Методическая разработка урока и презентация « Деньги, известные люди, британская валюта»
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Урок в 8 классе по теме: « Деньги, известные люди, британская валюта»
Цель урока: совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся и развивать межпредметные связи (история, экономика).
Задачи урока:
Обучающие: 1) формировать у учащихся целостную картину мира в рамках работы по теме «Великие
люди»; 2) расширять кругозор по теме; 3)систематизировать изучаемую лексику по
данной теме; 4) познакомить с «крылатыми» выражениями по теме; 3) продолжить
закрепление грамматических тем: Past Tenses, словообразования
Развивающие: 1) развивать навыки неподготовленной устной речи; 2) совершенствовать навыки
аудирования и самостоятельной работы с текстом (ознакомительное и поисковое
чтение);3) формировать навыки планирования диалогической речи в рамках темы,
используя речевые клише; 4) развивать у учащихся критическое мышление.
Воспитательные: 1) приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран/страны
изучаемого языка в рамках темы «Великие люди»;
2) воспитывать чувство толерантности и взаимопомощи в процессе работы в группе
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, видео- и аудиозаписи, презентация к уроку,
раздаточный материал.
Учебно-методический комплекс: УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 8 классов общеобразовательных
учреждений (авторы Ю. Е. Ваулина, О. Е. Подоляко, Д. Дули, В. Эванс)
Ход урока
1 Начало урока.
- Приветствие Т.: Good morning! I am glad to see you.
How are you today? Raise your hands who is fine today. I see. Everybody is ok
Are you ok, … ? Are you happy, … ? I’m fine too.
Who is absent? …..
I hope everybody is ready to work.
- Проверка домашнего задания.
What was your homework? ….
Have you done your homework? ...,
Collect in your exercise-books, please.
I’ll mark them and give you back next time(lesson).
- Основной этап.
Формирование мотивации ученика.
We’ve already learnt a lot of new information about famous people.
Have a look at this item (thing). Do you know what is it? - money box.
but do you know what it is? - wheat grains
and what about these things ? – a shell
PART 1 Презентация.
- Включение учащихся в речевую деятельность.
Have a look at the board, who are they? …….
СЛАЙД 3 What are they?
Try to predict what we are going to speak about at our today’s lesson.
При помощи опорного материала с фразами
“I guess/think…,
To my mind..,
In my opinion…,etc.” учащиеся высказывают свои предположения.
So today we are going to speak about money, the famous people depicted on the British and Russian banknotes, we’ll learn some new facts from the history of money and we’ll try to answer some very important and controversial questions: “Does money really make the world go round? Can money make us happier?” Also We’ll revise some grammar material.
The word money is a noun, that normally relates to the means or way of exchanging the value of an item.
When we give money, we pay for it and when we receive money, we are paid for it.
СЛАЙД 5 There are many words related to money such as cash, change, coins, currency,
exchange, notes and tender.
СЛАЙД 6 There are many slang words for money including dosh, dough, greenback,
moolah, readies
СЛАЙД 7 If you have lots of money then you can be describes as affluent, comfortable,
flush, rich, rolling in it, wealthy, well off.
СЛАЙД 8 If you have no money at all then you can be described as bankrupt, broke,
needy, poor and penniless.
СЛАЙД 9,10The earliest record of money being used dates back to ancient Babylonian times,
when wheat grain was used as a way of exchanging value for items and services.
Money has been used in different forms across the world for over 5,000 years.
Some forms of money have been valued for their beauty. Examples include
those made from shells and feathers.
It was not a perfect system but it did allow the eventual creation of what we carry
around now.
СЛАЙД 11 These days there are many ways of paying for items and services.
You can write a cheque (check)
You can use your credit card.
Or you can use good old fashioned cash.
СЛАЙД 12 Each country has its own type of money or currency.
The word ‘currency’ means the particular type of money used in one country.
For example, in the UK they use the pound.
So UK currency is the Pound.£
The USA currency is the Dollar.$
Some other examples.
In Russia the currency is the Rouble.
In India it is the Rupee.
In China it is the Yuan.
