Технологии подготовки к написанию эссе с выражением собственного мнения в формате ЕГЭ
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
В презентации отрабатывается алгоритм написания эссе с выражением собственного мнения в формате ЕГЭ на примере трех различных заданий :
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Highlight the key words1 In any occupation discipline is more important than talent . Occupation – profession Disciplined – well-organized Talented - gifted
Try to paraphrase background information, using synonyms and different grammatical structures.
Highlight the key words/rephrase1 In any occupation discipline is more important than talent . Whose opinion is right? In any profession being well-organized is more preferable than being gifted .
Highlight the key words 2 Some people argue that in the modern world it is necessary to be able to speak at least two foreign languages . Others say that it is better to know one foreign language very well than to have poor command of two foreign languages. Whose opinion is right? Language - tongue Speak very well – speak fluently Have poor command of – poor knowledge To be able - be capable of - can
Highlight the key words/rephrase3 Children should always obey their parents. Do you agree with this statement? Teenagers ought to fulfil their parents` demand. Youngsters must always give in to their parents` demand. Young people should always meet their parents` demand.
Arrange the following items of the plan Express your personal opinion ( 2 or 3 reasons for it ). Make an introduction (state the problem ) . Make a conclusion , restating your opinion. Express an opposing opinion (1-2 reasons for it ). Some people think that… Explain why you don`t agree with opposing opinion.
Use the following plan Make an introduction (state the problem ) . Express your personal opinion ( 2 or 3 reasons for it ). Express an opposing opinion (1-2 reasons for it ). Some people think that… Explain why you don`t agree with opposing opinion. Make a conclusion , restating your opinion.
Phrases for introduction According to … It is often said that … There is no doubt that … Recently people have become concerned.. These days, it seems that… Nowadays ,the problem of…has become a popular topic for… It is often argued that…
Introduction (example1) People have been arguing passionately whether strict discipline or a natural talent is more essential for doing the work successfully in any profession . Others think that it is an occupation that makes high demands of a person. Whose opinion is right? (40 words)
Introduction (example2) It is often argued how many foreign languages to study. Some people reckon that studying one foreign language profoundly is preferable to learning two or more languages simultaneously. Others have opposing opinion. Whose opinion is right? (37 words)
The body of the essay(paragraph2) Write arguments and count- arguments for the topic. Choose your point of view.
The body of the essay(example1) My opinion: There are a lot of different professions and each of them makes special demands of the candidates. There are positive and negative arguments (count- arguments) whether a candidate`s talent or discipline is more essential for a particular profession.
Arguments example1 Gifted people are capable of generating bright ideas and creating new things. Well-organized people can do the work on time and get a promotion easier.
Count-arguments example1 Gifted people are sometimes unpredictable and difficult to deal with. Well-organized people are often diligent and fulfilling. They have some difficulty in learning new things , though.
Arguments example2 My opinion Learning two languages is more preferable. A lot of people have global employment. People enjoy travelling abroad. Learning languages makes people more intelligent.
Count-arguments example2 People who are going to work in a particular country study a proper language. Translators ,interpreters or teachers often learn one language profoundly. One language is much easier to learn.
Phrases to introduce arguments I believe that… Personally , I feel that.. It seems to me that I must say that… I feel strongly that… I am convinced that… I am greatly in favour of… I see no reason why…
Linking words to introduce arguments Firstly, secondly… Moreover,… Furthermore,… In addition,… Besides… additionally… What is more,… More than that,…
Phrases to expand your arguments As a result,… Therefore,… For this reason,… That is why… As a consequence,… Because of it,… But,And,So,Also,Because- нельзя в начале предложения!
Paragraph 2 (example1) Personally ,I am convinced that there are a lot of different professions and each of them makes special demands of the candidates. Firstly , disciplined people can be successful in such professions as a military man, an accountant , a nurse or unqualified worker because people of these occupations have the advantage of the experience over talent . Secondly, people of creative professions such as musicians, artists or actors need a natural talent. (70 words)
Paragraph 2 (example2) It seems to me that you had better study as many foreign languages as you can to survive in the epoch of globalization.A lot of people have global employment working for transcontinental international corporations. For this reason , they have to communicate to the staff speaking their native language . If you work in China, you have to speak Chinese, as most people don`t speak any foreign languages. In addition , you can be transferred to another branch of the same company abroad.
Transition between paragraphs(2/3) However,… Anyway,… Nevertheless,… Nonetheless… Although,… Even though,… On the other hand, Never use ‘secondly’ if no ‘firstly’
Choose the best count- argument 1.In my opinion , Sheila has a thirst for knowledge and is a very quick learner. A)However, her behaviour is far from perfect. B) However, there is room for improvement in her work in Math. 2.I believe, people can be intelligent without formal education. A)Nonetheless, formal education puts you in a better position than other people. B)Nonetheless, having remarkable mental agility is not enough and needs developing which is impossible without formal education.
Disprove the following statements 1.Chinese is going to be the language of international communication in the 21 st century . 2.There will be the only global language on the earth. Gifted people don`t need any discipline to fulfil themselves.
Phrases to introduce counter-arguments (paragraph 3) I completely disagree… I object to what has been said… I do not go along with these arguments… I am strongly… Nonetheless,…
Paragraph 3 (example1) Nonetheless , there are people who believe that in any profession talented people have definite advantage over disciplined ones and vice versa. They prove their points of view with such examples as the life of Martin Eden, the main character of Jack London`s novel of the same name, or the life of Sergei Yesenin , an outstanding Russian poet . In addition , they quote the proverb that says, “Practice makes perfect.” (68 words)
Paragraph 3 (example2) Nevertheless, some people insist on studying one foreign language , mainly English , profoundly. They are convinced that speaking English, the language of international communication, they will be able to communicate to people all over the world.
Paragraph 4 (example1) I do not go along with these arguments as the connection between a talent or discipline and the occupation is not taken into account. I strongly believe that only personal features brought into the line with occupation can be the key to success. (43 words)
Paragraph 4 (example2) I do not go along with these arguments. Well-paid jobs for most of specialists working for global companies are in developing countries in Asia or South America , where people do not speak English but only their native languages. (43 words)
Phrases to conclude To sum up,… In conclusion,… To conclude,… Summarising,… To summarise,… All in all,…
Conclusion (example1) To sum up , although some people think that with the help of discipline or talent one can succeed in any profession , I believe that only having established correspondence between the occupation and personal qualities one can do his work perfectly. (40+70+68+43+40=261 words)
Conclusion (example2) To sum up , studying foreign languages is the urgent necessity nowadays. The more languages you speak, the more opportunities you have to fulfil yourself. (225 words)
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