Презентация на тему "Известные люди"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данная презентация подойдёт для учащихся 6 класса, изучающих английский язык по учебнику М. З. Биболетова
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Подписи к слайдам:
musician artist linguist dancer scientist architect biologist businessman writer actor politician banker
W. Shakespeare famous artist W. Churchill well-known dancer C. Darwin world-famous actor J. Lennon was a popular poet A. Pavlova wonderful politician J. Turner outstanding scientist C. Chaplin gifted musician
J. Turner her detective stories C. Chaplin his stories about Hobbits W. Shakespeare is famous for his pictures C. Darwin his films J. Tolkien his plays A. Christie his theory of evolution
A. Christie is well - … all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She wrote 78 … stories. Her books are translated into 103 … languages. Agatha Christie was … in England. She was educated … and took singing lessons in Paris. She began … at the end of the First World War. Her first novel was … in 1926. Her books are the third best-selling books in the world. _______________________________________________ At home, published, known, foreign, detective, born, writing.
1) Where was A. Christie born? 2) Where was she educated? 3) When did she write her first novel? 4) How many detective stories did she write?
1) W. Shakespeare was born in London. 2)He didn’t go to school. He got his education at home. 3) William was married at the age of 18. 4) His wife was 26. 5) He had 2 daughters. 6) In London Shakespeare was an actor. He didn’t write plays. 7) You can watch Shakespeare’s plays in any theatre nowadays.
Mark Twain was born in … USA in 1835. His real name was Sammuel Clements. His father was … lawyer. … family often travelled from one place to another. That’s why … future writer didn’t finish secondary school. He went to work at … age of 12. For two years he worked for his elder brother’s small newspaper. He was … reporter. In 1857 he became … pilot on … Mississippi river. In 1976 he wrote “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”. … book became very popular and was translated into many languages. M. Twain wrote many other books, but his novels about Tom Sawyer brought him world fame.
1) Where/ Mark Twain/ was born? 2) What/ his/ name/ real/ was? 3) Why/ not / he / finish/ secondary school? 4) When/ he/ write/ “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”? 5) What/ his/ job/ first/ was?
_ Mark Twain told the man that he couldn’t make his uncle laugh. _ M. Twain said that he would try to do his best. _ Literary clubs often invited Mark Twain to speak. _ The man answered that his uncle couldn’t hear anything because he was deaf. _ Before one of his lectures a man came to M. Twain and asked him to make his uncle laugh. _ After the lecture the man thanked M. Twain for funny jokes. _M. Twain told old jokes and new jokes, long jokes and short jokes but the uncle didn’t even smile.
M. Twain was an outstanding English … write J. Turner was an … . art M. Lomonosov was a brilliant science J. Lennon and P. McCartney were popular …. music A. Pavlova was a well-known … dance W. Churchill was a famous … . politics C. Darwin was a gifted … biology
I liked …. I didn’t like …
Choose any famous person you like and speak about him or her. Don’t tell your classmates his/her name. Let your classmates guess.
Thank you for the lesson
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