Раздаточный материал (вопросы и задания викторины), ключи к заданиям.
материал по английскому языку на тему
Викторина «Are you a good chef?» предназначена для закрепления и своеобразного итогового контроля усвоения материала по изученным программным темам по дисциплине «Английский язык по профессиональной направленности» для студентов специальности Технология продукции общественного питания
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Предварительный просмотр:
Guess the Riddle
1. What is red or green, round and sometimes sweet and sometimes sour?
1.an orange.
2.an apple.
3.an onion. ___/1
2. What is long and white or green and comes in the spring?
1.a cucumber
2.an avocado
3.Asparagus ___/1
3. What is tall and green with lots of small heads on it?
1.brussels sprouts
3.cabbage ___/1
4. What is green on the outside and with lots of small green balls on the inside when you open it up?
3.beans ___/1
5. What is the only vegetable that will make you cry?
1.a tomato
2.an onion
3.an orange ___/1
6. What grows under the ground and has eyes?
1.an olive
2.an onion
3.a potato ___/1
7. What fruit is always sour?
1.an orange
2.a lemon
3.an apple ___/1
8. Which do you use at Halloween?
3.tomatoes ___/1
9. You use them in sauce or you eat them, as they are, red, ripe and wonderful.
3.tomatoes ___/1
10. What is big and white on the inside, but green on the outside?
3.Brussels sprouts ___/1
Total ___/10
Task 1
Match the parts of the sentence
1- Boiling is 2 - Stewing is 3 - Frying is 4 - Steaming is 5 - Sautéing is 6 - Baking is 7 - Roasting is 8 - Grilling is | A - heating in liquid B - heating in steam C - heating by dry heat D - heating in fat or |
Task 2
Correct the mistakes
Cross out the wrong word(s) and write the correct one(s) next to the number in the table.
Types of Stock
- White meat stock is made of beef bones.
- Brown beef stock is used with white meat dishes and game.
- Fish stock is cooked for 2 hours.
- Vegetable stock is made of potatoes, pumpkin, onion, parsley stalks, bay leaves and peppercorns.
1.______________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________ |
Task 3
Circle the correct word
Picture 1 1.Potato 2.Onion 3. Pumpkin | Picture 2 1.Cucumbers 2. Leek 3.Carrots | Picture 3 1.Dill 2.Fennel 3.Parsley |
Task 4
Find and correct the mistakes
Cross out the wrong word(s) and write the correct one(s) next to the numbers in the table.
- Use bad quality fresh ingredients.
- Use water instead of a well-flavoured stock.
- Season well with sugar, cocoa powder and herbs.
- Remove any fat from the surface with a fork or kitchen paper.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 |
Task 5
Match the word in the two columns to make word combinations
1. bring to | a. the egg |
2. crack | b. the butter |
3. kitchen | c. the chicken |
4. melt | d. salt and pepper |
5. pour the sauce over | e. a boil |
6. season with | f. a lime |
7. the juice of | g. paper |
Task 6
How to Make This Dish?
Choose the type of fish for this dish:
- trout
- pike
- salmon
- herring ___/1
Choose the ingredients for Teriyaki sauce:
Put a tick ( ٧ ) next to a correct word
Choose the utensils:
Correct the mistakes
Cross out the wrong word(s) and write the correct one(s) next to the numbers in the table.
- We heat the butter for the salmon in the large bowl over a high temperature.
2. We season the salmon fillets with sugar and cocoa powder.
3. We fry the salmon for approximately 2 hours on one side and take out.
4. The fish is served cold without garnish.
5. We suggest accompanying the salmon with ice cream, jam or radish garnish.
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
Task 7
Name of Animal | Name as Food |
1. Cow(s) | a. Veal |
2. Young cow(s) | b. Chicken |
3. Sheep | c. Pork |
4. Young sheep | d. Lamb |
5. Pig(s) | e. Beef |
6. Hen(s) | f. Mutton |
Task 8
Match the dishes names to the pictures
Put numbers from 1 to 4 next to the words
Ribeye Steak____________________________________________
Roasted Chicken_________________________________________
Roastbeef ______________________________________________
Task 9
Choose the utensils and equipment
Equipment a. Fridge b. Oven c. Cooker d. Grill e. Mixer f. Blender g. Food processor h. Microwave oven | Utensils
Equipment | Utensils | ||
1. Rib Eye Steak | 6 | ||
2. Meatballs | 7 | ||
3. Roasted Chicken | 4 | ||
4. Roast beef | 4 |
Thank you for your attention!
