презентация "как писать личное письмо"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
презентация к уроку или консультации для учащихся 8-11 классов, которая содержит в себе основные правила написания личного письма
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Address and Date In the right upper corner: Ust-Ilimsk Irkutsk Region Russia September 7 th , 2013 Or 07/09/13 Dear N,
In the first paragraph you should thank your friend for the letter. Thanks (a lot) for your letter. Your letter was a real surprise! I was glad to get your letter. It was a pleasure to get a letter from you. It was great to hear from you. I was happy to know …..
You can apologize that you haven’t written for a long time and mention some facts from the letter. Sorry I haven’t written for so long but.. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long. I’m sorry that I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. I’m glad you’ve passed your History test! Sounds like you had a great time (in London). Great things about your …!
The main part (the body of the letter) You should write the answers on all the questions and ask yours (if it is necessary). It is supposed that it is an informal letter. That’s why you should use informal words and phrases: Well, anyway, by the way, so…
In the last paragraph you should explain why you are finishing the letter and tell about further contacts. Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show. Write back soon! Take care and keep in touch! Drop me a line when you can. Hope to hear from you soon!
Parting (red line) All the best, Sincerely oyurs, Your friend, Forever yours, All the best, Best wishes, Yours, Name.
This is a letter from your German pen-friend. … I find it a bit difficult to understand English grammar. What about you? Do you do grammar exercises? Do you think it is necessary to remember all grammar rules? Have you got any plans for the summer? I was thinking of going to a language school in the UK to improve my English. It would be a lot more fun if we went together. What do you think? Anyway, I have to go now as I’m helping my Dad with the shop. Hope to hear from you soon. All the best, Kerstin.
Task. Write back to Kerstin. In your letter answer her questions and ask 3 questions about the trip to London. Write 100-120 words.
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