Контрольная работа для учащихся 7 класса к параграфу 3 “ Look at the Teenagers’ Problems: School Education”
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Употребление притяжательных местоимений в абсолютной форме, инфинитив с частицей и без частицы to, различение глаголов в активном и пассивном залоге.
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Контрольная работа для учащихся 7 класса к параграфу №3“ Look at the Teenagers’ Problems: School Education”
I. Choose a correct variant:
1. Listen, you must _____ your parents about it immediately.
Tell, to tell
2. No, I ______ do it tomorrow.
Mustn’t, don’t must
3. She must ______ it.
Remembers, remember, to remember
4. ______ study English every day?
Do me must, must we
5. She ______ look after her little sister.
Has to, have to, haves to
6. People mustn’t ______ lessons of history.
Forget, to forget
7. Must I come here on weekends? – Yes, ______.
You do, you must
II. Change the sentences according to the model.
E.g. I) I buy this book spending a lot of money.
You should not buy the book.
2) I do not buy that book.
You should buy the book.
1. So I take the child to the cinema. 2. We do not wait for them because it is beginning to rain. 3. I do not explain to her how to get here. 4. I’m afraid I ate too much cake with my tea. 5. I buy a pair of red shoes to go with my new dress. 6. I have not seen the film, and now it is too late because it is no longer on.
III. Transform the sentences from Active into Passive Voice.
Example: I translate the text. – The text is translated by me.
1 They show this film every week.
2 Mother made a beautiful dress.
3 Bob has broken the window today.
4. Nick will invite me to the party next week.
IV. Choose the right variant.
1. “ Romeo and Juliet”… William Shakespeare
a)write; b) wrote c) is written
2.“Oliver Twist” and “Domby and Son” … by Charles Dickens.
a)is written; b)are written; c)were written
3. In 1926 the theatre … by fire.
a)is destroyed; b) was destroyed; c) destroyed
4.The shop … at nine every day.
a) is opened b) was opened c) will be opened
5. William Shakespeare … in Stratford-upon-Avon.
a) were born b) is born c) was born
6. The English language …. all over the world.
a) speak b) was spoken c) is spoken
7. Jane Austen … in the Bath between 1800 and 1806.
a) lived and worked b) was lived and worked c)live and work
8. Yesterday I … a very interesting book.
a)read b) am reading c) am read
9. William the Conqueror …the Tower of London in the 11th century.
a) build b) built c) was built
10. Columbus … America.
a) discovered b) discover c) is discovered
11. Italian … in Italy.
a) are spoken b) is spoke c) is spoken
12. Da Vinci … the Mona Lisa
a) painted b) is painted c) paint
V. Choose the correct variant
1. ____ car is much cheaper than _____ .
a) Me … you, b) my …yours, c) mine … yours
2. Little Jane doesn’t like _____ new dress.
a) She, b)her, c) hers
3. Now all your problems are solved. Help us with _____ .
a)Our, b) ours, c) their
4. The cat is eating _____ food with pleasure.
a) His, b) her, c) its
5. Friend of _____ tells very funny stories.
a) Mine, b) my, c) me
6. Jack always helps _____ wife to look after _____ children.
a) hers … our, b) his …their, c)he … ours
7. This is _____ aunt and _____ new husband.
a) mine … his, b) my … her, c) me … hers
8. She is not as clever as that friend of _____ .
a)Her, b)hers, c)heir
9. Speaking about your new watch, _____ price is higher than _____ quality.
a) their … their, b) his… his, c)its ... its
10. Look, it’s Frank! _____ way of thinking is as unusual as those clothes of _____ .
a)his ... his, b)he … its, c)its … he
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