План - конспект урока "Do you like watching or going in for sport?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
урок по УМК автора Кузовлева В.П. с применением технологии дебаты
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Предварительный просмотр:
Unit 4 “ Be a good sport “. 8класс
Тема: «Do you like watching or going in for sport?»
(урок с применением технологии – дебаты)
Цели: 1. Практическая: контроль основных навыков и умений , над которыми велась работа в цикле “Be a g0od sport”.
2. Образовательная: активизация навыков диалогической речи по теме.
3. Развивающая: развитие способности к обобщению, логичности, доказательности и правильному ведению дискуссии.
4. Воспитательная: формирование терпимого отношения к мнению другого человека.
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент.
Т:Good morning, boys and girls.
I am glad to see you. How are you?
P-s: Fine. Very good. And you?
T:I am fine. Thank you. And now we shall start our lesson.
T:Today we are going to speak about sports that British and Russian like. Besides we shall discuss the problem “For or against sport?” And at the end of our lesson you should tell us your point of view on the theme “Do you like watching or going in for sport?”
Look at the blackboard. You see “ Today at the lesson”
-answering the questions
-doing exercises
-practicing the conversation
-listening the text
-working in pairs
-organizing the debate.
T:Let us begin. At first look at the blackboard. You see the words. Please, put down missing letters and read these words in English.
Windsurfing, hiking, pony – trekking, tennis, cycling, golf, rugby, horse- racing, parachuting, swimming, boxing, basketball, hockey, gymnastics./ W-nd-urf-ng, hiking, p-ny – tre-king, te-nis, c-cli-g, g-lf, r-gby, ho-se- ra-ing, pa-ach-ting, sw-m-ing, bo-ing, ba-ketba-ll, ho-key, g-mn-sti-s./ Repeat it after me .
T:Our next task .I want you to listen to my stories. I will describe different sports games and you should guess.
Look at the blackboard and repeat it after me:
On your piece of paper you have only 5 numbers and on the blackboard you see 6 kinds of sport , so one of them is not necessary. Write down your name and surname. Listen to me attentively.
It is a winter kind of sport. There are two teams. Of course ice needs for this game. (hockey)
It is a summer sport. Many people who can swim like it. Swimming –pоol or the river need for this sport. (swimming)
It is a winter kind of sport. Skies and snow necessary for it. It is good for our health.(skiing)
It is an English national game. It is a very long game. British girls, women and men play this game.(cricket)
It is a game played between two teams of eleven players. The ball is necessary for its game. The famous teams are Barselona and Arsenal.(football)
1b 2d 3a 4c 5f e – is not necessary.
T Give me your work and answer what word is not necessary. Look at the blackboard once more. You can see some pictures and structures. Repeat it .
It is … I think it is unusual
interesting kind of sport.
Boys and girls. It’s time to have a rest. Stand up, please. Let’s do exercises.
Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Hop! Hop! Hop! Stand still!
Very good! Sit down, please.
Open your book on p.129 Ex.3 (1)
Make up a lot of combinations.
To watch (f) a unhappy
To be (h) b injures
To cause (b) c good friend
To take (d) d a lot of time
To support (e) e extra energy
To become (c) f contests
To make (a) g character
To build (g) h disciplined.
Agree or disagree
Sport builds character.
Sport makes you strong.
Sport takes a lot of time.
Sport is boring (interesting).
Sport helps to meet people.
Parachuting is the most dangerous.
Figure-skating is very exciting.
Sport makes you unhappy.
Sport is necessary only at school.
Sport helps to meet good friends.
Sport teaches you to be disciplined.
Most teenagers like going in for sports.
Some children like watching sports on TV.
Open your book Ex. 6p. 131.
There are many different points about sport. Some of you like going sports other prefer watching on TV. We shall organize the debate. This team is for sport, and that one is against sports .
And you are fans, you have another task. You should translate the text about soccer. Please take these tasks.
Dear boys and girls, be ready to tell us your point about sports
What your arguments for or against sport?\dialogue\.
And now fill this table/p.131/. Read your sentences. Thank you.
Open your diaries. For home – work do exercise 6 on page 131 orally.
Our lesson is over. I am extremely pleased with the work of the class. I give …
a five (a four). Good -bye.
Урок разработали и провели: Ульянова Т.А.
Ивачева А.А.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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