The Japanese currency is the Yen.¥
And across Europe the currency is the Euro.€
The dollar also describes the currency used in other countries too, such as Australia, Jamaica, Singapore and New Zealand but it is worth remembering that they are not connected in any way to the United States.
СЛАЙД 13 Each country’s currency has its own value of one currency with another.
For example I can compare the UK Pound with the USA Dollar.
Right now the UK Pound has more value. £ > $
СЛАЙД 14 Money is a very important thing for people, so there are a lot of proverbs and
sayings about it. In Britain there are a lot of sayings about money. We,
Russian people, also have a plenty proverbs. You can see some proverbs on
the board
Now I want you to form groups.
Four students in each group.
I’m giving envelopes with English and Russian proverbs and sayings
about money written on the different parts. Each of the groups will
have to try to match sayings. Find Russian equivalents.
Who’s ready? Who’s the first?.....
Let’s check your work.
A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. Честный пост лучше, чем нечестный (букв. грязный) завтрак.
- беднее, да честнее
СЛАЙД 15 I see you’re tired a bit. Let’s have a rest and watch a fragment from the very famous film ['kæbərei] “Cabaret” with Liza Minelli & Joel Grey their singing Money, Money
Do you like it? I think it is eternal problem: money, the shortage of money.
If only we had enough money!
СЛАЙД 3 Now I want you to open your books at page 53. You can see portraits of famous
English people and look at my board- there are these faces too.
Do you happen to know what these people are famous for?
Would you like to know it? (ответы учащихся)
We can see Charles Darwin, Queen Elizabeth II, Adam Smith, Elizabeth Fry,
and a famous British composer Sir Edward Elgar.
Well, you have to read the text now and find out 1) how can they be related to English
banknotes. 2) What these people are famous for?
After 3-4 min:
Now, I hope, you can answer the question who the famous person is and what (s)he is famous for. (You have NO IDEA WHO the famous person is!)
Who’s ready? Look at the board and give me your answer.
Предполагаемые ответы:
СЛАЙД 4 1) You can see Queen Elizabeth II on all banknotes in the UK. Queen of England.
СЛАЙД 5 2) You can see Elizabeth Fry on the back of a 5-pound note.
She improved living condition for women in European prisons.
СЛАЙД 6 3) Edward Elgar used to be on the old 20-pound note.
He’s a famous British composer.
You could see him…
СЛАЙД 7 4) You can see Adam Smith on the new 29-pound note.
He is an economist, he’s called a father of modern economists.
And what about Charles Darwin and Sir John Houblon?
СЛАЙД 8 You can see Charles Darwin on the back of a 10-pound note.
He developed the theory of evolution.
СЛАЙД 9 You can see Sir John Houblon on the 50=pound note.
He was the first governor of the Bank of England.
Now it’s the turn of Ex.2.
Do you remember what do the capital letters RNE mean? -
(the Russian National Exam.)
You should read the text again and complete the gaps with
the derivatives of the words in brackets.
Then we’ll listen and check.
- Аудирование c извлечением необходимой информации.
СЛАЙД 10 (answers)_____________________________
Elizabeth II
Let’s read and learn some facts about this famous person.
It is time to check up your grammar.
You have to put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
Give out the texts to everybody, please.(Раздать каждому ученику текст)
You should work in these papers.
- I have an individual task for Stepan and Nikita. I want them to work in pair. You can see some phrases and idioms connected with money. Try to find what they mean.
You’ll find them in this envelope.
СЛАЙД 12 СЛАЙД 13 – проверка ответов
СЛАЙД 14 - проверка индивидуального задания Let’s see how our boys have
managed their task.
There are some idioms and phrases relating to money, such as
- Money doesn’t grow on trees.
This means that money is always hard to get.
- Money is the root of all evil.
This means that money can often make people do bad things.
- I’m not made of money.
This means that I only have a certain amount of money that belongs to me.
- That will cost me an arm and a leg.
This means that something is too expensive, it costs too much.
- You look like a million Dollars.
This means that you look great and healthy.
- Splash out.
This means to spend a lot of money all at once, in one go.
