that most sharks are 3) … to people. Along with that, the shark is one of the most ancient creatures of the world, and it should 4) … by all countries.

One of the sharks which has recently been added to the Red List is the dog-fish or the dumb gulper shark. It is one of Australia’s rarest deepwater sharks. The average length of an adult shark is one meter forty centimeters, 5) … it can live up to forty years, It’s not dangerous to people 6) … people are a real danger to it. The dog-fish population 7) … down by 99 % over the past 20 years.

The trouble of the shark is that its oil (fat) is widely used in cosmetics for producing face and hand creams and in dietary food. People fish it illegally for the oil. Scientists say that if fishing is not stopped immediately, the dog-fish 8) … into the list of extinct creatures very soon.

1 a) shoot

b) shot

c) have shot

d)have been shot

2 a) injure

b) injured

c) injuring

d) injury

3 a) harm

b) harmed

c) harmless

d) unharmed

4 a) protect

b) is protected

c) was protected

d) will be protected

5 a) and

b) that

c) or

d) though

6 a) and

b) besides

c) because

d) but

7 a)  falls

b) fell

c) has fallen

d) had fallen

8 a) will       include

b) will be included

c) has been included

d) was included

Complete  the word in each sentence with a suffix.

    -less, -ly, -y, -ish, -ic, -al, -ous  

 9. Everyone thanked the firefighters for their hero…efforts.

 10. Paul received most of his music…education from his mother.

 11. The government is going to provide more houses for home…people.

 12. Lisa’s mother….qualities made her a favourite with children.

 13. This road is extremely danger…when the weather is bad.

 14. On rain… days, we spend a lot of time indoors watching TV.

 15. It was very fool…of you to leave all the doors and windows open.

16. I’m really angry ____ you!
a) with  b) about  c) on  d) over
17. My father has lived in Japan ____ five years.
a) at  b) on c) in d) for
18. I’ll be on vacation ____ next week.
A. on  B. –  C. a    D. in
19. ____ wasn’t easy to find your house.
A. There  B. This  C. That  D. It
20. The news he told us ____ interesting.
A. was  B. were  C. be  D. are
21. No letters again! ____ has written to me for a month.
A. Anybody  B. Somebody  C. Some  D. Nobody
22. I’ll call you as soon as he ____.
A. will come  B. came  C. has come  D. comes
23. If he ____ without her, she will never speak to him again.
A. go  B. is going  C. will go  D. goes
24. What are you laughing ____?
A. about  B. at  C. over D. above
25. It ____ since early morning.
A. rained  B. rains  C. had rained  D. has been raining
26. I’m afraid he ____ five minutes ago.

A. leaves  B. left  C. is leaving  D. has left
27. Children ____ by special instructors how to swim.
A. have taught  B. had taught  C. are taught  D. teach
28. My friend wanted ____ him as soon as I came home.
A. that I call  B. that I called  C. me to call  D. I called
29. It was so late that I ____ take a taxi.
A. was able  B. can  C. must  D. had to
30. If the ice were thick enough, we ____ able to walk across the river.
A. will be  B. would be   C. are  D. were

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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