Types of ART (Виды искусства)
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Закрепление знаний по теме "Искусство" в 8 классе (УМК АфанасьеваО.В. Михеева И.В.English-8)
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Check your answers: https ://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/crossword-arts-1.htm Arts Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1. A person who writes books 4. To copy a CD or DVD to a hard drive 6. An instrument in pop music 7. My favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is by Vincent Van Gogh. 8. Do you like _ _ _ _ _ _ popcorn at the movies? Down 2. Do you like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ books ? 3. A person who designs clothes 4. A performer of rap music 5. Printed copies of a painting
Pop-up Galleries There's more to London's art scene than just its world-famous galleries. Join Joe as he finds out about a new kind of gallery... Before you watch Think about the following questions: 1. Where do you normally go to see art? 2. What kind of places new art for sale in your country? 3. Why might artists like a smaller place to show their art ? Now watch Joe discover the world of pop-up galleries . http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/pop-galleries
Next go to the Tasks. What is a “pop-up art gallery”? Answer the comprehension question. Choose the correct description. 1. It’s a temporary exhibition in a traditional art gallery where you can meet and chart with artists. 2. It’s a temporary exhibition at a school which tries to get young people interested in art. 3. It’s a temporary exhibition in an empty building where artists can show their works. Check your answers: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/pop-galleries
Watch again. Answer the true/false questions about pop-up galleries. 1. Pop-up galleries are quite a new idea in London. T F 2. They're created very quickly. T F 3. They're usually open for a few weeks or a month. T F 4. They're usually open for a few weeks or a month. T F 5. They sometimes use buildings without the owner's permission. T F 6. You have a pay a small fee to get in. T F 7. The atmosphere is less formal than in a normal gallery. T F 8. They usually show work by younger or newer artists. T F 9. Artists are not allowed to sell their work at a pop-up gallery. T F Check your answers: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/pop-galleries
Roles In The Arts Complete each sentence with a word from the list: 1. actors 2.architect 3.artist 4.author 5.composer 6.dancers 7.director 8.musicians 9. photographer 10. playwright 1. A symphony is played by … 2. A building is designed by an … 3. A book is written by an … 4. A ballet is performed by … 5. A painting is painted by an … 6. A piece of music is written by a … 7. A film is directed by a … 8. A play is performed by … 9. A photograph is taken by a … 10. A play is written by a … Check your answers: www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/cloze-arts-1.htm
Elements Of The Arts Complete each sentence with a word from the list: 1. architecture 2. dance production 3. fashion design 4. fiction writing 5. film-making 6. musical composition 7. painting 8. poetry 9. sculpture 10. theatre production 1. Harmony, melody, rhythm and instrumentation are elements of … 2. Plot, theme, style and characterization are elements of … 3. Colour , form, composition and brushwork are elements of … 4. Screenplays, camera angles and acting performances are elements of … 5. Spatial form, texture and materials like metal and wood are elements of … 6. Scripts, stage design, lighting and acting performances are elements of … 7. Choreography, music, stage design and lighting are elements of … 8. Rhyme, rhythm, meter, imagery and symbolism are elements of … 9. Construction materials, form, space and light are elements of … 10. Fabrics, cut, color, style and texture are elements of … Check your answers: https://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/cloze-arts-7.htm
How do you think what is art ? What new information did you know ? What is art for you ?
http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=i15gMKjWD84
We hope that you had a good time. Thank you very much for your attention!
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