Тест к презентации на тему: "Education: Responsibilities in Education. School Education".
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Тест к уроеу на тему: "Education: Responsibilities in Education. School Education".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Education: Responsibilities in Education. School Education.
1) The USA lies within ### of out 7 climatic zones found on the Earth.
- a) 3;
- b) 6;
+ c) 4;
- d) 5.
2) The USA doesn’t enjoy ### climatic zone.
- a) temperate;
- b) tropical;
- c) subarctic;
+ d) subequatorial.
3) In the ### the climate resembles that of Spain.
- a) east;
- b) north;
+c) south-west;
- d) south-east.
4) In the ### the climate resembles that of Norway.
+ north.
5) The ### is responsible for warm winds, which blow along western shores and allow roses and fruit grow in Southern California in winter.
+ Japan Current.
6) The Labrador Current is very important for fish because ###.
+a) it is cold;
- b) it is warm;
- c) it flows westwards;
- d) it flows eastwards.
7) The ### create rain shadow effect.
- a) Appalachians;
+b) Cordilleras;
- c) Alps;
- d) Urals.
8) ### lies within 2 climatic zones – arctic and subarctic.
+ Alaska.
9) The ### zone is characterized by very cold and long winters, cold and short summers, and light precipitation.
- a) tropical;
+ b) arctic;
- c) temperate;
- d) subtropical.
10) Even in July the average temperature is barely above freezing in ###.
- a) Nevada;
- b) North Dakota;
+ c) Alaska;
- d) North Carolina.
11) Within the subarctic zone the area is covered with snow during ### months.
+ 7.
12) The central part of Alaska enjoys the ### climate which reminds that of north-eastern Siberia.
- a) arctic;
+ b) subarctic;
- c) temperate;
- d) equatorial.
13) Within the subarctic zone summers are short but hot because the climate is ###.
+ continental.
14) Central Alaska enjoys a ### subarctic climate, which is milder and wetter.
+ maritime.
15) The parts of the USA lying in the ### zone include the southern part of Alaska, the northern states of the USA proper.
+ temperate.
16) The USA is very vast so it enjoys ### climatic zones.
+ 5.
17) The average January temperature in within the ### zone rises from – 10’ C in the north to – 5 – 3’ C in the south.
+ a) temperate;
- b) arctic;
- c) tropical;
- d) subtropical.
18) Within the subtropical zone winters are ###.
- a) long and cold;
+ b) mild and short;
- c) mild and long;
- d) cold and short.
19) There are great climatic variations between different parts of the country within ### zone.
+ subtropical.
20) The eastern continental region is ###.
+ a) humid;
- b) dry;
- c) mild;
- d) cold.
21) In the Interior Plains dryness increases from ###.
+ a) east to west;
- b) west to east;
- c) south to north;
- d) north to south.
22) There are no forests in the farther west part of the Interior Plains but ###.
+ prairies.
23) Variations in the rainfall and climate within the Interior Plains, which lay within the ### zone, have an important effect upon people’s occupations.
+ subtropical.
24) Farther west in the Interior Plains the rain too small to grow crops and even grass is ###.
+ a) scanty;
- b) dry;
- c) thick;
- d) heavy.
25) Southern Texas and the southern half of Florida lay within the ### zone.
+ tropical.
26) In ### summer is a rainy season, and there are many winter resorts there.
+ a) Florida;
- b) Georgia;
- c) Alabama;
- d) Louisiana.
27) ### is a very violent wind in the form of a tall pipe of air that spins at great speed.
- a) hurricane;
+ b) tornado;
- c) dust storm;
- d) drought.
28) The most susceptible to hurricanes state is ###.
+ a) Florida;
- b) Wyoming;
- c) Arkansas;
- d) Utah.
29) In 2005 the ### hurricane destroyed several cities and caused many people die.
- a) Andrew;
- b) Ivan;
+ c) Katrina;
- d) Dana.
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