Открытый урок
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок “British population and stratification. Stereotypes
Дензин Сайзана Крылововна учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ №2 г. Шагонара
Урок проводится в рамках спецкурса «Страноведение», входящего в состав гуманитарного профиля обучения на старшей ступени ГБОУ СПО №2 г. Шагонара. Урок проходил в рамках изучения темы “British population and stratification. Stereotypes”. Урок предполагает проведение дискуссии по теме о пользе и вреде стереотипов и может быть использован на основном английском на старшей ступени обучения.
Перед уроком ставились следующие задачи:
- систематизировать знания и активизировать лексику по теме «Стереотипы»;
- развивать навыки спонтанной речи;
- развивать навыки аудирования;
- развивать творческое воображение, высшие мыслительные операции анализа и синтеза, ассоциативное и критическое мышление;
- развивать навыки работы в группе;
- развивать философскую и социокультурную осведомленность учащихся о многообразии и равенстве людей мира;
- формировать активную социальную позицию в отношении стереотипов и предубеждений, разрушить неверные стереотипы;
- анализировать литературный стилистический прием «метафора»;
- знакомить студентов с художественным, музыкальным, поэтическим философским мировым наследием, развивать их эстетическое восприятие.
В начале урока целесообразно использовать проблемную постановку задач урока и повторить известные дефиниции. Далее следует ряд этапов урока с использованием разных форм работы и видов учебной деятельности и позволяющих решать задачи урока.
Проведение урока-дискуссии предполагает создание высокой мотивации учащихся при обсуждении проблемы. Этим вызван выбор заданий и дидактических материалов к уроку, и использование интерактивной доски. В конце урока учащиеся решают проблему, поставленную в начале, и делают самостоятельные выводы при подведении итогов.
Lesson Scenario
1. Greeting. Organizing Moment (1 min.)
Teacher: Morning, students. Glad to see you at the Country Studies lesson today.
Students greet the teacher.
2. Getting students prepared for the topic (2 min.)
Teacher: Last time we learnt about stereotypes and got acquainted with several nationality stereotypes. Today we continue. I have prepared a poster for you today. Look at it, read and comment on it.
Students read and comment: No two flowers bloom in exactly the same way.
3. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson and targets setting. Brainstorm (2 min)
Teacher: Are people of the world different?
Students: Yes, they are.
Teacher: Give examples of how different they are.
Students give examples: They are different/ diverse in age/ sex/ colour of skin (belong to a certain race)/ nationality/ class (stratum)/ temperament/ mental and other abilities/ possibilities.
Teacher: Right. But are people of the world equal?
Students: No.
Teacher: Why? What makes them unequal?
Students give examples: Wars / illiteracy/ conditions / way of life (lifestyle)/ stereotypes/ economical structure/ prejudice.
Teacher: But, students, is it right or just that people of the world are unequal?
The topic of our lesson today is “All different! All equal?” Let us prove that this question mark is unjust.
4. A Warming-up activity. Developing associative thinking. Activating the vocabulary of the topic and an educational talk (3-4 min.)
Teacher: To begin with, let us revise the main concepts which may help you. There is a collage with some symbolic pictures (смотри Приложение 1 Презентация к уроку слайд 3). Look at the symbol and guess what notion is meant/ hidden. Then, give a definition of it or explain what is meant.(смотри Приложение 3 с определениями).
– suggest ideas;
– practice using active vocabulary:
Picture 1:
Students give a definition: Identity – is…..
Teacher: What is meant when you are asked to identify yourselves?
Students: To consider (oneself) as similar to another person or group, name what you have in common with others.
Teacher: Will you identify yourselves, students?
Students identify themselves.
Teacher: You see, you are similar to each other but different.
Picture 2:
Students: Diversity – is…
Teacher: Well, you have already stated how different people can be and we go on.
Picture 3:
Students: Nationality – is…
Teacher: Give examples of multi-national states.
Students give examples.
Picture 4:
Students: Ethnic groups – are…
Teacher: Name nations/ ethnic groups living in Britain. How can they co-exist?
Students name.
Picture 5:
Students: Equality – is…
Picture 6:
Students: Racism – is…
Students: Discrimination – is…
Picture 8:
Students: Prejudice – is…
5. (15 min)
5.1 A Panel discussion about stereotypes and their role in life.
Teacher: What causes prejudice?
Students suggest ideas: Propaganda/ policy/ wrong (hostile) attitude/ stereotypes.
Teacher: What are stereotypes?
Students: One-sided, exaggerated, prejudiced view of a group of people or nation, race.
Teacher: What forms people’s stereotypes?
