Методическая разработка урока "Спорт в Великобритании" для 7 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Методическая разработка представлена как поэтапная работа с одноименным видеоматериалом курса "Window on Britain", взятого из ресурса youtube,
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Учебный материал: видеофрагмент “ Sports in Britain ” (4,5 мин) Задачи использования: раскрытие интеллектуального потенциала учащихся рост личности в интеллектуальном и эмоциональном плане развитие познавательных интересов и потребностей Технология использования видеофрагментов в процессе обучения иностранному языку дает положительные результаты, если применяется определенная последовательность приемов, которая может быть представлена рядом этапов на протяжении одного или нескольких уроков:
Venue Scene Rowing Path Keep fit Competition Variety Headquarter Facility Unusual место проведения место действия гребля необычный беговая дорожка быть в форме штаб квартира соревнование многообразие сооружение
A – It’s the activity or condition of competing. B – It’s the place where something happens, esp. an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports event. C – It’s a sport in which people or teams race against each other in boats with oars. D – To be in a specified state of health. E – It’s a long strip of ground which people walk or run a race to get from the start to the finish. F – It’s a place where sports, entertainments, and other public events take place. G – It’s a number or range of things of the same general class that are distinct in character or quality. H – It’s the place or building serving as the managerial and administrative center of an organization. I – It’s a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose. J –not habitually or commonly occurring or done.
Answer the question: What is the city of Wembley famous for? Where do all tennis players want to win the tournament at? Where is the home of golf? What sports are famous for Henley and London? Is sport only for experts? How many public swimming pools are there in Britain? Why do kids in the interview say they go swimming? What is the most popular sport in Britain and what percent of British people enjoy it? What do British people watch on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon? What are some other popular sports in Britain? Why do people do aerobics? What do most towns and cities in Britain have?
Hello! What sport do most British people like? It is football, cricket, rugby or something else? The answer is very surprising. In this program we look at sport. And we begin with some famous sporting venues. This is Wembley – the scene of some great football matches. All tennis players want to win the tournament at Wimbledon. Saint Andrew’s at Scotland is the home of golf. Henley on the river Thames is the centre of the world of rowing. And here, in London, is Lord’s. It’s the headquarters of the game of cricket. A very British game! But sport isn’t only for experts! All over Britain more and more people are taking up…different sports and activities. Swimming’s popular. There are over twenty thousand public swimming pools in Britain. How often do you go swimming? – I go swimming once a week. – I go swimming three times a week. – I go twice a week. Why do you go swimming? – Because it’s fun. – I go swimming because it’s fun and it’s a great sport. Lots of people go cycling. Over one thousand two hundred clubs belongs to the British Cycling Federation. But the most popular sport in Britain is walking. About forty percent of British people go walking. There are two hundred and twenty five thousand kilometers of national paths in England and Wales. These people are walking along the Pennine Way. It’s a very popular walk. And it’s four hundred and twelve kilometers long. Of course, not everybody walks from the start to the finish. The British love watching sport too. On television and life. Over fifty-five thousand people go to see Manchester United play in Manchester on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Horse racing, motor racing, and rugby are also very popular. Sport is for everybody – young and old. These people are doing aerobics. They do it to keep fit and because they enjoy it. Some people are more serious about sport. You find people at this club every night of the week. Some are training for competitions, some are hurdling and some are running. - Well done, that was a good time. Wow, very fast. Most towns and cities in Britain have a variety of sports clubs and facilities like this athletic club. They often have large sports centres too. And don’t forget! In Britain you can also play some unusual and interesting games. Cricket’s famous. But what’s this? It’s croquet. Originally a French game, it’s popular in Britain, especially if you have a large garden. Is this squash? No, it’s called real tennis. Modern tennis comes from its game. And what’s this? It’s a Scottish game called curling. You play it on ice! OK, on your marks. Get set. Go! I must get fit!
Предварительный просмотр:
Этапы работы с видеофрагментом “Sports in Britain” в 7 классе
Грибова Н.Н., МОУ-СОШ № 6 г. Маркса
Учебный материал: видеофрагмент “Sports in Britain” (4,5 мин)
Задачи использования:
- раскрытие интеллектуального потенциала учащихся
- рост личности в интеллектуальном и эмоциональном плане
- развитие познавательных интересов и потребностей
Технология использования видеофрагментов в процессе обучения иностранному языку дает положительные результаты, если применяется определенная последовательность приемов, которая может быть представлена рядом этапов на протяжении одного или нескольких уроков:
I. Этап. Введение и активизация новой лексики.
Описание этапа. На доску вывешиваются карточки со словами на английском и русском языках. Учащимся предлагается найти русский эквивалент к английскому слову (тип задания Matching)
После выполнения этого задания карточки с русскими эквивалентами снимаются с доски, учащимся предлагается найти подходящее определение (дефиницию) каждого слова (тип задания Multiple Choice)
A – It’s the activity or condition of competing.
