Звёздный час по английскому языку, 7 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Путешествуй по всему миру!
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок
The Star Hour
7th Form
Учитель: Велигонова О.В.
г. Новошахтинска
2014-2015 учебный год
The Star Hour
7th Form
Тема урока «Travel around the world».
Тип урока: контроль изученного материала.
Форма проведения: интеллектуальная игра.
1. Развивающий компонент: развитие у учащихся интеллектуальной, информационной, коммуникативной культуры; развитие внимания, логического мышления, памяти, сообразительности, чувств, эмоций.
2. Образовательный компонент: организация деятельности учащихся по применению и закреплению знаний и умений в разнообразных ситуациях; формирование социокультурной компетенции через использование страноведческой информации на английском языке; активизация работы каждого ученика.
3. Воспитательный компонент: формирование уважительного отношения к культуре, традициям, истории англоговорящих стран, воспитание любви к родному краю.
4. Здоровьесберегающий компонент:
- Профилактика умственного перенапряжения путём смены видов деятельности.
- Создание атмосферы психологического комфорта учащихся на уроке, сохранение здоровья детей с разным типом психического восприятия информации.
Основные практические задачи:
- Развитие навыков говорения («Какой город, страну я хотел бы посетить?»)
- Проверка усвоения лексического и грамматического материала.
- Тестовая проверка степени сформированности навыков и умений аудирования.
- Контроль навыков и умений в чтении (учить читать про себя и полностью понимать содержание текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале).
- Организационный этап.
Teacher: Glad to meet you, dear pupils and guests! Today we are having a competition «Travel around the world». Now, dear friends, I’ll introduce our girls, who are taking part in today’s quiz “The Star Hour”.
The first player is Julia.
The second player is Valeria.
The third player is Anastasia.
The fourth player is Oxana.
The fifth player is Valeria.
The sixth player is Evgenia.
- How are you?
- So, they are our participants. And now, I want to introduce their friends. They are going to play with them. Here they are: … … . I wish you success and good luck!
- Look at the screen and read the motto of our lesson:
“The More we learn different lands, the more we know each other”
- But before we start, who wants to get a star? Getting a star you must tell us what city would you like to visit.
- Who is the best teller? Word of the jury. _____ is getting a star.
2. Проведение игры.
The first round.
If you answer the question right and the first, you will get a star.
На экране - таблички с формулами времён английского глагола.
- Look at the screen!
№1 am, is, are Ving | №2 Ved (V 2) | №3 am, is, are was, were Vз will be |
№4 shall will V | №5 V (Vs) | №6 have, has Vз |
1. Show the number that illustrates Future Simple. (4)
2. Show the number that illustrates Passive Voice. (3)
3. Show the number that illustrates Present Perfect (6)
4.Регулярное действие, происходящее всегда, часто или иногда. (5)
5. Действие длится в настоящий момент времени. (1)
6. Действие, которое произошло в прошлом. (2)
7. For me Novoshakhtinsk will always be the best place in the world. (4)
8. She went on a tour round Siberia last month. (2)
9. Have you ever read an English newspaper or magazine? (6)
Teacher: The first was… Number … is correct.____ is getting a star.
The second round.
Find the odd word
1.Where do people usually spend their holidays?
- at the seaside
- in prison
- in the country
- in their native town
- in the foreign country
- in the mountains
2.What places of interest do tourists usually visit?
- a museum
- a gallery
- a church
- a theatre
- a square
- an award
3.What kind of transport do people use in a big city?
- an underground
- a bus
- a taxi
- a trolley-bus
- a spaceship
- a car
4. Which of the adjective doesnʾt describe travelling by train?
1. upset
2. cheap
3. slow
4. safe
5. noisy
6. comfortable
5. And what things should tourists take?
1. a ticket
2. first aids
3. money
4. population
5. a suitcase
6. clothes
5. There are the five most commonly spoken languages in the world.
1. Hindi
2. English
3. French
4. Russian
5. Spanish
6. Chinese
Teacher: Raise your signal card! The first was…Number … is correct. ____ is getting a star.
The third round.
