5 класс Когда я готовлю на кухне
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Конспект урока в 5 классе ("Spotlight")
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Предварительный просмотр:
02.04.2015 5 А класс
Тема урока: Когда я готовлю на кухне. Ознакомительное и изучающее чтение.
Цели урока:
- Обучающие:
Совершенствовать лексические навыки, навыки диалогической речи, навыки чтения по теме, умения восприятия речи на слух
- Развивающие:
- Развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности.
- Развивать умения прогнозирования и понимания текста по первой фразе - ознакомительное чтение.
- Развивать умения поискового чтения и технику чтения вслух.
- Развивать умения систематизировать новые знания и уметь применять их в нужное время.
- Развивать умения выражать свое мнение - диалогическая речь.
- Воспитательные:
- Воспитывать объекта межкультурного взаимодействия.
- Воспитывать культуру питания, как составляющую здорового образа жизни.
- Воспитывать уважение к традициям национальной кухни - как часть культуры разных стран мира.
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия:
УМК “Spotlight”.
- Учебник для 5 класса
- Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 5 класса
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, аудиоприложение к учебнику, карточки- макеты, презентация к уроку.
Ход урока
Организационный момент и приветствие:
Good morning children. Glad to see you. How are you? Today we are going practice in reading, speaking, listening and of course, grammar.
Фонетическая разминка:
Организуется работа с заголовком урока, слайдом презентации и рисунками.
- Who is master chef? Who cooks in your family? Do you like cooking? What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
Пояснить, что lunch часто переводится как обед, а dinner как ужин из-за реального времени приема пищи.
Предполагаемый ответ: I eat cereal with milk and sugar, and bread and jam for breakfast and I drink milk. For lunch, I have bread and cheese and some grapes or cherries. I drink orange juice. For dinner, I have pasta with meat and tomatoes. I drink orange juice again.
- Which of the food in the pyramid do you like/not like? I would like to make up your own dialogues.
Несколько пар разыгрывают диалоги перед классом.
Предполагаемый ответ:
A: I like meat, but I don`t like fish.
B: Really? I like fish, I don`t like chicken.
We have a puzzle and our aim is to find 12 words and write them below.
t o m a t o i p
l l e m o n k i
p a s t a i v n
e g g y c o u e
g f i s h n s a
c a k e i o h p
a c r i c e m p
i f x o k a u l
j a b r e a d e
m e a t n o l m
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________
6. __________________
7. __________________
8. __________________
9. __________________
Now, open your books on pg.98 and read the first exchange from ex.3 out. What is the dialogue about?
Ключи:The dialogue is about two people choosing what to eat for dinner.
Very good, read the dialogue aloud and write their shopping list.
Ключи: garlic, chicken , olive oil.
Let`s review the rules of using some / any, and much/many
Ответы: We use some in affirmative, and any in negative and interrogative sentences.
We use much with uncountable nouns, and many with countable nouns
I have some cards and you have to fill in the gaps with some/any.
- Is there ______ juice on the table? – Yes, there is ______ juice on the table.
- Give me ______ butter please. – But there isn’t ______ butter in the fridge.
- Are there ______ shopping malls in the center of the city? – Yes, there are ______ shopping malls in the center of the city.
- Are there ______ flowers in the garden? – No, there aren’t ______ flowers there.
- Give me ______ bread please.
- Is there ______ jam for tea? – Yes, there is ______ jam for tea.
Fill in gaps with much/many.
1. How ___________ children are there in your class?
2. How ___________ milk do you want in your tea?
3. How ___________ bread do you eat every day?
4. How ___________ players are there in a football team?
5. How ___________ eggs do you need for the salad?
6. How ___________ cheese did you buy?
7. How ___________ friends do you have?
I think you need some rest. Let`s do exercises.
Good of you.
Развитие умения выражать свое мне мнение.
Let`s talk about your favorite food an how to cook it. It`s time to work in pairs. You`ll have to write on a sheet of paper the ingredient you need. Get ready to act tem out.
Обсуждается план ведения диалога. Учащиеся работают в парах. Выбрав определенное блюдо для обсуждения, они записывают ингредиенты и с опорой на упр.3 начинают вести диалог.
Offer to make a dish for dinner → Show enthusiasm. Ask if you`ve got
↙ everything you need for the dish.
Sound unsure, suggest checking. → Pretend to be looking in the cupboard
↙ and tell A what you see.
Ask B if there are/is any X → Confirm that there are/is a lot of X but
tell A that there are/is no X.
Ask if there are/is any Z → Confirm that there are/is a lot of Z, but
↙ there is/ are no P and not much/many U
Suggest making a shopping list.
Picture dictation.
Учащиеся получают карточки с рисунком блюдца. Они начинают рисовать под диктовку учителя.
•Draw an apple. Colour it green.
•Draw three tomatoes. Colour them red.
•Draw a lemon. Colour it yellow.
•Draw two potatoes. Colour them brown.
•Draw a bar of chocolate. Colour it brown.
•Draw a fish. Colour it silver and black.
a) Развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста, восприятия на слух основной мысли текста.
Bob and Ann are talking about something. Look at the text and say what are they talking about?
Ключи: They are talking about plans for a birthday party.
b) Развитие умения выборочно понимать на слух необходимую информацию с опорой на контекст (заполнения пропусков).
Listen and fill the missing words.
Date: Friday 22 January
Time: …………………………..
Number of people: …………………….
Food/Drink: 3 large pizzas, 10 burgers, 1 packet of chocolate,
2…………………… of lemonade
Activities: party…... dancing.
Подведение итогов урока.
Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учащихся.
Домашнее задание: Imagine it`s your birthday party. Write your birthday party plan. Write:
- Date
- Time
- Number of people
- Food/drink
- Activities
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
t o m a t o i p l l e m o n k i p a s t a i v n e g g y c o u e g f i s h n s a c a k e i o h p a c r i c e m p i f x o k a u l j a b r e a d e m e a t n o l m
We’ve got … pasta. Are there … onions? There isn’t … garlic. We use … in the affirmative. We use … in the negative and interrogative.
Is there ______ juice on the table? – Yes, there is ______ juice on the table. Give me ______ butter please. – But there isn’t ______ butter in the fridge. Are there ______ shopping malls in the center of the city? – Yes, there are ______ shopping malls in the center of the city.
Are there ______ flowers in the garden? – No, there aren’t ______ flowers there. Give me ______ bread please. Is there ______ jam for tea? – Yes, there is ______ jam for tea.
1. How ___________ children are there in your class? 2. How ___________ milk do you want in your tea? 3. How ___________ bread do you eat every day?
4. How ___________ players are there in a football team? 5. How ___________ eggs do you need for the salad? 6. How ___________ cheese did you buy? 7. How ___________ friends do you have?
A Offer to make a dish for dinner → ↙ B Show enthusiasm. Ask if you`ve got everything you need for the dish. Sound unsure, suggest checking. → ↙ Pretend to be looking in the cupboard and tell A what you see. Ask B if there are/is any X → Confirm that there are/is a lot of X but tell A that there are/is no X . Ask if there are/is any Z → ↙ Confirm that there are/is a lot of Z , but there is/ are no P and not much/many U Suggest making a shopping list.
Date: Friday 22 January Time: ………………………….. Number of people : ……………………. Food/Drink : 3 large pizzas, 10 burgers, 1 packet of chocolate …., 2…………………… of lemonade Activities: party…... dancing. BIRTHDAY PARTY PLAN
Homework: Imagine it`s your birthday party. Write your birthday party plan. Write: Date Time Number of people Food/drink Activities
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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