B – It’s the place where something happens, esp. an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports event.
C – It’s a sport in which people or teams race against each other in boats with oars.
D – To be in a specified state of health.
E – It’s a long strip of ground which people walk or run a race to get from the start to the finish.
F – It’s a place where sports, entertainments, and other public events take place.
G – It’s a number or range of things of the same general class that are distinct in character or quality.
H – It’s the place or building serving as the managerial and administrative center of an organization.
I – It’s a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.
J –not habitually or commonly occurring or done.
II. Этап. Просмотр видеофрагмента с пониманием содержания.
Описание этапа. Учащимся предлагается просмотреть фрагмент видеофильма с целью понимания общего содержания (Global Understanding). Понимание содержания уточняется с помощью вопросов.
How many sports are there in Britain?
Why do British people do sport?
What is the most popular sport in Britain?
С целью детального понимания видеофрагмента учащимся предлагается для ознакомления анкета с вопросами, на которые следует ответить после вторичного просмотра фильма (Listening for Details)
Answer the question:
- What is the city of Wembley famous for?
- Where do all tennis players want to win the tournament at?
- Where is the home of golf?
- What sports are famous for Henley and London?
- Is sport only for experts?
- How many public swimming pools are there in Britain?
- Why do kids in the interview say they go swimming?
- What is the most popular sport in Britain and what percent of British people enjoy it?
- What do British people watch on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon?
- What are some other popular sports in Britain?
- Why do people do aerobics?
- What do most towns and cities in Britain have?
III. Этап. Просмотровое чтение.
Описание этапа. Видеоскрипт к тексту разрезается на отдельные, не связанные между собой предложения, из которых учащиеся должны самостоятельно собрать сопровождающий текст к просмотренному отрывку и проверить правильность ответов на вопросы. (Editing)
Hello! What sport do most British people like?
It is football, cricket, rugby or something else?
The answer is very surprising.
In this program we look at sport. And we begin with some famous sporting venues.
This is Wembley – the scene of some great football matches.
All tennis players want to win the tournament at Wimbledon.
Saint Andrew’s at Scotland is the home of golf.
Henley on the river Thames is the centre of the world of rowing. And here, in London, is Lord’s.
It’s the headquarters of the game of cricket. A very British game!
But sport isn’t only for experts!
All over Britain more and more people are taking up…different sports and activities.
Swimming’s popular. There are over twenty thousand public swimming pools in Britain.
How often do you go swimming? – I go swimming once a week. – I go swimming three times a week. – I go twice a week. Why do you go swimming? – Because it’s fun. – I go swimming because it’s fun and it’s a great sport.
Lots of people go cycling. Over one thousand two hundred clubs belongs to the British Cycling Federation.
But the most popular sport in Britain is walking. About forty percent of British people go walking. There are two hundred and twenty five thousand kilometers of national paths in England and Wales. These people are walking along the Pennine Way. It’s a very popular walk. And it’s four hundred and twelve kilometers long. Of course, not everybody walks from the start to the finish.
The British love watching sport too. On television and life. Over fifty-five thousand people go to see Manchester United play in Manchester on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
Horse racing, motor racing, and rugby are also very popular. Sport is for everybody – young and old. These people are doing aerobics. They do it to keep fit and because they enjoy it.
Some people are more serious about sport. You find people at this club every night of the week. Some are training for competitions, some are hurdling and some are running.
- Well done, that was a good time. Wow, very fast.
Most towns and cities in Britain have a variety of sports clubs and facilities like this athletic club. They often have large sports centres too. And don’t forget! In Britain you can also play some unusual and interesting games. Cricket’s famous. But what’s this?
It’s croquet. Originally a French game, it’s popular in Britain, especially if you have a large garden. Is this squash? No, it’s called real tennis. Modern tennis comes from its game. And what’s this? It’s a Scottish game called curling. You play it on ice! OK, on your marks. Get set. Go! I must get fit!
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