Teacher: There are symbols of the countries on the screen.
1) red rose 2) a thistle 3) a shamrock
4) a daffodil 5) the bald eagle 6) maple leaf
- What is the national symbol of Scotland? (2)
- What is the national symbol of England? (1)
- What is the national symbol of Ireland? (3)
- What is the national symbol of Canada? (6)
- What is the national symbol of the USA? (5)
- What is the national symbol of Wales? (4)
Teacher: Raise your signal card! The first was…Number … is correct. ____ is getting a star.
Teacher: This is the end of the third round. Count your stars. One participant who has fewer stars has to leave the game. Iʾm sorry. You are leaving our game.
(1 участник с наименьшим количеством звезд выбывает из игры)
The fourth round.
Riddle countries
Teacher: Guess the name of the countries. Listen to the speaker and be very attentive! Put on your headphones! (Лингафонное оборудование)
ALISON: My country is a country and a continent. It's the sixth largest country in the world.
Because of its geographical position, our summer is from December to February, and our winter — from June to August.
My country is famous for its native animals: the kangaroo, the koala, the dingo and the emu. The kangaroo and the emu can be regarded as the symbols of our country.
The 2000 summer Olympic Games were held in my country.
The largest and the most beautiful cities of my country are Sydney, Melbourne and its capital — Canberra.
Teacher: Raise your signal card! The first was…Number … is correct. ____ is getting a star.
SAM: My country is situated in North America. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
My country is large and famous.
Who in the world has not heard of the Niagara Falls and the Mississipi, General Motors and Microsoft, Hollywood and Las Vegas, Mc Donald's and Coca Cola?
The capital of my country is Washington.
Teacher: Raise your signal card! The first was…Number … is correct. ____ is getting a star.
MELISSA: I am from an island country in Western Europe. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north, by the Irish Sea-in the east, by the North Sea — in the west. It's twice smaller than France or Spain. But its capital is one of the world's biggest cities.
Sometimes my country is called the UK for short. The Head of the country is Queen Elizabeth II.
Most big towns have either a university or a college.
There are 91 Universities in my country. The most famous and the oldest are Cambridge and Oxford.
I'd like to go and study in one of them one day.
Teacher: Raise your signal card! The first was…Number … is correct. ____ is getting a star. Now let's count the stars. One participant who has fewer stars has to leave the game. P1 has … stars. P2 has … . P3 has … Iʾm sorry. ____, you are leaving our game. (1 участник с наименьшим количеством звезд выбывают из игры)
The fifth round.
Teacher: Take the cards № 1. Put in THE if need.
Travelling around ___ world is fantastic. Sometimes I imagine myself climbing mountains in ___ Asia or in America. I often dream of fishing in ___ long and deep rivers of ___ Russian Federation, watching ____ penguins in ___ Antarctica, or breaking through ___ jungles of ___ South America. I also think of visiting __ China, ___ United States, Spain and ___ Netherlands some time in future. But you know what? For me ___ Novoshakhtinsk will always be ____ best place in ___ world. Because all my family and my ___ best friends live there! |
Ответы отдаются жюри на проверку.
The musical pause
Teacher: And we will listen to the “Song around the world”
Teacher: Now let's count the stars. One participant who has fewer stars has to leave the game. P1 has … stars. P2 has … . P3 has … Iʾm sorry. ____, you are leaving our game.
(1 участник с наименьшим количеством звезд выбывают из игры)
The sixth round.
Teacher: You will read the text about sightseeing in Washington and London. When you have guessed what it is raise your signal card. Try to be prompt and correct. Good luck!
Teacher: Read the first text! Raise your signal card! The first was….Number … is correct. ____ is getting a star.