- Rob Peter to pay Paul.
This means that you borrow money from one person
to pay back money you owe to someone else.
- Money makes the World go round.
This means that money helps us to live and things to happen.
СЛАЙД 16 (Слайд с российскими банкнотами.)
- Проведение ‘исследований’ по знаменитым людям на российской банкноте.
Was it interesting to learn more about the famous people on the British banknotes?
But have you ever paid attention to which famous people are depicted on
the Russian banknotes?
So, do we have mostly people or cities depicted on our banknotes?
- Yes, all but one Russian banknotes have pictures of cities on them.
And who is the man depicted on a 500-rouble note?
СЛАЙД 17 =Петр 1
- Создание ситуации актуализации опыта ученика.
- Обобщение изученного материала.(рефлексия)
And now let’s discuss a little. Try to give your answers to my questions.
- Is it possible to have too much money?
- Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free?
- What can’t money buy?
- Do you agree that muck and money go together?
- Does money really make the world go round?
- Can money make us happier?
Let’s sum up the information you’ve learnt today.
It’s time to come to the conclusion. Let’s make a list of advantages and disadvantages of money.
Advantages of money Disadvantages of money
You can buy whatever you want You are afraid to lose your money
You can travel all over the world Everybody asks you to lend money
You needn’t work It’s difficult to find real friends
You can always help
your relatives and friends
Let’s sum up the information you’ve learnt today.
And now, imagine you are allowed to have some gifts, which you think are the most important. Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important.
- good health
- plenty of money
- a nice house
- a brilliant mind
- an attractive face
- lots of friends
- a good job
- a fast car
- a happy marriage
- a long life
- an artistic talent
The phrases may help:
I think the most important thing in life is…
The one thing I’d like to have is…
So we can make a conclusion that money is not on the first place.
I have a question which may seem surprising. Do you like poetry? Do you think it’s difficult to write poems? Let’s do it together.
If the weather isn’t sunny
So you’ve got too little (money)
When you travel England around
Then you need not rouble, but (pound)
If you fly to system solar,
You will surely need (a dollar).
Of you course, it’s a joke. This poem is not serious at all. But the topic of our today’s conversation was rather serious.
What have we learned at the lesson? (учащиеся перечисляют). Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы:
Does money really make the world go round?
Can money make us happier?
Your homework is SB ex4,5 page 53 . Your marks for today are…
Если остается время:
Of course we need money to live and we must work for it. However, some people may become too concerned with making money and forget all about the things in life that cost nothing.
Those who have little or no money may appreciate the small things they own, while those with millions in the bank may not care about anything but themselves. You can say that money is a paradox.
If you have none … you want some.
If you have some … then you want more
If you have lots, then you may find yourself discovering that the phrase “Money can’t buy you happiness” is completely true.
As Oscar Wild once wrote “I may be lying in the gutter…(сточная канава)
But I’m looking up at stars.”
I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson.
I wish you be healthy and wealthy.
The lesson is over. Good – bye!
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
George Washington Elizabeth II Peter I
Money [' mʌnɪ ] – a noun , that normally relates to the means or way of exchanging the value of an item. When we give money, we pay for it and when we receive money, we are paid for it.
There are many words related to money such as cash change coins currency exchange notes tender
There are many slang words for money: dosh dough greenback moolah readies
If you have lots of money then you can be describes as affluent comfortable rich rolling in it wealthy well off .
If you have no money at all then you can be described as bankrupt broke needy poor penniless
The earliest record of money being used dates back to ancient Babylonian times, when wheat grain was used as a way of exchanging value for items and services.
Money has been used in different forms across the world for over 5,000 years. Some forms of money have been valued for their beauty. Examples include those made from shells and feathers. It was not a perfect system but it did allow the eventual creation of what we carry around now.
These days there are many ways of paying for items and services. You can write a cheque (check) You can use your credit card. Or you can use good old fashioned cash.
Each country has its own type of money or currency. The word ‘currency’ means the particular type of money used in one country.
Each country’s currency has its own value of one currency with another. Right now the UK Pound has more value.
