Презентация по теме "Люди в искусстве"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Тахистова Наталия Феликсовна

Презентация по теме "Люди в искусстве" к учебнику Афанасьевой и Михеевой для 7 класса (unit 7)


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Слайд 1

O.V.Afanasyeva , I.V.Mikheeva English VII Unit 7

Слайд 2

The question will be answered at the end of our lesson: “ What role d oes art play in people’s lives? ARTS AND PEOPLE IN ARTS

Слайд 3

ARTS Literature Dancing Music Painting and Drawing Sculpture Architecture Theatre (Drama) Cinema

Слайд 4

Warming up : Some people all their life work in art. Make sure that you can name these people’s jobs correctly. Match the names of arts with the names of people’s activities . Work in a chain. Ex.2 p.182 1. Someone who writes music or plays a musical instrument is … 2. Someone who acts in plays or films is … 3. Someone who paints pictures is … 4. Someone who makes up songs or music is … 5. Someone who writes plays is … 6. Someone who plans buildings is … 7. Someone who makes statues or other shapes from metal, wood, stone etc. is … 8. Someone who dances in ballet is… 9. Someone who writes a poems is … 10. Someone who sings is … a. a poet b. a dramatist or a playwright c. a ballet dancer d. a musician e. a singer f. an architect g. an actor or an actress h. a composer i. a sculptor j. an artist

Слайд 5

Match the names of these people with the arts in which they worked . Francisco Goya Maya Plisetskaya Elvis Presley Elizabeth Taylor Pablo Picasso Friedrich Schiller

Слайд 6

Vasily Bazhenov Luciano Pavarotti Rembrandt Michelangelo Sergei Rakhmaninov

Слайд 7

Ask and answer the questions . Ex.2 p.181 Work in pairs. 1. Which of the arts from the list above can you call visual arts? 2. What role do arts play in people’s lives? 3. What countries are famous for great literature, visual arts, theatre, cinema ? 4. What do we usually mean when we speak about prehistoric art, ancient art, modern art? 5. Where do you go if you want to enjoy arts? Do you like to go to these places alone? With your parents? With your friends? Why? 6. Can you do anything in the way of arts yourself? What can you do? 7. What art would you like to be really good at? Why? 8. What arts are the most popular nowadays? 9. Do you think radio and television are arts? Can you say that they belong to mass media ?

Слайд 8

The words and word combinations below help us to speak about certain arts. Organize them according to the arts that they describe. (Certain words can belong to more than one category.) Drama Flute Sculpture Success Classical Stage Violin Balcony Fiction Piano Bronze Applause Ballet To draw Operetta Concert Box Screen Audience Opera Scenery Tragedy Gallery Sound Comedy To act Work of art Color film Monuments Horror movie Cinema-goer Feature film To compose Character Statue To applaud Seat Dress circle Museum Stalls Performer To paint 1. Theatre… 2. Cinema…3. Music… 4. Sculpture…5.Painting… 6 .Literature…

Слайд 9

Passive Voice be + V 3 Simple Present Passive Simple Past Passive (Simple)Future Passive am / is / are + V3 w as / were + V3 Shall / will be + V3 English is spoken here. The letters were not posted yesterday The information won’t be received next week.

Слайд 10

Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice to complete the sentences. 1. The computer (is used/was used) every day. 2. Such films (are not made/were not made) nowadays. 3. A new collection of sculpture (was exhibited/ will be exhibited) in the local museum next week. 4. This theatre (will be visited/ was visited) by lots of tourists last month. 5. The TV show (was shown/ will be shown) on television yesterday.

Слайд 11

Compare your answers. 1. The computer ( is used /was used) every day. 2. Such films ( are not made /were not made) nowadays. 3. A new collection of sculpture (was exhibited/ will be exhibited ) in the local museum next week. 4. This theatre (will be visited/ was visited ) by lots of tourists last month. 5. The TV show ( was shown / will be shown) on television yesterday.

Слайд 12

A relaxation break. Stand up. Imagine you are sculptors. Try to make up some figures. Show them on with helping your hands. 1. Something is shaped like a ball . 2 Something is shaped like a star . 3. Something is shaped like a heart . 4 Something is regular in shape . 5 Something is irregular in shape . in shape/ shaped like- в форме

Слайд 13

Listen to the biography of John Lennon and fill in the missing words. John Lennon was born in ____________ in 19 ____. He was brought up by an ___________________. His mother played him ____________________records . He wanted to become a ___________ He met Paul McCartney in 19 ____ at a church hall They formed a ________ called The Beatles. They became popular playing live at local ________________ in Liverpool and _________________________. Lennon said The Beatles were more ______________________ than Jesus . Lennon left The Beatles in 19____. The same year he released the album, which he recorded with his ___________. His album "________________________" followed in 19____. In 19____ Lennon was shot and killed outside his New York __________________ by a deranged _____________.

Слайд 14

Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940 . He was brought up by an aunt , who bought him a harmonica and taught him how to play the banjo. Lennon’s mother played him Elvis Presley records and he fell in love with Rock and Roll. He told his mother and aunt he would be a famous singer one day. Lennon met Paul McCartney in 1957 at a church hall concert. They became friends and began writing songs together. They formed a band called The Beatles. They became popular playing live at local clubs in Liverpool and Germany. Then they became the most successful and influential act in music history. Lennon famously said The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Lennon left The Beatles in 1970 . That same year he released the ‘John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band’ album, which he recorded with his Japanese wife Yoko Ono. His album ‘Imagine ’ followed in 1971. The title song became an anthem for anti-war movements. More classic albums followed. On 8th December 1980, Lennon was shot and killed outside his New York apartment by a deranged fan.

Слайд 15

Reflection. We have spoken about arts today. Answer the question: “ What role does art play in people’s lives?

Слайд 16

Thank you for the attention

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты



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