Как писать личное письмо?
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1. We use contractions (I’ve, it’s, etc) in informal writing.
I’ve just seen the film you mentioned. It’s great!
2. We start and end letters in an informal way.
Dear + first name,
Lots of love,
Take care,
( + your name)
3. We don’t always write in complete sentences.
Sorry to hear about your dog.
4. We use informal vocabulary.
cool instead of impressive
5. We use direct questions.
Did you pass your Spanish exam?
6. We use the active voice more.
They’re pulling down the old theatre across the road.
7. We use informal connecting words and phrases.
Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about was the party last night.
8. We use exclamation marks.
I can’t wait to see you!
This is what an informal letter should look like.
Dear Tina,
Hi! How are you? I hope everything is okay. How were your exams? I bet you passed them all!
Thanks for your letter. I can’t believe you’ve been offered two summer jobs at the same time! You said that one of them was in a restaurant and the other in a museum. If I were you, I would definitely take the one in the restaurant.
The first thing is that you’ll be there in the summer. The last thing you want to do is spend the summer in the museum! Imagine how boring that would be! In a restaurant, you’ll meet people. It might be hard work, but it’ll be worth it. (I’ve got a cousin who works in a restaurant and he says it’s quite tiring, but he really enjoys it.)
The second thing is that you can probably eat at the restaurant. You said the pay was the same, but you might save money by eating there, so you’ll be better off!
Good luck with it, and I hope you make the right decision.
Write soon!
Lena (100-140 words)
Phrases for Conversation:
1. Introduction:
Well, as you know/remember...
Don’t you think it’s better to discuss it now/beforehand...?
Well, what I wanted to talk about is...
2. Contradiction:
I think, I’d prefer to go/V1 to...
In a way you are right, but...
I partly agree with you, but...
I’m afraid, I have to disagree, because...
To be honest, I haven’t thought about it before, but I think...
Well, I don’t really know much about it, but I imagine...
Well, the thing is ...I hate/ can’t stand +Ving...
I tend to think that...
It’s not as pleasant as you might think, because...
I’m not really sure, but I think... So, how about this?
Another thing is...
That’s right, but don’t you think that...
I’m not sure if I understand you ... Could you explain that, please?
Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said... Say it again, please...
3. Decision:
So, what decision shall we make?
So, what shall we choose finally?
What would you prefer finally?
To sum up, then, we choose...
It’s been nice talking to you.
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