Lesson plan "Cities of Ukraine"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Левченко Юлия Александровна

Предлагаю Вам конспект урока английского языка по теме "Города Украины" для 9 класса. В конспекте урока Вы можете ознакомиться с историческим городом Украины  - Львовом.


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                                                                            A Lesson plan

Cities of Ukraine

The Teachers Name: Yulia Gayvoronskaya

                                               Town: Tula

General topic: Traveling

Form: 9

The main aim of the lesson:

  • to organize pupils’ project work;
  • to improve speaking and listening comprehension skills;
  • to generalize and enlarge the pupils’ knowledge on the topic;
  • to develop their fluency in using the language;
  • to develop pupils’ imagination in communicative activity;
  • to cultivate love for our Motherland.

Time: 45 minutes

Materials and equipment required: Poem “Ukraine” (Addition 1); word-map (Addition 2); Poem “Lvov” (Addition 3); pictures, map of Ukraine.

Teacher’s Preparation: print out the hand-outs, pictures



Teacher does/says

Students do/say


Stage Objective

Opening part


Good morning! I am glad to see you at our lesson. I hope you are fine and we’ll have wonderful minutes of communication. Today I’ll tell you about my country – Ukraine and you’ll try to tell me about it’s famous city. Today we’ll speak about the town Lvov, reveal your attitude towards it, prepare your projects.


Pictures on the blackboard

generate interest in the topic; provide a context of a lesson



Let’s read the poem Ukraine:  My dear friends
I’d like to speak of land
In which you have to respect
The slightest bend,
Where spreading is the steppe,
Where mother’s shortest nap
Was broken by your joyful clap.



Addition 1

Vocabulary practice


We often speak and hear about our Motherland. What synonyms to the word “Motherland” do you know? Let’s make the word-map


Pls say: home, native land…

The scheme on the blackboard

Addition 2;

teacher writes students words to the scheme  


As far as you have understood the word “Motherland” has two meanings:
- It is our/your country. It is Ukraine for me but Russia -for you.
- It is the place where you were born. It is your town, your house. Usually this place is the best one in the world. There is no place like home. It is true.
And now answer my question. What does your Motherland begin with for you?

I agree with you that our Motherland begins with us. So, the aim of our lesson is to help you to understand, to watch, to feel the beauty around you in the place you know and live.

P1: My Motherland begins with the dearest person in the world – my mother.
P2: My Motherland begins with my home, my parents.
P3: Motherland means to love my town, my family.
P4: My Motherland is the history of our country, its outstanding people.
P5: My Motherland is our wonderful nature.

T listens attentively

Main Part

Visiting Card


Now, let’s proceed to the next task. I believe you’ll enjoy it. I have some pictures of different places of interest in differend cities and towns in Ukraine. You’re to name the sights and say in what city or town they are located. You may give some information about the places. This assignment will broden your outlook

- Monument to B. Khmelnytskiy, Khreshchtyk, St. Sophia Cathedral, monument to Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv and Lybid - Kyiv
- Panoramyc view of the old town, monument to T. Shevchenko, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Jesuit, the Boims’ Chapel – Lviv.
- Old castle, M. Shashkevich street, St. Mykola’s Church, Monastery of Basilian, Polish Cathedral – Zolochiv.


The pupils are shown the pictures of sights and they identify them. They give the name of the city (town)

Presentation of pupils projects (role-play)


Our main task today is the presentation of your projects (work in groups of six). But also we have a journalist of a well-known Ukrainian newspaper “News from Ukraine” and the editor of this newspaper.

Good job. Thank you.

Project 1: Lvov. It’s history. 
P1: Poem “Lvov”
From the northern steppes
To southern shining sea,
From the western heart,
Lvov, you call me.
P2: Good afternoon, dear friends, I am a journalist of a well-known Ukrainian newspaper “News from Ukraine”. From time to time we prepare the materials about Ukrainian cities and towns, which haven’t been discovered yet by tourists. But they are really worth visiting and speaking about. This time we want to devote one page of our newspaper to Lvov.
Editor: Oh! We haven’t fresh topics. I think it must be a beautiful place, surrounded by thick forests, deep rivers, old names.
P3: Lvov is a very old city with many places which have interesting history and names.
P4: Lvov is the political, economical, industrial and cultural centre of the region. It is very beautiful with its old buildings, monuments and streets.
Editor: But first of all we want to take an interview with local authorities.
An Interview:
- Good morning! I am a journalist of the well-known newspaper “News from Ukraine”.   
- Good morning! I am very happy to see you in our city.
- Can you tell me some facts from the history of Lvov.
- Certainly. Lvov has a rich and interesting history. It was founded in the 12th century, but people lived in this place eight thousand years ago. The famous Halicia-Volynian prince Danylo founded Lvov and named the town in honour of his son Lev. In 1356 the town received the Magdeburgian Law. Lvov became like a small country and it was good for people.
- Thank you very much.

Pictures of the city

Pls were prepearing projects before this lesson

Addition 3

T listens attentively and correct the mistakes (if it’s necessary)


Thank you very much. It was very interesting.

Project 2. Places of interest in Lvov.
- Can you tell me about places of interest in Lvov.
- Yes, of course. The centre of Lvov is very beautiful. There you can see nice old houses, monuments, churches and narrow streets (The Church of St. Nicholas, the Ivan Fedorov Museum, Porokhova Tower, the Bernardine Monastery complex, the Town Arsenal, Pharmacy Museum, the Boims’ Chapel). The old centre is one of the best in Europe.
- Thank you for your story.

Pictures of the city

T listens attentively and correct the mistakes (if it’s necessary)

Concluding Part



- It was amassing to listen to your projects about Lvov. Thank you for your love, care and your willingness to share it with me. I fully agree with you that our Motherland begins for you here in your native town. Today, class, you were very active. We’ve listened to the poem and get to know a lot of information about Ukraine and its famous city Lvov. Next lesson you will tell me about your country Russia and your best city Tula 

T finishes the lesson

assessment of students


- I like Liza, Dima, Kate, Vika, Roma and Anne’s answers. They get five. I was impressed by your projects I saw that you understand everything you were speaking about. Thank you very much.  Your marks are five.

T  assessments students with comments

explanation of homework


- Your homework is to write about your country, its traditions, culture, towns and cities. You may use internet in order to get interesting facts or stories about your country.

Thank you for your attention. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Pls: Good bye!

T explains homework

Addition 1

My dear friends
I’d like to speak of land
In which you must defend
The slightest bend,
Where spreading is the steppe,
Where’s done the fist your step,
Where mother’s shortest nap
Was broken by your joyful clap.

Addition 2


Addition 3

Poem “Lvov”
From the northern steppes
To southern shining sea,
From the western heart,
Lvov, you call me.

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