Презентация к уроку:"Political systems"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
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The United Kingdom The UK is a parlamentary monarchy. The queen is the head of the state. Parlament has the power in the country. It consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons . Parlament is a legislative branch, the government is the executive branch of power. The Premier Minister chooses cabinet and non-cabinet ministers.
The United States The US is a presidential republic. The President is the head of the state. Congress is the legislative branch of the government. It consists of the Cenate and the House of Representatives . There are about 100 senators and 435 Representatives in Congress. The President and it's administration is the executive branch of power. President's secretaries are the heads of the executive departments . The legislative and the executive branches are involved into system of checks and balances.
The New Zealand The New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations . It's an independent state. The political system of the country is a constitutional monarchy and a parlamentary democracy . It's form of government reflects its historical link with Great Britain The British Queen is the head of the state, its represented by the governor-general . Parlament is the legislative branch of the government .
The Russian Federation The Russian Federation is a presidential republic . The President is the head of the state, he has much power. The Federal Assembly is the legislative branch of power. It consists of the Federal Council and the Duma. The Federal Government is the executive branch of power. Parlament is the legislative branch of the government . The Supreme Court is the judicial branch of power.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме: "Политическая система США" ( The political system of the USA)
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Презентация "The Political System of the USA"
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