Students: Mass media (radio and TV news)/ literature (books)/ the press (newspapers and magazines)/ films/ soap operas/ intercultural experience (travelling)/ anecdotes.
Teacher: Right, pupils. But are nationality stereotypes harmful or harmless?
Students: Both.
5.2. Commenting on the picture of an Englishman.
Teacher shows a picture of a stereotypic Englishman (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 4):
– Look at this stereotypic person. Can you guess his nationality?
Students: He is an Englishman.
Teacher: What can you say about the English judging by this stereotype?
Students: The English are considered to be reserved, tradition-loving, courteous, honest, extremely nationalistic, snobbish. They have a specific sense of humor. A popular British stereotype is the upper class man dressed in bowler hat, black suit who always carries an umbrella, believes in tradition and the monarchy and interrupts everything for the sake of having his tea time.
5.3. Commenting on the collage “Britain”.
Teacher shows a collage “Britain” (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 5): And what can you say about this collage?
Students: It is about Britain….
Teacher: Is it helpful? When?
Students: Yes. When people travel/ go abroad.
Teacher: Yes. When people travel/ go abroad.
5.4. Guessing a nation through description (смотри Приложение 1 слайды 6-7):.
Teacher: Will you, please, guess a nation through its description.
Students read and guess.
5.5. Commenting on the collage “A perfect European”.
Teacher shows a collage “A Perfect European” (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 8): Look at this slogan. Can it be helpful? Does it have positive or negative message?
Students: It’s humorous and negative.
Teacher: Should it be taken seriously? Is it harmless or harmful?
Students: It can be harmful because it mocks at nationalities.
5.6. Giving stereotypic descriptions through the caricatures (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 9).
Teacher shows caricatures: Can you give a stereotypic description of a nation judging by these pictures?
Students give descriptions.
Student 1: Negroes are usually depicted as primitive, childlike, cannibalistic persons who live in tribes, carry spears, dance around the fire, believe in witchcraft and worship their wizard.
Student 2: Jews are often depicted as having curly hair, large noses, and wearing beards “scheming merchants". They are sometimes stereotyped in media as being intellectually gifted, nit-picky, low cunning and focused on money.
Student 3: Gypsies are nomads lacking solid religious foundation, their extreme musical expression and gifted music skill have been the theme of literature over the centuries. They are depicted as stealers (especially of horses), fortune-tellers, musicians, dancers, criminals. Women wear long bright-coloured skirts, a necklace called “monistoes”, and big earrings.
Teacher: Are these pictures harmless?
Students: No. Harmful.
- Commenting on Naomi Campbell’s and Eddie Murphy’s photos (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 10).
Teacher shows some photos of Naomi Campbell and Eddie Murphy: Students, look at these photos. Are these people nice?
Teacher: Why? Is it because these two men are famous? Why don’t you follow stereotypes?
Students: They are physically beautiful/ creative/ talented/ harmonious/ have charisma.
5.8. Listening to some musical fragments. Continuation of discussion (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 11).
Teacher: Now listen to some musical fragments and say if you like them or not.
Teacher switches some fragments by Louis Armstrong “Let my people go”, Vanessa Mae “Storm”, Nikholai Slichenko “ Ne probuzhdai vospominanii”, Tchaikovsky “March from “Nutcracker””, Freddie Mercury “Barcelona”
Students like them.
5.9. Watching reproductions. Continuation of discussion (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 12).
Teacher: Now look at these reproductions. Do you like them? Are they talented?
Students like them.
5.9. Reading Walt Whitman’s poem. Continuation of discussion (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 13).
Teacher: And here is an example of poetry to you. Read it, please.
Students read:
I dream'd in a dream I saw a city invincible to the attacks of the whole of the rest of the earth,
I dream'd that was the new city of Friends,
Nothing was greater there than the quality of robust love, it led the rest,
It was seen every hour in the actions of the men of that city,
And in all their looks and words. Walt Whitman
Приснился мне город, который нельзя одолеть, хотя бы напали на него все страны
Мне мнилось, что это был город Друзей, какого еще никогда не бывало.
И превыше всего в этом городе крепкая ценилась любовь,
И каждый час она сказывалась в каждом поступке жителей этого города,
В каждом их слове и взгляде. Перевод К. Чуковского
Teacher: Do you like the poem?
Students like it.
Teacher: Pupils, why don’t you follow stereotypes this time? All the things heard/ read/ watched are works of people belonging to some ethnic or minority groups/ different religions.
Students: These fragments/ reproductions/ a poem were talented. The people who created the fragments are worthy representatives of the world of music, literature, art, creative work.
5.10. Giving traits of the “Citizens of the world” (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 14).
Teacher: I see. And now, can you give any examples of citizens of the world?
