Обобщающее повторение по теме "“Look at Teenage Problems: School Education”
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Лукошина Елена Александровна

Презентация к уроку № 78, 7 класс


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Слайд 1

Обобщающее повторение по теме “Look at Teenage Problems: School Education”

Слайд 2

A sk the tag-guestions: It took me ten minutes to get to school, …? My aunt didn’t punish my cousin two hours ago, …? It was sunny on Monday, …? Bob has been on Madame Tussaud’s museum, …? I have never been to the National Gallery, …?

Слайд 3

U se the Present, the Past and the Future Indefinite Passive. Mickey Mouse (to create) by Walt Disney. The letters (to send) every day. The story (to translate) tomorrow. Rice (to eat) with chopsticks in China. Roses (to grow) in greenhouses in winter? America (not to discover) in `1942. Disneyland (to open) in California in 1955. This film still (to show) regularly at the cinema. These papers (not to look) through in two hours. The problem (to discuss) next week? He (to meet) at the airport three hours ago.

Слайд 4

R ead the proverb using the code. 25 93,436 188 7013 18 73,069 I – 2; t – 1; s – 5; n – 9; e – 3; v – 4; r – 6; o – 8; l – 7; a – 0.

Слайд 5

T ranslate the sentences. If there is much snow in winter, we shall ski in the forest. If my parents came, I would ask them to help me. I would write the letter to my uncle if you didn’t want to do it. Helen will go to the shop if there isn’t any bread at home. If she were busy, you and your friends would plant the flowers.

Слайд 6

M ake the sentences. 1.Discovered, in, America, 1942, was. 2. In the morning, the newspaper, not, brought, is. 3.Monday, written, next, the letter, will be. 4. every, two, given, are, apples, day. 5. yesterday, photo, taken, that, was.

Слайд 7

H omework Ex. 138 P. 91

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