Открытый урок по критическому мышлению в 6 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
The theme of the lesson“ Talking about holidays”
Subject: English
Teacher: Butrova Olga Alexandrovna
The purpose|: Generalise the knowledge on theme “ Traditional holidays in Britain and Russia”,using analysis and comparison.
Цель урока: cистематизировать знания по теме «Традиционные праздники в Великобритании и России», через анализ и сравнение.
Goals of the lesson:
To discuss the topic “Holidays in Britain and Russia”
To practice giving opinions
To revise lexical material
To develop listening skills
To develop speaking skills
To develop decisions and explore ideas.
To develop students’ positive attitude towards Russian and British traditions.
To educate the interest to learning English
To educate the culture of working in pairs and in teams
Lesson aspect: mixed lesson with different types of activities
Visual aids: slides, video
Mind set: computer, presentation in Power Point
Time | Teacher’s activity | Student’s activity | Notes | |
1 | Warming up 2 min | 1.1-Good day! I hope that you are fine today. You know that people must be tolerant to each other, so let’s begin our lesson with saying compliments. Think silently for 5 seconds. -Alina, what a beautiful blouse you have got today! | Students stand in circle around the classroom and greet the teacher. Students say compliments to each other. | Modelling |
3 min | 1.2. Phonetic exercise: Teacher forms teams and puts the sounds into practice. - Each of you has got a piece of card with sounds or the words with this or that sound. Make pairs. -This is your face partner. Greet your partner and take your seats according to your sounds and words. - The students number 2 of each table read, please, your sounds and the words. The table number 1 will start. | Students take one part of the card and choose another part. Students pair up with the person who has appropriate piece of card and take seats according the sound and words with that sound. The students number 2 read the sounds and the words. | Physical environment ( information on the walls) Teambuilding | |
2 .Speech practice: 5 min | We’ll start our lesson with the poem : The world’s a very happy place Where every child should laugh and sing And always have a smiling face. -Who would like to read this poem? -Do you like this poem? -What is it about? -What do you think can make people be happy? -Think, please. I’ll give you 30 sec. -What might we do for people to make them become a bit happier? Think after the question. -Well done! Thank you! The teacher chooses the answers which can help students to formulate the topic of the lesson and write them down. -Look at the board and guess what we are going to speak about at our lesson? What does it make you wonder? -You are right! Today we are going to speak about holidays in Russia and Britain and to compare them. | Students read the poem and answer the teacher’s questions. Students take time to think the answers. Students | Teacher gives think time and wait time to improve the quality of answers. Clarity Question sat Issue | |
3. | Revision of lexical material: 6 min | Placement Consensus Teacher assigns a topic “ Traditional Russian and Tatar holidays” Let’s make a conclusion of what your have done. | Students write down as many names of holidays as they know on their part of the “placemat” Students take turns to share their ideas. Upon consensus by all, the assigned student writes down the idea in the middle box. Students continue until everyone has shared their ideas. The ideas written in the middle box from the team consensus. | Individual and team work |
4. | Developing of listening skills 10 min. Developing speaking skills | AR Quide learning structure. - Now we are going to watch video about holidays in Britain. Before watching the video read the statements in your cards and put “plus” if you agree and “minus” if you disagree with the statements in the first column. - After watching the video put “plus” if you haven’t changed your mind and “minus” if you have changed your mind in the last column. - Tell, who will change his/her mind after watching the video and why. | Students follow the instruction of the teacher and those who have changed their mind tell classmates about it. I used to think … Now I think… | New information Individual work |
5. | Reflection Developing speaking skills. Home task | 5.1.Practical work: Today you have learned how people in Britain celebrate the holidays and I am sure that you know everything about our holidays in Russia. Analyse and compare holidays in Britain and Russia using the statements and pictures on your tables. You may add more information if you need. -Now each team should design a poster devoted to the holidays in Britain and Russia. (the teacher introduces the task )
-Do you understand what to do for the practical work? I’ll give you 5 minutes to do this work. 5.2 -Present your posters, please. One person from each table. -The team has done well a good job in analyzing and comparing . -Thank you! Great! 5.3 -So, let’s make a conclusion What was the purpose of our lesson? What was the most interesting thing you learnt about? 5.4 -What might happen if there were no holidays on our planet? Your home task is to think and to find the answer on this question. -You have got a smilings on your table . Show us your mood. - If you have any questions you can leave it on your parking lot. -Thank you! Good bye! |
-To know more about the holidays , to analyze them and to compare British and Russian holidays. -The most interesting thing I learned about was… | Language Interpretation |
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