Предварительный просмотр:
Task 1
1-a; 2- a; 3-d; 4-b; 5-d; 6-c; 7-c; 8-c;
Task 2
1. White meat stock is made of beef bones chicken or beef bones.
2. Brown beef stock is used with white red meat dishes and game.
3. Fish stock is cooked for 2 hours 20-30 minutes.
4. Vegetable stock is made of potatoes, pumpkin, onion, parsley stalks, bay leaves and peppercorns.
Task 3
1-2; 2-3; 3-3;
Task 4
Use bad good quality fresh ingredients.
Use water well-flavoured instead of a well-flavoured water stock.
Season well with sugar, cocoa powder,salt, pepper and herbs.
Remove any fat from the surface with a fork ladle or kitchen paper.
Task 5
1-e; 2-a; 3-g; 4-b; 5-c; 6-d; 7-f;
Task 6
1. trout -
2. pike -
3. salmon +
4. herring–
Choose the ingredients for Teriyaki sauce:
1. Balsamic vinegar +
2. Vodka -
3. Saki +
4. Honey +
5. Salt -
6. Soy sauce +
7. Jam -
8. Sugar +
Choose the utensils:
1. saucepan 2. Frying pan 3.plate 4. cup 5. knife 6.whisk
7. spoon 8.bowl 9. spatula 10. fork
Correct the mistakes
Cross out the wrong word(s) and write the correct one(s) next to the numbers in the table.
- We heat the butter (oil) for the salmon in the large bowl (frying pan) over a high temperature.
2. We season the salmon fillets with sugar and cocoa powder (salt and pepper).
3. We fry the salmon for approximately 2 hours (minutes)on one side(both sides) and take out.
4. The fish is served cold (hot) without (with) garnish.
5. We suggest accompanying the salmon with ice cream, jam or radish garnish.
Task 7
- e; 2-a; 3-f; 4-d; 5-c; 6-b;
Task 8
Ribeye Steak - 3
Meatballs - 1
Roasted Chicken - 4
Roastbeef – 2
Task 9
1. Rib Eye Steak - grill pan, brush, tongs, tray, spoon, cooker (6)
2. Meatballs - bowl, spoon, 2 trays, frying pan, set of tongs, wooden spoon, whisk (7)
3. Roasted Chicken - knife, roasting pan, tin foil, oven (4)
4. Roast beef - roasting tin, medium sized bowl, carving knife, meat thermometer (4)
Предварительный просмотр:
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. What is red or green, round and sometimes sweet and sometimes sour?
- an orange.
- an apple.
- an onion.
2. What is long and white or green and comes in the spring?
- a cucumber
- an avocado
- asparagus
3. What is tall and green with lots of small heads on it?
- brussels sprouts
- cauliflower
- cabbage
4. What is green on the outside and with lots of small green balls on the inside when you open it up?
- lettuce
- peas
- beans
5. What is the only vegetable that will make you cry?
- a tomato
- an onion
- an orange
6. What grows under the ground and has eyes?
- an olive
- an onion
- a potato
7. What fruit is always sour?
- an orange
- a lemon
- an apple
8. Which do you use at Halloween?
- cabbages
- pumpkins
- tomatoes
9. You use them in sauce or you eat them, as they are, red, ripe and wonderful.
- potatoes
- peppers
- tomatoes
10. What is big and white on the inside, but green on the outside?
- cabbage
- cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
II. Fresh Vegetable!
- It's the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh. What is it? ___________________
III. Food Group Riddles
- I am round and red. My meat is also red. Some people think I am a vegetable but I am really a fruit. People like to use me in a salad.
- I am white. You can drink me. I am in the dairy group.
- I am bad for you. I am at the top of the pyramid. I have a lot of fat. I am cold. I have a lot of chocolate chips.
- I can sometimes be light brown or white. I have yellow stuff inside me. I am a protein.
- I am green or red. I am spicy and hot. I am in the vegetable group.
- I am yellow and long. I am a fruit. Monkeys eat me.
- I am green and when you cut me open I am red. You eat me in the summer time. I am a fruit.
- I am in the grain group. I am long and stringy. You can put sauce on me.
- I am green. I look like a tree. I am a vegetable.
- I am very soft. I can be sweet. I am cold. I am in the dairy group.
- I have a lot of fat. I'm round you shouldn't eat a lot of me. I have a lot chocolate chips.
- I am made of flour. You can make sandwiches with me. I am a grain.
- I am some people's favorite food. I am bad for you. I am very sweet. You get me at Halloween.
- I am orange. My top is green. I am a vegetable.
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