открытый урок "Поддержание формы"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: « Keeping fit »
Цель урока:
Формирование и совершенствование знаний по теме « Спорт- это весело: как поддерживать спортивную форму» в новой коммуникативной ситуации.
Задачи урока:
- обеспечить работу по формированию лексических навыков по заданной теме;
- активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Keeping fit » в серии языковых и речевых упражнений;
- познакомить обучающихся с употреблением в предложении прилагательных и наречий hard/hardly, late/lately, near/nearly, high/highly и обеспечить их употребление в языковых и речевых упражнениях;
- обучать чтению текста с выборочным извлечением информации;
- практиковать обучающихся в умении кратко высказываться в соответствии с предложенной ситуацией
- формировать познавательную активность школьников;
- развивать их аналитическое мышление;
- развивать умение отвечать на вопросы анкеты
- гуманистическое развитие личности учащихся;
- воспитание правильного и разумного отношения к спорту и здоровому образу жизни;
- воспитание потребности в практическом использовании английского языка при общении на тему здорового образа жизни
Тип урока: Комбинированный урок
Оборудование урока:
- презентация на тему «Keeping fit»
- наглядные пособия с новой лексикой по теме «Keeping fit»
- опорные клише по теме «Keeping fit»
- раздаточные карточки с тестами по заданной грамматической теме
- текст в УМК по теме «Keeping fit»
- анкета по теме «Keeping fit»
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент
Приветствие учителя и учащихся.
- Постановка цели. Введение в тему,
стимулирование учащихся.
- On the blackboard you can see the topic of our lesson. It’s keeping fit. Do you know the meaning of the word „ fit “. But before we start speaking let us do some phonetical training. So mind your pronunciation :
[i] : figure, tennis, fit, gymnastics, individual, switch
[ae]: badminton, stadium, athletics, relax, gymnastics
[ng]: skating, cycling, jogging, boxing, jumping, walking
[ai]: riding, cycling, exercise, type, quite, wide
- Now I’ll give you some definitions of the word „fit“. Try to understand them:
- good enough (for)
- in a suitable condition
- be the right shape or size (for)
- strong and well, in good health
- What do you think about keeping fit now ? What is it to your mind? You should answer this question at the end of the lesson.
3. Обучение чтению.
- Now let us read some information connected with the topic of our lesson in ex.16 on p.104 and find out how people keep fit. Look at the blackboard . Here you can see some word combinations to the text:
- to keep fit
- to do sports
- to improve health
- to do exercises
- to follow classes
- After reading I’d like you to answer the main question: „ How do people usually keep fit“. Follow the models:
- To keep fit most people ... .
- Some people ... to keep fit.
- We can ... to keep fit.
- And how do you usually keep fit? You can use the same models.
4. Обучение говорению.
- So most people keep fit to be healthy and look well. But what are the other purposes for keeping fit? Will you give me your suggestions, please? Use the following words and word combinations:
1. to rest and relax
2. to lose weight
3. to become healthy
4. to look athletic/cool
5. to get rid of stress
6. it’s in fashion
- Work in pairs, please. Discuss the answers with each other.
- Well, now let’s make it clear what ways of keeping fit you know. Will you give me your suggestions, please? Use the following words and word combinations:
1. to go in for
2. to join a club/centre
3. to do aerobics
4. to keep a diet
5. to follow a diet
6. to take care of oneself
- Work in pairs, please. Discuss the answers with each other.
- To some it up, let us answer the following questions and read the advice. So we’ll get to know if you keep fit in a right way or not:
1. Do you often eat fruit and vegetables?
2. Do you do sports regularly?
3. Do you watch TV for more than an hour?
4. Do you seldom eat sweets, chips, biscuits?
5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night?
6. Do you sometimes think about how fit you are?
Put “One” for each “Yes”
What is your total score?
- Now read about yourself. Then transform the questions into advice. Use the model:
1.I watch too much TV. I should less watch TV and do more exercises.
5. Обучение грамматической стороне речи.
- Grammar discoveries: adjectives + ly = adverbs
e.g. 1. bad + ly = badly
2. quick + ly = quickly
- Read and remember :
- hard (трудный)– hard (трудно) – hardly (едва, с трудом)
- late (поздний)- late (поздно)- lately (в последнее время)
- near (близкий)-near (близко)-nearly (почти)
- high(высокий)- high (высоко)- highly (очень, чрезвычайно)
- To find out if you understand everything properly let us complete the sentences choosing the right word in ex.21 on p. 105.
Key: 1) nearly 5) hardly
2) hard 6) near
3) late 7) highly
4) lately 8) high
6.Контроль и самоконтроль грамматических навыков.
- Let’s do tests and check them .
Key: Test 1 Test.2.
1.hard 1.hardly
2.nearly 2.near
3.hardly 3.highly
4.lately 4.hardly
5.hard 5.high
6.late 6.hard
- Homework ( Объяснение домашнего задания)
- Ex.6 , p. 120 (transform the quwstions to advice)
- Ex.7 , p. 120 (make up your own sentences with the words „hard/hardly, high/highly“)
7. Подведение итогов.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[ I ]: figure, tennis, hockey, fit, gymnastics, individual, switch, basketball, biscuit, volleyball [ae]: badminton, stadium, athletics, handball, gymnastics, relax [ai]: riding, cycling, exercises, quite, wide, type [ng]: swimming, skating, boxing, skiing, cycling, surfing, jogging, walking, running
Good enough (for) In a suitable condition Be the right shape or size (for) Strong and well, in good health
1) To keep fit most people… 2) Some people … to keep fit 3) We can … to keep fit
to rest and relax to lose weight to look athletic\cool to have a good time to get rid of stress it’s in fashion to become strong\energetic\healthy
to go in for to join a sports club to do exercises at home to run five kilometers every day to do aerobics to eat some fruit for breakfast to keep a diet to follow a diet to take care of oneself
1. Do you often eat vegetables and fruit? 2. Do you do sports regularly? 3. Do you watch TV for more than an hour? 4. Do you seldom eat chocolate, sweets, chips and biscuits? 5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? 6. Do you sometimes think about how fit you are? Put “One” for each “Yes” What is your total score?
0- 2 : Oh, dear! Forget about sweets and chips, You need fruit and vegetables and lots more exercises. 3-4: Do more exercises and eat more carefully. 5-6: You keep fit. Well done.
Use the model: I watch TV too much. I should less watch TV and do lots more exercises.
1 . Hard ( усердный ) - hard( усердно ) -hardly( едва ) 2. Late ( поздний ) - late ( поздно ) - lately ( в последнее время ) 3. Near ( близкий ) - near ( близко ) - nearly ( почти ) 4. High ( высокий ) – high ( высоко ) –highly ( очень )
1) nearly 2) hard 3) late 4) lately 5) hardly 6) near 7) highly 8) high
1. Ex. 6,p. 120. Look back at the quiz in ex. 18 on page 104. Transform the questions to advice and write them down. 2. Ex 7, p. 120. Make up your own sentences with the words (hard\hardly,late\lately,near\nearly, high\highly)
1) … I could hardly read it. 2) … She could hardly eat it. 3) … I could hardly believe my eyes. 4) … We could hardly see each other. 5) … I can hardly hear you.
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