Учебно-методические материалы для 10 класса
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Презентации и разработки к урокам к учебнику "Solutions" Upper-Intermediate
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
When describing the picture, use a wide range of descriptive adjectives, both positive and negative. Positive adjectives: fascinating, amazing, exhilarating, fabulous, picturesque, exciting, enjoyable. Negative adjectives: tedious, boring, daunting, low-challenging, bland, repetitive, low-motivating.
When describing the picture, stick to the plan and use a variety of structures. Useful phrases: The picture shows…/You can see… in the picture./ There is/are… in the picture. I took this picture…while… The person/people in the picture is/are… Looking at it from his/her perspective, I would… He/she probably will…/He/she might… It seems/looks/appears to me that… As far as I can tell… I would say…
Stick to the plan the place of action, the time of action, the season of the year people’s description/the description of the place actions people’s feelings, emotions, behaviour , occupation if necessary general atmosphere in the picture your own feelings about the situation shown in the picture
The person/people in the picture is/are… People in the picture look happy/enthusiastic/excited/emotional because… The people in the picture seem sad/gloomy/disappointed/melancholic because… General atmosphere in the picture is positive/depressing because… I feel comfortable in this sit uation I enjoyed… I was greatly satisfied with… I got the impression of… Use a variety of structures
The action takes place in… In the picture I can see… The picture was taken in… On the right there is/are… In the left hand corner there is/are… In the foreground there is… There are… in the background… In the bottom/top part of the picture It’s quite obvious that the weather is… Use a variety of structures
Present Simple Present Perfect Past Simple Past Continuous Future Continuous I Wish… Tenses and grammar structures
TIP 1 Choose the picture which is easier for you to describe
Задание С5 You know, taking photos is my favorite hobby and I always take loads of photos wherever I go. And this one was taken last weekend. It was Saturday, we didn’t go to school and as we hadn’t seen each other for a long time, my best friend Kate and I decided to spend some time outdoors. You can see us relaxing in the park sitting on the grass in this picture.
The day is beautiful, the weather is lovely, Kate, the girl sitting on my left, looks really happy and she is smiling. In the background, you can see a man sitting in the shade of a big tree. It is rather hot, so we are wearing sleeveless tops and jeans because these are the most comfortable clothes for outdoor activities. In fact, the sun that day was so bright that we even managed to get some suntan. The day was so enjoyable, we were so relaxed and wanted to remember this day, that we asked a passer-by to take this photo for us. It seems to me that you’ve never met Kate, so this is a good chance for you to get the first impression of her. Isn’t she friendly? I reckon when you join us next time, you are bound to have lot of fun.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
adolescence – adolescent adult – adulthood infancy – infant toddler OAP (old age pensioner) the elderly youth bring up settle down
Euphemisms pass away – die to be between the jobs – unemployed low-income – poor mature – old plump - fat
Phrasal Verbs (up/down) put up with sb / sth set sth up hold sb / sth up do sth up own up (to sth ) get sb down cut down on sth put sth down to put sb down look down on sb tolerate confess establish (a business) delay renovate depress criticise attribute think that you are superior to reduce
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Against the odds = Despite difficult conditions odds – шансы odd – странный, необычный, случайный, непарный 1, 3, 5 are odd numbers.
1 ( disapproving ) lacking experience of life, knowledge or good judgement and willing to believe that people always tell you the truth 2 ( approving ) ( of people and their behaviour ) innocent and simple artless 3 ( technical ) ( of art ) in a style which is deliberately very simple, often uses bright colours and is similar to that produced by a child naive
having confidence in yourself and your abilities Self-confident ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ~ (of/towards sb / sth ) able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it 2 ~ (of sth ) ( of plants, animals or machines ) able to survive or operate in difficult conditions tolerant
1 giving or willing to give freely; given freely Generous -------------------------------------------------------- always thinking of other people's wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others Considerate ----------------------------------------------------- polite, especially in a way that shows respect courteous
1 happy, and showing it by the way that you behave 2 giving you a feeling of happiness Cheerful ---------------------------------------------- ( of a person or their character ) slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions Reserved ------------------------------------------- 1 not very large, expensive, important, etc . 2 ( approving ) not talking much about your own abilities or possessions modest
Personality Hot-headed Narrow-minded Sophisticated Grumpy Compliant Big-headed Dependable
Positive/neutral Negative Tolerant Big-headed Generous grumpy Considerate Argumentative Self-confident Hot-headed Outgoing insecure Level-headed Narrow-minded Courteous Tight-fisted Dependable thoughtless Cheerful Unreliable modest ill-mannered sophisticated
p130 inhibited inconsiderate jovial narrow-minded stubborn pretentious thoughtful unsystematic spontaneous unassuming broad-minded flexible superficial earnest methodical considerate
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit 2
I variant
Put the words : price, worth, cost, value, profit, bargain, debt
- He managed to get a good……for the car.
- A new computer system has been installed at a …… of 100000.
- If you answer this question correctly, it’s …….five points.
- We were poor but we never got into……
- The story has very little news ……..
- The car was a…….at that price.
- There isn’t much …… in running a restaurant these days.
- Обдирать кого-то
- Переплачивать
- Отложить деньги
- Драгоценный камень
- Экономный
- Бесценный (очень ценный)
- Состоятельный
- Down and out
- Clumsy
- Snivelling self-pity
- Mumble
- Fear
- Bug
- insult
II variant
Put the words : price, worth, cost, value, profit, bargain, debt
- It’s hard to stay out if …… when you are a student.
- Sports cars tend to hold their …..well.
- ….. from exports rose 7.3%.
- I’m only buying if it’s the right ……
- This museum is certainly ….. a visit.
- I picked up a good …. in the sale.
- I felt a need to please people, whatever the …. in time and energy.
- Сорить деньгами
- Заработать много денег
- Затянуть поясок
- Стоить много денег
- Экономический
- Прибыльный
- Никчемный, не имеющий стоимости
- Confess
- Dare venture
- Swallow
- Refrain
- Suburb
- Smuggle
- poverty
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Reading: forgotten pleasure? We should acknowledge from the start that, throughout human history, there have been examples of both good and bad attitude to books. The key question we need to answer is whether reading has lost its popularity today or not . (39)
My view is that…. My opinion is…. It is hard to deny… Firstly, it’s important to state that… Firstly,…. Secondly,…. Thirdly,…. Moreover,…. I believe…. First and foremost,… It is clear that… For example,….. Linking words
On the other hand,… However,…. For instance,… What is more,… Furthermore,…. It is also worth bearing in mind that… Having said that, it is true that… And yet,… Similarly,…. We should also remember (that)… Linking words
Summing up All in all,…. However, on balance, I believe that…. Even though…I would still maintain that… All things considered, I really do think that… While there are…., the vast majority…. To sum up,…
Comment on the following statement. Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan: − make an introduction (state the problem) − express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion − express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion − explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion − make a conclusion restating your position
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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