Students give examples of, probably, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Academic Likhachev, Andrew Sakharov, Rastropovitch, Nelson Mandela, Din Rid.
Teacher: Students, what makes them citizens of the world?
Students: They had or have global thinking/ progressive ideas/ flexible, cosmopolitan mind/ mercy/ charisma/ intelligence/ humanism/ freethinking/ philanthropy (love of mankind); they struggled for peace and disarmament/for happiness/ for mercy/ for human rights/ against death penalty (capital punishment); they cared or care about people.
Teacher: Why don’t you follow stereotypes this time?
Students: What is more important is their contribution in the struggle for peace, progress of mankind.
Teacher: But remember you identified yourselves? Nobody said they are citizens of the world.
6. Group work. Developing associative thinking (3 min.)
Teacher shows pupils a picture of children of different nations (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 15): – And now, pupils, I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Look at the picture, discuss it in your groups and put down the associations that occur to you when you look at the picture (nouns and phrases).
You have half a minute.
Students work in groups and put down associations.
Teacher: Now let’s share your ideas.
Students read out their associations and explain what they mean if necessary.
Teacher: Your associations were positive. But children in the picture are of different races and nations. Why didn’t you follow stereotypes this time?
Students: Friendship, personal qualities are more important.
Teacher: Could people of different nations be real friends?
Students: Yes.
7. A quiz “Where do you stand?” (2-3 min.)
Teacher: Students, are you against discrimination? Are you for equal rights?
Students: Yes.
Teacher: Let’s see it. I am going to ask you some questions. You are given “plus” and “minus” cards. If you answer is positive/ you agree – put up a “plus” card, and if negative/ you disagree – a “minus” card. Agreed?
Teacher asks questions:
- Imaging that you come into a cafe where there’s only one spare seat – next to a Negro. Would you take it?
- Imagine you have to get acquainted with a person belonging to a minority (ethnic or sexual). Would you have a beforehand, prejudiced opinion about this person (for example hostility or awkwardness)?
- Would you like to have Asians or Oriental people as close neighbours?
- Would you like to share your desk at school with a Gypsy?
- Would you like to marry a Gypsy or Negro?
- Would you like to date with a Chinese or Vietnamese?
- You study in another town and live in a hostel. Your roommate belongs to a sexual minority. Would you like to change your room if possible?
- You are going to adopt a child. Can you imagine it to be a Negro/ Asian?
Students react with the help of cards
Teacher: Thus, you are against prejudice, but the results show that you believe some stereotypes and follow them in your everyday life.
And one more question: imagine yourself a blind man. Would you follow national stereotypes communicating with people?
Students: No.
Teacher: Why?
Students: Personal qualities are more important.
8. Checking homework – analyzing metaphors. (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 17 и Приложение 4 список метафор).
Students monologues. (4 min.)
Teacher: Last time I gave you scholars’ metaphors to describe multi-national states with diversity of nations, ethnic groups and minorities. You were to choose one you liked best, explain and prove your choice.
Students present their ideas.
Teacher: Why didn’t you follow stereotypes?
Students: It is not ethic/ All the metaphors mean harmony/ Following stereotypes won’t bring people together.
9.Giving home-work (1 min.)
Teacher: Well, right. For you to learn more about discrimination I give you homework: read an article and do two tasks: “True, False or Not Stated”, and a lexical one. (see magazine “English” 10/2004 pages 30-31 “Of the Strange and of the Normal…”) (смотри Приложение 5 задания к статье)
Students get the homework.
10. Watching video-episode and commenting on it (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 19 и Приложение 2 видео-эпизод King Lion) (3 min.)
Teacher: Students, I’d like you to watch a video-episode from the philosophical and educational tale – the cartoon “King Lion” and listen to what king of animals says to his son. Be ready to comment on it. (Words of King Lion episode (смотри Приложение 6):
Students watch and comment as follows: In the episode we recognize our human world and the thought that people should co-exist in one world and respect each other.
11. Rounding off and making conclusions (смотри Приложение 1 слайд 20) (3 min.)
Teacher shows the slide “People in the circle of life”: It’s time we made conclusions on our discussion today. What can you say?
Students make conclusions: People in the world are different but co-exist in the circle of life. What is really important is how talented, creative the person is. What is valued in friendship is personal qualities and harmony of relations, but not colour of skin, nation, religion or sex.
Teacher makes conclusions: upils, let me also make some conclusions. One of the wisest book in the world – the Second Commandment from Matthew’s Gospel – reads (смотри Приложение1 слайд 21): “Love your neighbour as yourself”. Will you follow it? And the First Article of the Declaration of Human Rights reads: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”.
12. Sizing up
Teacher gives marks and evaluates students’ work.
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