English – Russian proverbs and sayings about money 1 Money has – no smell . a) Время – деньги . 2 Muck and money – go together. b) Лучше бедность да честность, нежели прибыль да стыд. 3 Lend your money – and lose c) Богатому не спится, your friend. он вора боится. 4 Time is – money. d) Деньги не пахнут . 5 Money is a good servant e) Деньги, потраченные на but a bad master . образование, никогда не пропадут. 6 Money spent on the brain is f ) Хочешь потерять друга, never spent in vain. одолжи ему деньги. 7 A great fortune is a great slavery . g) Умный человек - хозяин деньгам, а скупой - слуга 8 A clean fast is better than a h) Грязь и деньги ходят рядом. dirty breakfast.
Liza Minelli & Joel Grey - Money, Money ("Cabaret").
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Page 53
Who are they? Queen Elizabeth II Elizabeth Fry Edward Elgar Adam Smith Charles Darwin
The five-pound note (fiver)
the twenty-pound note (old)
The twenty -pound note (new)
The ten-pound note (tenner)
The fifty – pound note
RNE ex.2, page 53 illustrat ion prison er var i ous recent ly compos er build ing
Elizabeth II
Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense: Elizabeth II is the Queen of the United Kingdom. She …..… (be) also the constitutional monarch of 16 states known as the Commonwealth realms / relmz /. Elizabeth …….. (be) born in London, and educated privately at home. When her father ………….. (die) in 1952, Elizabeth became Head of the Commonwealth and queen of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others. Her coronation service in 1953 ………… (be) the first to be televised. During her 59-year reign, the second – longest for a British monarch, she ……………….. (become) queen of 25 other Commonwealth countries as they gained independence. was was was died became
Her Silver and Golden Jubilees ……….. (be) celebrated in 1977 and 2002; her Diamond Jubilee ………….. (be) celebrated this summer. In 1947, she ……………….. (marry) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, with whom she has four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. She ………… (have) a deep sense of religious and civic duty. Elizabeth is the patron of over 600 charities and other organizations. She ……….. (love) horses and dogs. Her clothes consist mostly of overcoats and decorative hats. Elizabeth's personal popularity is very high in Great Britain. were has been married has loves / sivik /
Idioms and phrases relating to money 1 Money doesn’t grow on trees - - money is always hard to get 2 Money is the root of all evil- - money can often make people do bad things 3 I’m not made of money- - I only have a certain amount of money that belongs to me 4 That will cost me an arm and a leg- - something is too expensive, it costs too much
Idioms and phrases relating to money 5 You look like a million Dollars- - you look great and healthy 6 Splash out- - to spend a lot of money all at once, in one go 7 Rob Peter to pay Paul- - you borrow money from one person to pay back money you owe to someone else 8 Money makes the World go round- - money helps us to live and things to happen
If the weather isn’t sunny So you’ve got too little When you travel England around Then you need not rouble , but If you fly to system solar, You will surely need money pound a dollar
If you have none … you want some. If you have some … then you want more If you have lots, then you may find yourself discovering that the phrase “Money can’t buy you happiness” is completely true. As Oscar Wild once wrote “I may be lying in the gutter…( сточная канава ) But I’m looking up at stars.”
MONEY DISCUSSION Is it possible to have too much money? Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free? What can’t money buy? Do you agree that muck and money go together? Does money really make the world go round? Can money make us happier?
Advantages Disadvantages You can buy whatever you want You needn’t work Everybody asks you to lend money You can travel all over the world You are afraid to lose your money It’s difficult to find real friends You can always help your relatives and friends
Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important good health an artistic talent plenty of money a fast car a nice house a long life a brilliant mind a good job an attractive face lots of friends a happy marriage a big family I think the most important thing in life is… The one thing I’d like to have is…
Your homework : SB ex 4,5 page 53 do Internet search for information who Charles Darwin was, the route of his ship the HMS Beagle and the pictures of some flowers and animals (the humming bird!) Charles Darwin came across on his travels. do Internet search for information who Peter the Great was and where we can find his name in our city.
I wish you be healthy and wealthy.
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