- This is the beautiful home of every President except the first president. It is the oldest public building in Washington, DC and it has the most famous address in the USA – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It consists of 132 rooms. (the White House)
- It is the most famous of all historical building in London. There are a lot of interesting collections here. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. The ravens are another famous sight of ……(the Tower of London)
- It is the tallest building in Washington, DC and the most famous building in the USA, because this is where laws are made. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. (the Capitol)
- Here there are the tombs of many famous kings and queens, other famous people and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel. It is a royal church. It is …(Westminster Abbey)
- On the column in the center there is a statue of the great English seaman who defeated the French in 1805. This column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on its top located in …. (Trafalgar Square)
- It was built in new York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift to America from people of France. About 12 million immigrants passed through New York when they came to America. The first thing they saw after their long trip was it. It is Americaʾs symbol of freedom. (the Statue of Liberty)
Teacher: P1 has … stars. P2 has … . P3 has …
P3 has fewer stars than P1 and P2.
So, there are only 2 players at our final. Best wishes to you.
Final round.
Teacher: Now, you can see the word : “EXPERIMENTATION”
You must make up as many words as you can out of this word.
В это время видео-клип “Time is Nothing – Around the World”
It is time to continue. P2, you must read the first, because you have some stars (читают слова по очереди). You may call your friends. (Друзья помогают, зачитывают свои слова. Судьи следят, чтобы не было повторов, следят за буквами в слове).
3.Заключительный этап.
1) Награждение победителя.
Teacher: Fantastic! Well done! You are the winner of our game.
Now, we’ll give you the present.
Do you want to say some words?
Please, you are welcome.
Winner: The more you travel, the more you see! The more you travel, the more you learn! I’m very happy have won in this game. Thank you, my friends and my teacher for help!
2) Рефлексия.
Teacher: Dear friends! Stick your stars on our poster.
If you understand everything in the lesson, stick a yellow star.
If you understand something, stick a green star.
If you understand nothing and the lesson was difficult for you, stick a blue star.
Teacher: Dear friends! Our game comes to the end. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
“The world is the book, and those do not travel, read only a page”. Do you agree with me?
The English language is very useful. The English language is very important. Try to get only excellent marks in English. Good-bye. See you soon.
The card № 2.
Read the text about sightseeing in Washington and London. When you have guessed what it is raise your signal card.
- This is the beautiful home of every President except the first president. It is the oldest public building in Washington, DC and it has the most famous address in the USA – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It consists of 132 rooms.
- It is the most famous of all historical building in London. There are a lot of interesting collections here. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. The ravens are another famous sight of …
- It is the tallest building in Washington, DC and the most famous building in the USA, because this is where laws are made. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers.
- Here there are the tombs of many famous kings and queens, other famous people and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel. It is a royal church. It is …
- On the column in the center there is a statue of the great English seaman who defeated the French in 1805. This column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on its top located in ….
- It was built in new York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift to America from people of France. About 12 million immigrants passed through New York when they came to America. The first thing they saw after their long trip was it. It is Americaʾs symbol of freedom.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The more we learn different lands , the more we know each other!
The first r ound “Grammar”
№1 am, is, are Ving № 2 Ved ( V 2) № 3 1.to be, 2.was, were 3.will be №4 shall will V №5 V (Vs) №6 have, has V з V з
The second r ound “The odd word”
1. at the seaside 2. in prison 3. in the country 4. in their native town 5. in the foreign country 6. in the mountains Where do people usually spend their holidays?
1. a museum 2. a gallery 3. a church 4. a theatre 5. a square 6. an award What places of interest do tourists usually visit?
1. upset 2. cheap 3. slow 4. safe 5. noisy 6. comfortable Which of the adjective doesnʾt describe travelling by train?
What kind of transport do people use in a big city?
And what things should tourists take?
There are the five most commonly spoken languages in the world.
The third r ound “Symbols”
1) red rose 2) a thistle 3) a shamrock 4) a daffodil 5) the bald eagle 6) maple leaf
The fourth r ound “Riddle countries”
5.Australia 1.The United Kingdom 2.New Zealand 3.The USA 4.Canada 6.The Republic of Ireland
The sixth r ound “Sights”
1.The Capitol 2 . The Statue of Liberty 3 . The White House 4 . Trafalgar Square 5 . Westminster Abbey 6 .The Tower of London
The more you travel, the more you see! The more you travel, the more you learn!
The world is the book, and those who do not travel read only one page
The world is the book. So, let’s read it!
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